Nintendo Go (NX)

Nintendo Go

Release: March 24, 2017

Confirmed Launch Titles
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
WarioWare: Off Rails
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo Go (Wii U version + 3DS stages, trophies etc + all DLC, Ice Climbers and Inkling included)
Super Mario Maker Deluxe

Launch Window Games (Basically could release from April 2017-December 2017, but many of these will probably be delayed)
HD Classics: Metroid Prime
HD Classics: Super Mario Sunshine
HD Classics: F-Zero GX (includes AX)
Pikmin 4
amiibo Warriors (developed by Koei Tecmo)
Super Mario (3D platformer)
Mario Strikers Offside
Beyond Good & Evil 2 (Nintendo published in cooperation with Ubisoft)
Splatoon (Wii U enhanced port)
Custom Robo X

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you know, it's not nice to lie on the internet, user

At least have the decency to use the actual company logo next time.

Seriously friends, I've said it before and I will say it again, it's too fucking early for this shit.

Nintendo first party games are normalfag garbage

>Custom Robo X
Just like getting another Battle Network series it will never happen
Life sucks

Don't forget this leak

So when do you think they'll announce it?
Do your sources have anything to say?

i fucking wish
monster hunter fucking NEEEEEDS high resolution
it's practically unplayable without a high FOV, and there's only so much FOV you can put on a 10-pixel 3DS screen

I almost believe it based on all the re-releases and rehashed shit.

As I've said prior, most of my old contacts have either gone, or don't have any new info. I don't pull shit like people like Emily Rogers sometimes do.

It truly is too early to tell. Feels uncommon nowadays, but it isn't exactly new when it comes to Nintendo.

that's mho

why do all these lists leave out the sonic game which is the only game other than zelda that's actually confirmed

Will the buttons and circle pad be interchangeable?

not a Nintendo game

>wario ware not wario 5
>hd classics

You've already lost me

>Complaining about Wario Ware

>Even though there's been no new Wario Ware in SIX years

Well fuck you too buddy.

Pokemon has also been confirmed for sometime within the first 6 months.

>Custom Robo X

In his defense, there hasn't been a Wario Land in like 8 years.

>HD Classics: Super Mario Sunshine

fuck I wish this wasn't a lie

Even if this was real I still wouldn't be excited, there's nothing on this list I want except maybe Pikmin 4

Smash already has trophies though
both as in trophy statues and achievement systems

>HD Classics
ahahah you stupid baitposter

Pretty much my thoughts exactly, minus pikmin...never really got into it.

They're going to ruin the new Zelda somehow.

Wario ware is meh, would rather have a new wario land that doesn't suck ass.

Smash has been garbage since Brawl

The excite series is dull and dead

Mario maker deluxe will probably just piss me off and feature shit we shoulda got with the first game.

>Battle Network

Every Wii U port they release is going to feel like a slap in the face to me, honestly. I bought all the Smash DLC. I bought Mario Maker and Splatoon. How could they come out with definitive versions just a couple years later on a brand new console? I'll have to miss out on the new content, or pay for everything twice over.

>Custom robo X


Smash 4 is never getting Ice Climbers.
No, the NX won't change this. Nothing will change this. Smash 4 is done with new characters. Inkling is cool, but it just isn't happening. Sakurai has said he is done with that game, let him finally move on to something else now.

This. I want another fucking Wario platformer. I wouldn't mind a 3D one.

fake as fuck but let's double down.

>smash for go
there is literally no reason why they would re-release a Smash game. not even fucking Brawl got re released. and if it were, they wouldn't give more DLC for it. and hell no would they have new characters. Sakurai's health is in the shitter.

The only way I could excuse Wii U ports is if the NX doesn't end up with backwards compatibility. And if that ends up the case, of course it would be smart to port the most popular Wii U titles, but knowing Nintendo they wouldn't be enhanced or anything like that. Maybe have better graphics, but that's as far as it would get.

So lets get this out of the way.
On the day that Nintendo loses free online, how are you going to take it?

Personally, it will be the end of me buying Nintendo consoles. I've had a lot of fun with Splatoon and Mario Kart 8, but if playing those online isn't free, its not worth it.

Nintendo losing free online ONLY matters if they resume getting Call of Duty. if they don't get CoD after free online, then it doesn't matter because I literally do not play games online.

if they do, then it's a good thing because I can finally ditch Sony/Microsoft shit consoles so I can play my MP title.

I haven't paid for online to anyone yet. I didn't play Live on 360, I never bought Plus on PS3. I haven't bought a PS4 or Xbone.

I'm not sure. I don't think I'd buy the subscription. Mario Kart and Smash online aren't worth continual payment, not by a longshot.

Who else thinks the NX is gonna be fine? I mean, they've got WB, SE, Activision, and Ubisoft on board, maybe EA, that's decent third-party support. And if the NX is a hybrid, then people and devs won't care that much that it's not as powerful as the other consoles as long as it's in the ballpark. And if it's a normal console, it'll be as powerful as current-gen, fine again. Add to that Nintendo games. The NX will inevitably be, in a way, a GameCube 2.

This would kill Mario Maker so hard.

>Talking smack about Battle Network

Get fucked nigga

Every third party was on board at the launch of the Wii and Wii U. Wii's "third party support" turned into never ceasing shitware games, and the Wii U's evaporated after 3 months.

Time will tell whether their commitment means anything

they do not, absolutely do not have any third party support. look at the Wii U. they had all those companies including EA on board...for a month or two. then everyone pulled out. don't kid yourself, kid. NX will be a dedicated Nintendo Machine.

Is this the same Mona tripfag of Black Friday fame?

>don't kid yourself, kid
Do you play reaper in overwatch?

i don't play overshit.

The Gamecube is considered to be a failure by NIntendo. In fact, it was during that generation that a lot of people started leaving Nintendo and going to the Xbox for Halo 1, and the PS2 for a cheap DVD player that was guarenteed games. The Gamecube was their last attempt at going with a power console, and it exploded in their faces.

OP, don't do this to me. You're only going to hurt me when this amazing line-up doesn't happen...

You're forgetting DQ XI, that's also confirmed for NX

It won't get Western Third Party support except for around launch and it'll be fine without it. The 3DS was a success with just Nintendo's First Parties and Japanese Third Parity games. There's no reason why the NX can't have the same type of success, especially with Nintendo's developers only having to develop games for one system and don't have to split resources now.

>buying nintendo only for porta potty (free) online pew pew

too bad the core audience (read: the japs, not you)
play mobile shit and the 3ds

you have no say in this, just accept a 3ds version and hope to god they don't make monhun go

>reading all this shit
>ok, whatever
>last one
>Custom Robo X


Good point, and I agree. I don't think it would be worth Nintendo to start charging for online unless they can get big name third party online games such as Call of Duty. I hope it never happens, but I do have my fears.
Same here. I have never paid for online, and I never will.
Another good point towards it not happening, thanks. Yeah, Mario Maker would be ruined if they charged online for it.

It'd be nice to own the PS4 slim that isn't the Neo, alongside whatever the NX is.

>HD Classics: F-Zero GX (includes AX)
Considering the Gamecube release had the AX content I'd say yeah no shit. Like I know these are always fake posts but you could at least try.

So I assume you have/had contacts, then my question would be 'are there no leaks because they don't know or because nda?' Would be nice if you could answer that.

Op here an advice. How to spot these fake leaks early isn't that difficult. If there are many things on that leaks, that some people on the internet wish for then it is fake

For the trophies, he probably meant as in having all the statues in one game. Like the stages, certain trophies only appear in 3DS and some in Wii U.


>no Sonic R 2

i hope gonintendo sues them if true

>custom robo x

It's literally too good to be true

>no Metroid

I actually believe it

>Mona Fan

Doesn't him being around usually mean Nintendo announcement really are happening?

I'm always here, I just try my best to use the trip only when doing generals, anthology threads, music projects, tech threads, or keeping the peace, etc...

And trust me, I've been doing this for years, and have seen it many a time before. All these NX rumors and supposed leaks? Most of it is absolutely non-news regurgitated to give sites ad hits, the rest is a smidgen of educated guesses and no leads. It's kind of like what happened right before the DSi. We knew something was up, but there were like no leads.

This isn't like the road to 3DS and Wii U, no, this is more like that.

Most educated/possible lead? IF it is something that could be deemed a hybrid console, then it most certainly would have an Nvidia mobile chipset at the core, or at least be based on one. The one thing that most outlets gloss over though is the fact that the Nvidia Shield Tablet 2 has been apparently canned due to "business reasons". In my opinion, that would be smoke for a possible fire. But again, the wait sucks, but we need to wait before things get really, really out of control.

Do you have a twitter or site or something?

I do, don't hate me.


Don't be a stranger Mona, you've more than earned the use of your trip over the years. you're a true tripfriend.

I know this is a fake because Smash doesn't include new Fire Emblem characters

[citation needed]

Nintendo Go

Pokemon Go


jokes aside does anyone genuinely believe this shit


You're too early to spew lies about upcoming games.

How? Sales and comments say otherwise. Unless you're one of those jaded outcasts that consider anything that isn't their favourite roguelike "normalfag" you're way too wrong.

>Nintendo Go

It sound so stupid an generit it may be true. At least is not called New Wii U

>Releasing on my Birthday

yeah, bullshit.

Nothing ever happens on my birthday

Post your face when you find out its called the Go WII

Nintendo go

And Nintendo was gone

>Wii U version + 3DS stages, trophies etc + all DLC, Ice Climbers and Inkling included
you fucking idiot, the idea is to make it at least halfway believable

Hyrule Warriors complete edition should be a guarantee
that game had more DLC than some AAA

some user spoiled it would be named "Nintendo Go" like 3 weeks ago
this isn't news

rest is bullshit

then: Nintendo Wii

now: Nintendo Go

soon: Nintendo Bankrupt

>Beyond Good & Evil 2

but the whole point of the nx is to play on the go

>custom robo x

i would cry

I don't even give a shit just give me the MH3U treatment and I'll be happy, I don't need state of the art graphics

>no mention of mario kart 8 port or sequel
>no bayo2/w101 ports or backwards compat

Well I guess I'm skipping the NX as well as the Wii U

So all nintendo to offer

>3d mario
>excite mech
And third party and bribing beyond good evil?

Thats pretty weak since there wont be any third party game

>got wb , ea , ubisoft, activision suppoet
>just dance
>fifa legacy

It wont get any big japaneese third party either

no ffr7
No street fighter5
Dead rising 4
Kingdom hearts3
Soul calibur 6
Ace combat7
Deep down

None of these titles and more gonna be on nx. People wishing for japan third party support but aside from ace attorney monster hunter and bunch of weebshit from atlus

Nothing will happen

I could see some of those coming since it's a handheld apparently. Japan is more open to handhelds.

Pikmin 4 will be even worse than Pikmin 3. And actually, it may get delayed for 9 years like it too, just so you know.

You forgot Bayo 3(exclusive), Bloodborne 2 (exclusive), and League of Legend : official tourney standard edition (exclusive, amiibo support)

PS4 barely runs those listed games. How could handheld run any of them?

Most of UE4 games,

SF5 minimum gpu is 670/HD 7850 on PC Which is same level as PS4. There is no way NX delivers that kind of GPU with Tegra.

that shit barely opens last gen ports at 60 fps.

That list only persona 5 would run on NX with heavy optimization or PS3 port basically.

>Nothing ever happens on my birthday
At least one thing happened on your birthday, even if it was to be a terrible mistake.

>Confirmed Launch Titles
Please stop using misleading words in your gumbo of lies.

none of those games were on Nintendo consoles before.

Supposedly "capcom and nintendo are bros" according to Sup Forums but , neither any resident evil mainline game past gamecube or any street fighter game came to Nintendo.

Last street fighter was on nintendoNESSF2 and less character port of SF4 for 3DS.

It's already got some Square Enix support.
Dragon Quest 11 was one of the very first confirmed games for the system.

It means that I'd never buy any Nintendo product brand new again.
Only pre-owned and pirated.

>Custom Robo
Dont play with my emotions user...

Typical weaboo mentality, Nintendo isn't Japanese enough for them

> no any resident evil mainline game past gamecube came to Nintendo.

Is this supposed to be bad

no ,its supposed to mean nintendo is irrevelant

>There is no way NX delivers that kind of GPU with Tegra.

At 540p you only need a quarter of the power of 1080. An old Tegra X1 already reaches 500GFLOPs.

Second, SFV looks fucking identical to 4 anyway. If they downgrades some shaders and removed some people in the background no one would notice or care.

>capcom dont like nintendo theyre irrelvent, didnt even port [dead series] to their systems
>capcom makes their most successful franchise Nintendo exlcusive.
