Considering to buy it for my DS since I can't play FE8 and my iPhone for now. Considering actually using my 3DS.
How good is this game?
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One of the best rpgs I've played in a long time.
Top tier MC. Great OST. Fun battle system. Solid plot.
pretty solid title
the sprites are nice, the battle system is fun and the story makes you want to keep playing to see what happens next
best song:
Aht is best girl but that bad end where she goes yandere as fuck for the MC was creepy as hell.
Cool, I guess I'll buy it then (ain't that expensive anyway), thanks!
Hope you enjoy it. It plays like a bad end collector through trial and error. I was personally never able to get the true ending. The soundtrack is absolutely amazing thanks to Yoko Shimomura.
You'll feel the game gets easy mode when you get Aht and her traps but don't neglect the rest of your party members since most bosses take the whole grid and you can't trap or move them.
The fuck? Shimomura on the OST? Nice!
The 5 piano versions of game tracks that came with the game are fantastic.
Aht is perfection and Stocke is a top tier MC that doesn't take shit and gets things done.
He gets told the shocking twist of the game and replies with "Oh I knew all that already"
Did I mention Aht is perfection?
I really liked this song, this version is pretty but gives a totally different mood than the original.
Feels hopeful instead of ominous.
She's really adorable.
Raynie was super cute as well and Rosch and Galka were ultimate bro tier.
Marco is a bit of a weenie but still dece.
>The ost glorious
>the story fucking great
>characters with a soul
>a villain with a face and a reason, not a evil entity that wants to end the world because of reasons
if this was a snes or a ps1 game, meaning if it was just a bit bigger, it would have praised just as much as CT/Final Fantasy
It is pretty great game, perfect plot and nearly perfect gameplay. The only complain I have is reskin boss (the executioner guy, spider etc), you never got a chance to fight two major antagonists despite actually have chance to do so, and two melee party member are pretty lackluster (though it mean you get to use three cute girls more often, though, and one...midget?
What is a Marcoh anyway?)
> What is a Marcoh anyway?
A psychopath dwarf. Those fucking bad endings really showed you who your party members truly were. They all betray or fuck you over if given the opportunity.
I think it's one of the best turn-based jrpgs. The story and characters are solid and keep you interested and motivated to continue. The story is largely linear, which I think is good as it allows you to follow the narrative and for the gameplay to be balanced, plus the time travel gimmick makes backtracking work well and especially well for the various side quests. The two timelines, side quests and npcs and stuff really contribute to the worldbuilding. There's no random battles and visible enemies are easily avoided, plus there are a ton of mandatory story battles. The story battles are fantastic as the game has a really good combat system, which is fairly simple to understand yet can result in quite a bit of strategy. Assuming you don't grind, the game is designed so you will end up using vastly different party setups and different tactics in the fights you encounter, as each party member has their own strengths and weaknesses (except rosch who normally ends up underlevelled but is apparently really good if you're a retard and just want to grind instead of using your brain). The music is also really good.
So yeah it's a great game.
That's not true at all, radiant historia is great but it didn't have much of a budget and it shows (e.g. recolored recycled enemies). Not to mention the complete lack of marketing, which is the main reason why CT and Final Fantasy are so beloved.
>time travel
Holy fucking shit you have summoned my biggest Pet Peeve trope.
It's done pretty well. You only visit moments you personally experienced.
No fucking with far past and future. You just get a second chance to fix stuff you fuck up.
I want that ending.
Shame no sequel or series was made.
Aht a cute.
Fuck that mission where you gather firewood though.
Just want to know, is there even a chance for this to get a remaster or something?
Because if that isn't possible, I'm just really gonna play it now. I've heard that this game is like one of the hidden best rpg games ever or something that no one knows.
Atlus remasters everything. Eventually. But you should play it, it's relatively short anyway.
>played this when it came it out and can't remember jackshit about it
>didn't think it was anything special at the time
>people talking about it like it's the second coming of Christ
And it's not just this thread, I've heard it an awful lot over the last few weeks. Guess I should give it a 2nd chance.
Was the qt princess usable? I liked her design but I don't think I gave her a chance as a unit.
Everyone is usable. The game is piss easy.
>that bad end where Marco kills the entire party
>Cutie lancer confesses to you
>You say sure why not?
>Live a happy and comfy life with your new waifu
>World dies
>Go back in time and get back to work after a nice break
Stocke had it made.
Her guns are a trap. She's your best mage (not including aht traps) by far and should be spamming magic every chance she gets.
> you fucked with my waifu, now I will fuck you!
let's be completely honest here: 90% of these bad endings were plain retarded
If you don't like it, that's OK. I think it's great but if you don't like strategic jrpg gameplay or you care about good graphics I can see why someone might not like it as much.
Fun as fuck combat with more depth than it lets on. It will really have you starving for magic in the long run, but it's balanced really well.
A great, likable protagonist who is perhaps the first case ever of a JRPG-soldier actually acting like a real god damn soldier. Sidecast is alright, with some nice sweater-meat, but nothing more.
Plot and overarching story is by far the game's worst aspect though. Without spoiling anything there are tons of things that are never explained and rather large plotholes which are never filled.
I'm really struggling to think of a better jrpg protag.
It's all subjective of course, but Stocke is a really cool, likable and down-to-earth military agent. Nothing he ever does feels too out of character to be unbelievable.
What's-her-name-spear-girl was nice to look at too.
Stocke is cool because they managed to do the "hurt" and quiet MC right for a change. He very clearly has had shit go down his past that effected him in a big way, he very clearly tries to keep people at arms length but he does it without being a whiny cunt
I like how Stocke's use of the White Chronicle is written to mirror the player's, aka he willingly does stupid illogical shit just on the slight off chance that it'll work.
He still obviously cares about them though. Imagine all the suffering he went through to eventually end up with the best timeline.
Gotcha. I remember it was pretty difficult, but I was probably rushing through it like a retard.
I don't like standard turn-based jrpg combat, but I remember it wasn't that at all. And I love sprites, so the graphics are right up my alley.
>Plot and overarching story is by far the game's worst aspect though. Without spoiling anything there are tons of things that are never explained and rather large plotholes which are never filled.
Could you elaborate more? Just mark spoilers
>A great, likable protagonist who is perhaps the first case ever of a JRPG-soldier actually acting like a real god damn soldier.
Stocke's good but come on, there's plenty of other good jrpg protagonists.
Dude play it. You will probably never find a better jrpg protagonist
Aht's mines are top fucking tier and carried me through the whole game.
Wein isn't particularly good, he was just a guy on the wrong line of work trying to do his job properly.
Good writing, possibly the best turn-based battle system I've every played. Recommended.
>Have only Stocke and Aht in party
>"Ah no big deal I have traps"
>mfw this asshole shows up
This game had the "good battle system curse" for me
>actually enjoy battle system in an rpg
>actively seek out combat
>get way overlevelled
I wish this game had a hard mode.
Should I skip playing Bowser's Inside Story and Bravely Default then? I remembered just after posting this that I got those (BD borrowed) and I haven't played them either.
I had the opposite issue, spamming bombs then bullying enemies into them got old after a while
You mean Aht's things? Yeah they seemed a bit overpowered.
>see this game in a nintendo magazine ages ago
>it says it's good but it becomes boring after a while
Is there any truth to that? I've always been interested in it since seeing it, and actually got a chance to buy the cartridge a few months ago. But it was somewhere around $20 for just the cart, so I passed.
>tfw got this game on the first print
Good stuff.