Average JRPG

Post the most average JRPG you can think of.

When I think of generic, average, mediocre, unremarkable JRPGs I think of Breath of Fire and Lunar. But I try to avoid playing "average" jrpgs since there are better games to play so I don't really know.


I can think anything more generic, boring and repetitive than this. At least 2 had good puzzles and the ancient cave.

every final fantasy

specially 6 7 8 and 9


>every final fantasy

Came here to post this

literally fuck you if you mean average in quality

any mainline pokemon game, literally made for children

BoF at least has 3 and 4. Lunar is a good choice though.

I mean average in everything. It's the most remarkably unremarkable JRPG I've encountered.

Dragon quest series is the archetype of average RPG.

Average in setting/premise and system but certainly not quality. It is an incredibly well made experience which thrives upon it's simplicity.
I will die for Dragon Quest.

Most of you fuckers didn't play it, but both this game and its sequel are as dull, predictable and monotonous as RPGs can get. The levity and creativity behind Mag's gear is wasted on this shitheap.

You best be joking, that combo battle system is great.

Jokes on you I did play it way way back.

It was boring as fuck. I don't even know why I went back to it. Maybe because I never beat it when I was younger. I only liked a few things about it.

BoF2 is good.

im not saying that DQ is a bad series, but theres also nothing "excellent" or "remarkable" to say about it. If we made a list of the top 5 or maybe 10 best JRPG, i doubt DQ would get a spot. And DQ has been running for almost 30 years, so thats a very bad sign isnt?

Mag, the main character, has a really cool and fun weapon that has great upgrades in the sequel. All of his special attacks are hilarious or just cool.

Literally everything else about these games? Total dogshit. Random dungeons in the first game and shit dungeons in the second, shitty resource scrounging in a linear game, a non-plot that moves at a glacial pace.

Fuck, they even fucked up the port! The GameCube port skips a ton of dungeons and is too lazy to use more than one model for the characters despite design changes.

It starts out by pretending it's a parody, warping three kids into a game and saying "oh, guess we better play along with the clichés!"

And then it's just a completely standard RPG with no story until the very end.

Now that I think about it. Yeah Mag's attacks were pretty nice.

>a non-plot that moves at a glacial pace.
Fucking hell this.

>Hey Linear! Let's go explore random dungeons
>You are now at the "Fake" Final dungeon for no reason

>Fuck, they even fucked up the port! The GameCube port skips a ton of dungeons and is too lazy to use more than one model for the characters despite design changes.
I recall hearing how Evolution's GC port gutted the first game pretty badly yeah.

It's bland as fuck but I have nostalgia for it for sure

At this point I have no idea what you are referring to as quality.

I found every single aspect of the game to be "sort of okay" and I regret spending time on it. It's fine if you found something to enjoy in the experience, though.

I played the NGPC version. It had a few good ideas that were brought down by how repetitive the game was.

Dragon Quest VIII had nice visuals and the overworld was well constructed. It was at least somewhat interesting to explore. But yeah, Dragon Quest games are generally unremarkable. I'd say something like DQVI is absolutely mediocre all around.

Mystic Quest.

No, I choose to post below average

Picture a infinite metal hallway with endless random encounters. And don't expect any thing to change other then numbers and colors.

You know they blew 90% of their budget on the opening cut scene and the following few minutes of start up dialog, because after that it is the purest form of level grinding I had ever played. With the auto settings it is like watching an endless stream of random encounter videos.

BoF2 is a poorly translated grindfest. Pretty awful game.

Lunar 1 probably takes the cake for me.

Pretty much anything made by Square Enix that isn't Chrono Trigger or TWEWY

I haven't played Live A Live, but reading about it, it doesn't seem that average to me.

Chrono Trigger is mediocre while Front Mission and SaGa are god tier. Please die.

The grid system was kinda cool but pretty much everything else was just nothing interesting

>The game featured 100 levels of randomly generated maps, the first ten being the games main story mode. The other 90 were extended play for players wanting to continue playing with their strong characters
Read this on the wikipedia page, what the actual fuck

Luminous Arc series.

The other characters had some pretty fun shit too. Neat tech and combat concepts wasted on a setting and story with nothing else interesting going on.

We're all on board with you mate. DQ is extremely high quality. It also happens to represent the standard of JRPGs, and in that sense could be referred to as average.

Wait they made a sequel to Legend of Legaia? And you don't get a cool mutating arm sword?

What's the fucking point?

I actually really liked Legaia 2.

It wasn't pretty but it was surprisingly packed full of stuff to do and little things that gave it charm.

It's like it was a budget title but whomever got stuck on the project gave a damn

Golden Sun

I thought that until I played Breath of Fire 4.

You're probably right about Lunar though.

Chrono Trigger is absolutely mediocre aside from presentation.

>Silent girl that couldn't do shit for hours
Fucking why
Nobody liked it in FF9 either

God Medicine is a pretty baller name though

The second game had a good thing going for it.

Then you realise it's actually SHORTER than the first one because there's only 3 dungeons, then the Thief's place then the final dungeon.

I was thinking exactly this playing cold steel the other day

I didn't say it was without issues

>literally made for children
Yes, yes they are. And there's nothing wrong with that.

FF8 is above average in the retarded department

I did too, at the time.
>Slap turtle accessory on her since hey, she can't attack so might as well be tanky
>Get to her event
>1 1 1 1

There is a re-translation, you autist.