My mom died recently and I'm still feeling very sad. What are some games that recapture the magic of childhood...

My mom died recently and I'm still feeling very sad. What are some games that recapture the magic of childhood? She always got video games for me and they made me happy.

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mother 3 would be perfect for you right now


Nier or Drakengard.

Dumb frogposter

Of what?

probably ni no kuni

Ni no kuni

Ni No Kuni captures that spirit quite well.

Maplestory is also a fun game with other players on it

I guess you didn't see immunity cat


That's what you get for not replying to one of those thread derailing images.



>my mom died, but im just going to play video games instead of storming hell and bringing her back

Play Dantes Inferno and you can See in what place got transfered

Wouldn't this, kinda make him hurt more?

hopefully you're next

Your mother sucks cock in hell

Viva Pinata and Magika are good.

I'm sorry for your loss.

That sucks dude. Try Strider? It's metroidvania.

Psychonauts for that childhood msgic

But Golden Sun would be an emotional fit with the plot revolving a bit around loss

SR4 GoH?

Animal Crossing

at least you don't have to worry about responding to 'reply or your mother' posts

jesus fucking christ user

Sorry to hear that OP.

My mother passed away this year too. Video games aren't as fun as they used to be.

Seems like it runs in the family, dumb frog poster.

THIS, animal crossing will make you feel better.

fucking kek

Persona 4.

My mom died right before I hit the final dungeon.

Golden Sun.

I hate all of you

Grow home honestly had a wierd childhood-feel to it



>xD look how edgy I am!!! Do I fit in yet guiz??? :DDD
Fuck off you dumb cunts.

my god dude lol

this post and all the post links were made by me


Kingdom hearts


My bad.

this 5 says that OP's mom will be reincarnated as my gf

Wow... I'm so sorry mine died recently too when RESPOND TO THIS POST OR YOUR MOTHER WILL DIE TOMORROW

If you see this post your mother dies tonight


o shit waddup

Toy Commander

stop pepeposting when grieving over your lost mother

Shut up

o shit waddup

o shit waddup
i just wanted to say o shit waddup desu senpai

i regret posting this

Fuck off bitch

Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me, now go to hell and get ass cancer like totalbiscuit

I don't know what come over me. I need to chill out and stop making comments like this.

Again, I'm sorry. I take this back.

me n u probably the only niggas here who played dat good azz vidyagame

Play the first game or a game you played a lot as when you were a kid. Or play some E for everyone games on PS1 and N64.



ily user

o shit waddup!

anmal kros

If you don't respond your mother dies tonight and tomorrow you will wake up and pour cereal and there will be no milk in the refrigerator and you will get a papercut on your urethra and then you will die and burn in hell for all eternity

gonna be real brohamalamafam

why try to remember the best your life would ever get?
We cant go back to those simpler times and thats that. Im sorry, but you need to try to move forward, remembering the good times only make it worse



I pray to god that someone rapes your mother,garrotes her and throws her in a river

>I pray...
So you've done nothing

at least I read it all the way through

im already on it, his address is 419 kenzey blvd, mi, uniontown.

o shit waddup

You too,s ee

*tips fedora*

>Go on Sup Forums of all places to try and garner sympathy
I mean, I don't really know what you expected.

can't go wrong with Okami

Where do you think you are?

sorry for your loss

I hope my mother suffers

Stardew Valley is an extremely comfy game OP. I recommend it.

Huge condolences for your mom. I can't imagine that experience so all I can say is I really hope things get better for you.

This person doesn't mean that.

This one loves his mom, their relationship is just complicated.

This man is sorry for your loss OP

First post best post.

Sorry, didn't read the OP in its entirety, got sucked in immediately after "My mom died" and the sad frog.

My recommendation still stands though. Too much nostalgia might make OP feel even worse.

She made me homeless on my 20th birthday, i'm currently a sour puss

any games for a bad break up Sup Forums?

Oh look le epic shock tryhard poster. Such a dark sense of humor haha! :)

Oh you meant like I wasn't sincere. No not true at all, my mother is going through some serious health problems so this is a possibility I've had to think about recently.

Your a cuck

I play Sonic when I want to recapture my childhood

Dix out for op's mom

Fuck you

This board is shit, bro. I went through the same thing in 09 with my mom and then 10 with my lil sis.

I recommend Skyrim HD when it comes out.

You made yourself homeless you leech


fuck man i hate you

I'm sorry for your loss OP

god damn you



fuk you