Autistic shit you do in games

Autistic shit you do in games
>if I open a door once I've gone through I'll close it behind me
>making the character walk slowly inside buildings

Play hitman

>close every cupboard and drawer opened, if possible
>never reload unless completely out of ammo
>try to kill enemies by jumping on their heads in games that aren't mario

>>try to kill enemies by jumping on their heads in games that aren't mario
This one is the only autistic one. not reloading until you're out of ammo is better than reloading after 2 shots

Not if you're playing a shit game where reloading doesn't have any downside

I wish more games utilized a limited magazine system. It's really stupid in FPS games where everyone is constantly topping off after firing a single round and throwing the mags on the ground like they are trash.

>if I open a door once I've gone through I'll close it behind me

So now basic manners are considered "autistic"?

>tfw we will soon live in a world without Chris chan.
Lives retardedly, dies retardedly.

>>never reload unless completely out of ammo
I do this

During cutscenes I always let the text scroll in automatically. Speeding it up ruins my immersion.

It also makes you a cuck since we're dropping elite buzzword memes

Ironic post.

In games where you can incapacitate enemies, I often finish them off with a knife while muttering "this is for Little Wichita", after I read some story about a dude and his navajo friend who cut a cultists throat while saying something like it to avenge his sister, I forgot what he said so I just filled it with "Little Wichita" because it sounded alright, even if its just the little girl from zombieland.

Also for a very long time I would nod my head IRL after getting a kill in any multiplayer, as if confirming I won the fight, including FPS, MMOs and MOBAs.

Yes, I know Im slowly losing my grip on reality

if i find a new town or area in an open world game i have to explore everything in it, finish every quest, and get everything i can before i get back to what I' was doing. like everything has to take a back seat until i know everything i can about that area. this has caused me to get overpowered and burnt out on so many games before i finish the main quest's

honestly its pretty wild how universally accepted reloading without discarding ammo is. STALKER on master difficulty, reload conserves ammo. cry of fear, nope.

>mfw compulsive reloading after a couple of shots and reflex reloading after a single kill ignoring possible enemy reinforcements cause many more deaths than empty magazines on most multiplayer shooters

A mag with 15-20/30 bullets is still pretty good and capable of defending you, trust your aim a bit more.

if a game has currency and a decently fleshed out economy i will spend the entire game perfecting the cheapest way to get through it resulting in me never using any of the fun items and just finishing the game with a mountain of cash i will never touch.

this works in Left4Dead. It's an instant kill on commons.

'trust your aim'

youre my fa/v/ourite

>Avoid talking to anybody that looks important and read the dialogue.
>Random NPC asks how my conversation with "Obvious important talk-to-me-first-person" went
>My guy says something he shouldn't know yet and the game breaks.

I also talk to every relevant NPC at every step of the story or side-quest. Their dialogue does actually change in some games, even if it is just them talking about what I just did. I NEED dialogue!

It worked in Unreal Tournament as well. And TF2 has that shitty weapon that boosts goomba-stomp damage. I wish more non-platformer games did it.

>talk to every npc
>every time a plot device happens I go back and talk to them all again to see if anything new is said
>do this knowing full well when a game doesn't update dialog

if there are computers in game i pretend to post on Sup Forums

that's just being a decent thief, you taffer

I used to try to get the ultra good ending. The ending where everyone has a happy ending. Then life happened and I realized that happy endings are realized on the corpses of sad endings. So I ended that autistic requirement.

around a decade ago, id interact with everything i could while playing through silent hill 2. SO MUCH CHANGES every step of the way and the experience sank in so deep. this was srsly like 2004 or 2005. and everygame i played since then i tried to play the same way and was met with such im bitter.. and i replay silent hill 1-4 everyyear. im 26.

>can sit in x game
>find comfy spot to sit before taking a break
>always saving game like every min

For almost 10 years I've just been playing GMod irregularly and almost every single time I launch it I go to bigcity and make two factions of NPCs fight in some scenario or another.

Crap user, you just went full Griffith there and now I wont enjoy most endings

>talk to every single person no matter what any time I see them
>obsessively explore every room and area in new town
>walk on the sidewalk

Don't we all

If the game has currency, I want to get to the max amount

did you ever BUY a bicycle in Pokémon?

play overwatch when it's inferior to TF2 for the sole reason that TF2 isn't newer than overwatch

I tried
Its impossible

I do non-lethal takedowns whenever possible. Not for achievements or bragging rights, but because I'm a huge sap and I don't like to see even fictional people in pain.

If I'm reloading a shotgun with multiple shells in a game I'll hit the reload button for each shell, even though the animation plays with only one press.
In a game with deployable assets I'll try to find the most aesthetically pleasing place to put them, even if it isn't the most practical.

If there is a walk toggle I use it between confrontations

>NPC ticks me off in an RPG
>kill them and then quickload immediately after

Same here

>I once wrote journal entries for my characters in Oblivion.
>change out of armor and putting on dress clothes when in settlements
>writing biographies in my character descriptions for MMOs

i do the same thing user

but i also like games with ridiculous amounts of blood and violence so maybe i'm not as nice as you are

I do the opposite, even if the lethal kill creates more noise, takes longer and makes everyone hate you and you get less loot I'll still do it.

I also feel the compulsion to double tap every kill so I shoot/stab dead bodies even when I know they're 100% dead and there's no way they can get back up (after ragdoll in FO:NV for example)

Fucking Nazeem

i make dps spread sheets and ratios like time to kill per ammo cost when comparing weapons even in single player games. if i'm grinding i will try to break everything down on a per minute base and try to min max my time so i get the skills i want at the time i think i might need them in game. i need a notepad at the ready whenever i play a game.

>Autistic shit you do in games

I play them. Video games are autistic.

pretend im narrating a let's play or am showing my dad/friends how cool the game is. which isn't that bad because it makes me try to play the game in a visually impressive way which is kind of fun

I try to ascend with different waifus in DCSS.

>walk behind npcs before talking to then just to see the what they look like in the back
Works best in pokemon what with all the crazy hair styles

>focus on his legs and he disappears completely
>focus on his upper body and i can see the blurr lines

Not sure if autistic or not but I fucking love rng I'll take shit like
>4%chance to do an extra 1 damage
>do 999999999 damage every attack

When I play RTS games l try to win in aesthetically pleasing ways. I fondly recall playing RA2 and using the V3 rockets to barrage the enemy base, even if it means rockets miss entirely.

Does 2k hours in Dota 2 count?

>closing doors behind you

There's a lot of games I'll do this just to cut down on detection. I think system shock originally gave me the habit - I was never sure where shit was gonna respawn, and I didn't want any surprises I couldn't hear coming.

I have to collect all the macguffins/ items in a video game. I will detract from missions/quests just to pick up everything.
>Ratchet and Clank series: All crystals, gold bolts and gadgets
>Jak 3: All Precursor Orbs
>Mega Man X5: All heart tanks, armor pieces
>DMC3:All blue orb fragments
I can't freakin' stop myself.

Those are fucking hilarious and the complete opposite of autism. Actually, I guess they might be autism, but they fall into the "badass as fuck autism" category. Like the dude who wrote the longest fanfiction ever written, and it was about Smash Bros Brawl.

>I wrote journal entries for my characters in Oblivion
I did this for Oblivion, Skyrim and New Vegas. No shame in getting in character.

>One party member gets ahead in levels.
>Progress stops until the others catch up.

>longest fanfiction ever written

Can't be that lo
>4,061,216 words

>play the game as if I'm showing it off at E3
>basically just walk around looking at things

When i finish a game and find out i missed a bunch of quests thus giving people bad endings i get sad

I choose guns/weapons/equipment based on aesthetic and role playing reasons, even if I'm not playing an RPG.

I also like to read the wikis for games that I've never played/plan on playing or played and not liked. Something about seeing other's autistic dedication to a game and it's mechanics pleases me.

sometimes i do this.

>playing favourite game
>talking to an imaginary person in my mind about the mechanics, the story, the characters, etc.

fuck, me too

I have to urge to reload even though i have shot just one bullet, even if the gun is lmg with 200 round box. Also this caused me to run out of ammo in bf4 because the guy just throws the the mags out with bullets in them if you reload

>if I open a door once I've gone through I'll close it behind me
>>making the character walk slowly inside buildings
I know you're not me but we'd probably get along well if we were to hang out and play vidya together.

I reload too early. I'll be shooting at someone, think I've killed them, and then reload. Then it turns out they're not dead and I can't shoot back. I don't know why I'm so retarded.

I prescribe 30 hours of Battlefield 2. There are still servers, get to it.

I always walk instead of run whenever I'm in a church or holy ground.

Jumping on enemies deals damage in Sanctum 2. There's even a perk/talent/whatever you can pick that boosts this damage.

>15/48 bullets
>shoot three times
>15/45 bullets
It always bugs the hell out of me when it feels like I have a mag with an odd number of bullets.

Reminds me how I sometimes would start a game of Smash Bros Melee with level 9 CPU players only and let them battle endlessly because there was nothing interesting on tv.

I usually didn't even pay attention to it but it's nice background filler.

Dark souls/bloodborne?

15 is odd...

15 is normal like any other number

Are you me? I only tend to reload once I know I'm traveling somewhere, or I killed a few in a row, in which case run, to a safe spot with your secondary and reload there.


I completely restart JRPGs and RPGs from the beginning if I feel like I made a single minor mistake in my character planning. I can no longer enjoy blind playthrough because I have an unreasonable desire to be as optimal as efficient as possible.
Even if the situation can be easily fixed by some method in game or console commands, I still can't get over the fact of making a tiny, tiny mistake of putting skill points into the wrong places.

Double tapping is stupidly fun in mgsV. Watching them writhe on the ground, only to casually walk up and...

>Light them on fire
>Plant C4

What's really brutal is one time I snatched a guards rifle from him, popped him in the knee, and when he fell down, shot him.

It felt cruel. I loved it.

>4 million
And I thought the 1 million words Mass Effect fic with human/turian hybrids was bad.

>game allows me to pick up and move items
>spend half an hour immaculately organizing and moving pickups to a central location before triggering a boss battle or climax event

Should start doing that.

I'm making mental notes of things to try. I wanna get introverted and have a comfy zobe again like I used to be when I was a teen.

That's why I like box mag LMGs. Fuckload of ammo but you have to think a lot more about when to reload.

I used to think like you until I completely succumbed to grinding. Grinding is love, grinding is life. It's not fun if you're super optimal on your first playthrough.

Yeah, I do this a lot no matter what game especially in regards to sneaking and walking around in an enemy base, even though I know the AI is retarded as fuck and will just walk off on their merry way.

Got into the habit of doing this when playing Thief Deadly Shadows when enemies were smart and perspective enough to notice shit in the environment and things being out of place instead of the tripe we got now where they react solely to line of sight.

Either way, its a good strategy. It cuts down on detection when you don't want to be seen and want to pilfer shit all over the room.

>Playing new vegas
>Carry only 1 rifle weapon, 1 side arm, 1 knife, a few grenades, a backup sidearm, usually a revolver, and binoculars
>any weapon I pick up can't be accessed from pipboy, can only be drawn when mapped to a hot key
>Can only wear 1 set of armor, head gear is interchangeable unless power armor
>can access Aid before or after combat.

End me.

get persona 3 off the psn because my ps2 over heats and lose an end game save and now no matter the game i save twice, fucking ocd now

talk to every npc
try and do strange things like jump into lights on the ceiling to see if it moves

in tales games i won't use herbs

i reload after shooting even one bullet

in dark arisen i walked off roofs/cliffs to see if anything was there and a lot of the time there was

in yakuza i always use the same combo for kiryu

in older final fantasys i tried to keep levels even 1 exp difference would annoy me and i hated item numbers that weren't 5 or an even number (i would sell the excess)

when im playin a competitive game i like to think that im a world championship, full of people includin all the people i hate but whant to impress obviously,and im the underdog revelation, and i win everything and im happy

>trying to kill as less human beings or other beings that possess consciousness as possible
>avoiding killing them if possible
For this reason I never kill innocent people in GTA. But if I accidentally do, I reload the game.

>pretend I'm playing as myself, deliberately panic in firefights and deliberately miss shots
>pretend I'm playing the game alingside famous historical figures such as napoleon and joseph goebbels

That's not autistic, you're just a very nice person