Did you ever get so mad at a video game that you broke the controller or even the console itself?

Did you ever get so mad at a video game that you broke the controller or even the console itself?

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I'm an adult (for the most part)

My older brother was like that, and I guess it taught me a valuable lesson early on; getting mad at videogames makes you look like a huge fucking idiot.

One time while I was playing super Mario sunshine at my friend jeffery Lee's house his sister came into the room and unplugged the game cube while we were trying to beat the big ducks on the mirror and he got so mad that he snapped his Charleston chew right in half

And the wrapper half it FELL ON THE CARPET

when I was younger I was I was trying to do the SSX Tricky challenges, and one of them was to do a certain trick X times in a run. The trick was on like R1 or something. So I'm on my third run just trying to do the one trick, and it isn't registering for whatever reason, so I hit the R1 as hard as I fucking could and the button came straight out of the controller. I quit trying to do the challenges after that.

Was she hot?

No, I tend to bite myself sometimes though when I'm really angry

No, In most situation when someone would get mad at a game, I get really sad instead.

I broke one 360 controller by throwing it in a fit of rage and countless mice while losing online

>I tend to bite myself sometimes though when I'm really angry

One time I heard that's a sympton of

no, I'm not autistic

I only get mad when I do badly in an easy game, when I'm playing something like Dark Souls I never get many no matter how many times I die on a certain part, can't really explain why this happen.

She walked around without a shirt on a lot and didn't care if I saw her boobies.

I might be fucked up in some ways but I'm pretty sure I don't have schizophrenia

I do hear voices sometimes crowds of people when I'm falling asleep though,

Everybody hear voices user, it's when they tell you to do something that you should worry.

Only ever once as an adult. I threw my arcade stick at the wall after I got perfected by a double capo team in Tekken Tag Tournament 2 online. The netcode in that game was complete fucking ass man. I hope Tekken 7's is better.

I also once broke a PS1 controller after losing to my older brother on Bushido Blade 10 times in a row.

That stick got like 200% cooler when it broke.

I did throw my N64 controller on the floor once as a kid. It didn't break though, shit was pretty robust.

Also, around that time, I remember hitting the reset button when I was losing hard in Mario Party.

I quickly realized that being a sore loser is lame as fuck for the other player.

And that's when I forever stopped being a whiny little cunt.

The end.

looks pretty sweet desu desu

Ive only ever gotten violently angry at fighting games.
I don't know what it is about them considering I never get angry about other games but fighting games literally make me go into roid rage.
Ive punched holes through walls, broken doors, smashed mirrors, and hit myself repeatedly over losing in fighting games.
I don't know why I go into such a fucking autistic rage about them so that is why I avoid them as they are not fun and losing my shit like that is not right.

No, if I cant pass the game its because of my lack of skill. I use my anger as motivation to not give up, not break things.
Salty fags are the worst.

It makes sense that fighting games make people the most angry. It's one on one and skill-based. YOU LOSE appears in big letters when you fail, adding salt to the wound. It can get especially frustrating when your opponent beats you with gimmicks and lag or when you're just not playing at your peak for whatever reason. The anger builds up, making you play worse, thus making you even more angry.

I just punish a random prisioner from my rape dungeon.

No, because i actually enjoy playing video games.

I don't get mad at video games

No because im not a sperg lord

...sometimes i'll slap my knee but that's about as much rage as I ever let out

No because i'm not twelve.

Yes, dozens of times.

Is this him?

One time that I can remember.

>be me
>playing BF3
>it was during a period where the game wasn't as polished so there were a ton of bugs
>playing TDM
>getting ass handed to me
>start using unlocked gun
>no upgrades on it so I'm getting raped even worse then before
>start getting butthurt
>spawn infront of enemy
>gun hasn't downloaded
>my avatar is literally weaponless in a FPS
>get killed
>completely lose it

At this point I'm so angry that I unplug my controller go outside my house and start bashing the controller on concrete. I usually regret when I commit things out of anger but not this time

>I send a long email to dice calling them faggots and demanding a brand new controller

Someone explain this autistic shit to me?

>At a retro swap-meet/con
>Hangin' out in this guys' booth, lookin' through his games
>a nu-male lookin', Youtube ""Collector"" tier faggot comes over to a table full of controllers
>"I guess I should buy some of these as backup. Y'know, when you get mad and you break you controller?"
>No. Not really...
>"What? You don't ever just jam the buttons as hard as you can or try and snap it in half?"
>No. I don't understand why you would do that. I don't get that upset over video games.
>"You're just not taking it serious enough, man."
>I usually take pretty good care of my shit.
>He goes silent and kind've wanders off.

I've smashed

>a variety of controllers
>a couple game discs
>three consoles
>a tv

in my entire gaming career, and they were fits of sheer rage

is everything this kid does staged? He breaks so much stuff

>no upgrades on it so I'm getting raped even worse then before

I know that feel

>grinding new gun
>ironsights suck dick

>Talking about raging and breaking shit
Even as someone who used to go through controllers pretty quickly I don't understand this. I was always ashamed of it and covered it up as much as possible by hiding the pieces and shit.

No, i've thrown a couple controllers but only at pillows/beds/couches.

I was poor growing up and it was made clear to me that broken games/controllers/consoles would not be replaced.

My Dad once got angry at me for reasons I can't recall and kicked my Gamecube into the wall so hard it broke both the wall and the system. He bought me a replacement Xbone 360 to make up for it though.

The sad part is, I probably deserved it, I was a little smart-ass faggot and I treated my parents like shit. I've always felt bad about it and I try to spend as much time as possible with Dad to make up for all the shit I put him through.


When I was a kid/teenager. By now I've learned how to control my anger to a greater degree.

That's as big a mystery to me as how many licks it takes to the center of a tootsie pop.


My older brother broke several things, slammed holes in 3 IKEA tables too. At least he's slightly calmer now at 26.
Playing anything with him gets awful really fast though because of his temperament though, I don't get what the point of actually getting angry from playing games is. Sure, you can get pissed at a player and continue playing the game, but if you get angry at the game you might as well just quit it. Being salty and actually getting angry are two different things though, and he certainly belongs in the latter category.

Nope, I do start yelling though.

One time I threw an xbox controller through some kids plasma screen tv after he sword killed me then teabagged my body on halo 2. It was the first time I ever got drunk, ended up running out the door and all the way home over 2 miles.

Other day I got mad and punched my ps4, hard, on the top. Now it won't turn on. Hoping I just juggled something loose internally and can be popiped bavk in place but I'm not tech savvy. Any thoughts? No physical damage as far as I can see, and the blue light comes on, but then it shuts down completely.

No because I am not a kid anymore.

I remember one of my last anger moments
>playing tf2
>on achievement server
>trying to get some sentry achievement for engie
>a guy keeps trolling me by standing in the way and killing the sentry
>literally ape smash my fists down on top of keyboard
>keys fly everywhere
>spent days looking to get all the keys back
>keyboard actually still worked after

now I just stop playing if I get agitated at a game but it's only happened on singleplayer games like dark souls 3 lately

he said it was some kid that just watches youtubers all day so that kid probably sees them play autistically and that's literally his only social interaction nowadays besides youtube comments and twitch chat so he thinks it's ok to bring it up irl

I counted once and it took over 300 to get to the tootsie part iirc.


I once punched my bed in anger caused by a game. That was more than ten years ago, and I'm still ashamed for it.

No I only did that when I was a kid and the nintendium used in older nintendo consoles was indestructible.

No the worst I've ever done was break an already busted pair of headphones. Got pissed off after a match and just took them off and snapped them. One ear had given out weeks before I broke them and I had been putting off replacing them. The incident kind of served as an excuse to force myself to. I'm not going to let my anger make me destroy anything of real value.

>be 6
>mom buys psx
>brings me to game store
>buys pic related
>box art looks so god damn cool
>go home
>play for two hours
>destroy controller because I keep falling in lava
>mom takes psx privileges away

that was the only time. im 22 and an adult now so i dont do that childish shit anymore.

No, because I'm not a adhd faggot

for anyone who cares, once time while we were playing windwaker she walked in, took her pants off, propped herself up against the bed, spread her legs in air with her asshole spread out wide out. she took one of those child medicine syringes that shoots cough syrup into a kids mouth things and shot a mixture of heroin and water into her butthole.

I got up and looked her right in the brown eye. she had this one weird looking butthole hair that curled and I got ahold of it with my teeth and pulled it out. it caused her butthole to pucker up really tight which shot a mixture of poo water and heroin all over my face. i've never quite been the same ever since.

No, but I broke many keyboards.

damn user thats hot af

this legit gave me a boner


Include this post in the screen cap. We're going to reach levels of meme magic we didn't even know were possible.


(guys i have a [s]boner[/s])

No because im not Harambe or a family member of his.

holy shit im dying DYING I SAY DYING!!!!

Does she have any known mental issue?

no just a heroin addiction that she felt wasn't a problem because she wouldn't use needles, she'd just snort it or put it in her sweet little brown leather doughnut

no, if I'm getting frustrated at not being able to beat something, i'll just take a 10 or so minute break, then if i still can't beat it I play something else. I've never got actually full blown mad at a video game.

Looks like it was made that way, the image reflected in the "cracks" is barely distorted and the crack going over the T in Tekken doesn't show over it.

But why would you eat the fucking doughnut though

>young lad
>have shitty tetris handheld
>for some reason if keeps givign line pieces
>legit over 100 in a row and no signs of stopping
>decide to be cheeky
>make giant line tower
>all the way to he top baby!
>accidentally rotate newest line piece
>game over myself
>instantly overcome with intense rage the likes of which I had never experienced
>break that fucking piece of shit
>break it good
>calm down three seconds later

It was incredible. I knew it was frustrating, but I don't know why I snapped and got so amazingly fucking buttbothered about it, I never did that sort of stuff before, and afterwards I couldn't understand where that impulse came from since it totally vanished.

No, I get sad and cry. If anything my controller will mess up from the amount of tears it absorbs.

Why are you sad, user?

That's adorable

>$130 gaming mouse
>$90 gaming mouse
>$60 gaming mouse
>$95 gaming keyboard
>$60 gaming keyboard
Now only buy cheap keyboard+mouse combos to save money.

I think I left my pants in the closet. Oh wait, silly me, they are on the floor

i've never gotten angry enough at video games to the point i would break something. they're just games ffs
i get mildly annoyed at worst

These threads are always total

I broke my G230s while playing arma 3
Good cuz I bought myself G430s bit better

What happened to your mom?

>Sucking so much at vidya you get mad

fucking lel.

I value my stuff
stupid bitch