
You can't tell me that this wasn't one of the best JRPG's of all time


Ok, Drakengard 3 also known as Drag-On Dragoon 3 is not anywhere close to being one of the best JRPG of all time. No game in the series is

Sorry, but Drakengard 3 has one of the best and complex plots of any JRPG released in the last forty years. It completely outclasses Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy, Persona and the Tales series in all categories. I honestly can't even begin to comprehend how someone couldn't appreciate this amazing, if not critically breath taking, game. It's a mountain of gold in an industry oozing of shit.

It wasn't one of the best JRPG's of all time. It wasn't even the best game in the Drakengard series. It wasn't a bad game by any means but it was deeply flawed and you're a fool if you don't see that.

>any jrpg in the last 40 years

the fact that you think that there were JRPGs beyond 40 years ago is proof enough of your autism

Mikhail best character

Drakengard 3 is fucking shit. It's bad hack'n'slash which runs at 15fps has b-tier anime story and dialogs about fucking through entire game. Only good things are music and opening cinematic.

1st: Zero best girl
2nd: While the story was Fun/Crazy, the gameplay was next to nothing. Part of being "One of the best JRPG's of all time" is having a fun gameplay loop along with a good/fun story. If it has only one it can't be one of the best.

>story was Fun
>I've got parasite flower, tried to remove it so it cloned itself so now I have five clone sisters to kill! Ok, I killed them, happy end!
Such a fun story!

I'm sorry but Drakengard 3 is profoundly mediocre and literally the only thing that redeems it from being some completely forgotten bargain bin JRPG are the fucking fever dream story / characters / etc, and also that ridiculous rhythm final boss (which I will literally never even attempt ever again).

In general the gameplay is just bad. And I platinum'd that shit.

I liked the blood

It plays and runs like shit. Nice plots and backstories though.



Drakengard 3 is the worst game in the series. Worse than 2. The only thing memorable about the game is the final boss, and the only worth it has is as the turd Yoko Taro shat out of his system so he could make Nier Automata cleanly.

>mediocre action game

RPGs are mediocre action games now.

I just like her because she sounds like Katarina.


DoD 5 when?

Port this shit to PC already. How am I supposed to enjoy nier without knowing anything about the fucking series? Those fucking gooks can't do anything right.

you mean japs, nigger.
gook are koreans

> drag -on dragoon in japan.
Japanese games always have an honest title.

I want tarodrones to leave

>They used most of the budget on the opening
The absolute madman

There are no dinosaurs on this game.

Just buy a fucking xbox and Nier 1 you retard. What kind of broke-ass piece of shit are you?

someday i will marry a girl like zero