Why FGC is so butthurted about hitbox controllers?
Why FGC is so butthurted about hitbox controllers?
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They used to be because it allowed for things in some games that were humanly impossible otherwise due to the distance required for the stick to travel, but nowadays nobody really cares. It's allowed basically everywhere and people just see it as an option.
Smashbox however, that might actually get banned before seeing the light of day.
It allows games to be broken and glitched. Something like holding back+forward at the same time allows moving forward in some games, but with an automatic guard if any attack comes out. The games weren't designed with a hitbox controller in mind, so the developers never put programming in for what would happen when left+right or up+down were entered, so some games end up broken as a result.
Some people are likely also butthurt and blame their losses on the difference in controllers, before turning around and getting their asses kicked by some guy using a PS2 controller.
They aren't. They were originally because they didn't have SOCD cleaning, which has since been fixed and now nobody cares.
>Smashbox however, that might actually get banned before seeing the light of day.
Typical smashbabies.
Except complain never was about broken shit but about how fast and precise hitbox is.
This shit can change the meta.
>our game wasn't complex enough to be a proper fighting game, so we built a piano to control it with for artificial depth
Is this the LORE of Game Peripherals
No one is anymore
>keyboard confirmed for best fightstick
Thank god, now maybe we'll get some good PC shit
>fighting games
Are you just shitposting?
That's why everybody calls it "cheatbox", right?
You should really try to going to an event one of these days user.
Who the fuck calls it that anymore? No one cares and they're pretty much accepted everywhere. Plus like not a lot of people even use them.
where the fuck am I supposed to play them? I don't have any friends.
I already own a PC, and I'm not a fightan game fanatic, so I don't wanna buy a console then pay for online just to pick one up as a hobby.
>tfw my favorite fighting game is PC only
What game is it?
MUGEN, baybee
I really, really like this image
Every fighting game worth playing has a PS3 port. Just get a modded PS3.
must be legit retarded if you buy a PS4.
Who cares what system you play on?
Uniel is on ps3 user
Ah. I think one just came to PC then, /fgg/ has been talking about it a lot.
>so I don't wanna buy a console
Poorfags do. They get mad when the fanbase plays on consoles because it's tournament standard and therefore have nobody to play with.
>not liking soku
It's like you hate fun.
Yeah it's the one that came to ps3 like 2 years ago lol. It's amazingly late.
A modded PS3 is like 60$. I'd tell you to stop being cheap, but PC games are more expensive. So either you don't have a PS3 stick(aka 40$ for a PCB) or you're a total retard.
>40$ for a PCB
Zero Delay is like 10$
closer to 3 years ago
>a modded ps3 is like 60$
Holy shit, really? Premodded? If it's easy to load games into I'm gonna buy the fuck out of one
why not just use a keyboard?
Maybe if you got the european version for some god forsaken reason
It's exactly 2 years for people with pattern recognition
you guys aren't even talking about the same game
You just copy games to console's hdd and run them.
I just like games that aren't boring as shit
>no arcade buttons
>no ergonomic layout
>can't slide
>mechanical keyboard is expensive
>no console support
>MFW reading through the comments and realizing that I'll never be a pro at fighting games.
It just looks like too much work. Am I the only one?
Nice. Where can I get one? All the premodded ones I'm looking at are way more expensive. If you meant I meed to mod it myself I guess I can do that too.
Same here.
fuck are you on
Soku is only borning if you bullet spam with Yuyuko againt someone that doesn't know how to counter it.
>tfw actually learned to play fighting games using keyboard as a kid using emulator
>hitboxes are a thing
Well, see
>so I don't wanna buy a console
I don't think I'm the retard here.
You most certainly are if you want to play fighting games and don't already own a console. It's ok, Steam is there for retards for like you, it just won't have any fighting games.
Not really, it's boring in general
Everything is slow as shit but movement gives the illusion of speed
Blocking is way too strong and there's very little mixup to go for.
It's purely a poking game that lasts for way too long.
how are you supposed to do 360 motions for command grabs on this thing?
>I can't into using my projectiles and weather manipulation
tap four buttons in succession
I- what?
Dude, pls stop.
Read my original posting, then rethink this entire conversation, and maybe your life. Consoles don't magically make games better.
I just want a bigger fighting game library on PC, that's all.
Look at a video on the hitbox youtube channel, its not really that hard.
Is this the part where because I don't like something I must be bad at it ? Good, I didn't expect any real point from a soku player anyway.
>Consoles don't magically make games better.
No, but communities do and they're on consoles. Please stop your retardation.
Some games like USF4 did allow you to "slide" or something, there's a webm of someone doing Zangief's 720 super on a hitbox. It doesn't look too hard, but I can hardly pull of 360's on a keyboard which is basically the same thing so I dunno.
Yes, they're on consoles because PC versions don't exist yet because the games aren't yet on PC.
Go watch field of dreams and tell me what you take away from it.
You say blocking is OP when you can easily break through a block by using your projectiles cleverly or even making blocking impossible sometimes by clever weather manipulation (this is RNG, I know, I'm not talking about the game being a good competitive game anyway though). If you can't do that then yeah, I guess you're bad at it.
They don't exist on PC because PC games are an absolute nightmare to run tournaments for. Nobody wants fighting games on PC besides casuals who do nothing but play story mode.
Why does WNF do it?
dont respond to the shitposting retard.
Because they are sponsored by PC companies. Asus in particular iirc.
I would like to experiment with one, would it be worth?
You know multiplatform games with crossplay exist, right?
If they can do it, why can't others?
It's not hard if you have basic cognitive skills.
It would be worth if you ended up liking it. If you don't then its not.
Ah, you're one of those people who think that only hardcore fighting tournament participants buy fighting games.
How about those amazing Street Fighter V sales, eh?
You know that shit costs a ton of money right?
Because they didn't get a bunch of free PCs or get paid to go through the hassle of using them.
I don't get why you retards don't just play the game on the hardware everybody else does. Why is it so hard for you to not use your shitty PC?
Try playing a fighting game with a keyboard first. If you hate it, don't get one. If you don't mind it/like it, get a hitbox. I used to play loads of fighting games on emulators with a keyboard so a hitbox is heaven for me.
Why would I care about SFV's sales? I don't play SF. The PC port of that is a fucking disaster so why would anybody on PC even want to play it?
>You know that shit costs a ton of money right?
What exactly? Porting the game?
You have to run your own servers to enable crossplay between consoles and PC. That shit isn't free. Not to mention all the other hurdles that go with testing it.
I haven't heard a single bad thing about the PC port, whats wrong with it?
Guilt Gear Accent Core came out like last year or 2 years ago or something on Steam. There's also MKX (or maybe it was MK9) on Steam as well if you don't want it to be weaboo.
Isn't that shit patched out though?
I'm willing to bet you struggle with simple tasks.
>WB games
Doesn't support most arcadesticks. Alt tabbing causes the opposing player to experience roll backs and you don't, basically making lag switching undetectable and super easy. Vsync is completely fucked up(adds 4 frames of input delay.) various other more minor things
I assume that mechanical keyboards are banned as well?
Jesus fuck you're dumb.
Pretty sure Valve provides some free servers just like console manufactureres do. Japs put their PC games nowhere else anyway.
Years ago.
I bet you bought SFV lol
>there are still people out there that deny keyboard being the best for fighting games.
>they still buy some retarded "smashbox" to play their favorite "fightin game".
Poorfags/elitist do.
>They don't exist on PC because PC games are an absolute nightmare to run tournaments for.
kek, sure is easier to set up premade save files on consoles.
It's super easy, but there's also no need. So what the fuck does even matter?
So what is he gonna say about all those poverty keyboard warriors then?
>keyboard keys = sanwa buttons
>proper space between buttons don't matter
>size of buttons don't matter
>placement doesn't matter
>not use your shitty PC
want to compare my PC's rendering power to your ps4 and then call it "a shitty PC"? Get fucked poorfag who cant afford buying multiple systems. I hope the grapes aren't too sour for you.
Aren't keyboards banned on tournaments?
You must be enjoying your early copy of KoF14, my friend. How's the netcode over there on PC? How's that 4k/0fps treating ya?
>Get fucked poorfag who cant afford buying multiple systems.
so you missed that part, or are you just illiterate?