This is a western Samus Aran (Metroid)

This is a western Samus Aran (Metroid)


This is an eastern Samus.


This is a ????? Samus

ps1 tier tits

Holy fuck. I can't tell if pic is cg or real.

This is fan art.

That looks shitty. Why do americucks not only have to be explicit with trying to be sexy but do it in uncreative, unsexy ways? I mean I know Japanese have their fair share of ridiculous costumes but at least they do it in stupidly creative ways. That bottom just looks stupid. At least trim some inches off the top. It's like fucking if Urkel tried to be sexy but he wanted to hike it all the way up like his normal pants.

This is a western JC Denton


no thats from an official release of nintendo power.

i remember reading that at the local library.

I don't know that shitty character enough to get this joke

Totally unrealistic, we all know shes 5'1"

and this is his png file, fuck me

That face just looks weird.

In a West end town a dead end world
The East end boys and West end girls
In a West end town in a dead end world
The East end boys and West end girls…

And this is a western Paul Denton

I think this looks alright.

What a shame.

I don't know how no one has commented about the OP pic being literally the (eastern designed) Samus seen in an ending of Zero Mission.

I'm a longtime Metroidfag and never once gave a shit about Samus' retconned height. As long as she has a cute face, I don't care. RoS a best, AM2R a okay

this is submissive samus

please take good care of her

>is nearly 6 feet


I always imagined Samus to look like basically Brienne from GoT.


>top half of the image
It's alright, her face does kind of seem like the oddly nonstandard design they went with for some of the ZM completion images
>bottom half of the image
What the fuck happened here? It's like they decided to just cut off the rest of the hot pants halfway down the buttocks. Really fucks up the shape of everything and makes it look like her ass is weirdly long.

This is my new fetish, what is it called


what does a meme distro have to do with zero suit sammy

That's a man

lap dance from Sammy in shorts!

does anybody have the am2r map?

>is nearly 6 feet, three inches tall


Shit cosplay
Good cosplay


why are white 'people' so ugly?


>muh suit

White people are just inhuman in general.

Oh boy, low-test yellow feverers has can't find actual women attractive because his cartoons don't have actual jaws.


Oh boy, if you ever go to japan you're in for a rude awakening, the average girl is well below the average in the west

>being attracted to manjaws

Enji a best

this is wrong
it killed the metroid series, so be careful around it

>Not finding a sign of good health attractive
>Thinking any indicator of strength, even the barest amount is "man"
>Being so beta you need women with no chins so you can have more manly a face then them

Too bad it is CGI, otherwise I might cream my fucking pants. Puffy nips that nice are 2rare

I hate cosplay so much, it's all just whore and sluts that never actually show anything. It's like female twitch streamers.

Your sons will have weak chins and weak genes



>Fuck braces I want to be natural

Why do you hate fun, user?


If I want to masturbate I just watch porn

>Fuck idiots my family could never afford braces

Thank you high corporation for giving a fuck about my teeth

Do you realize how much braces cost? Or are you a spoiled trust fund baby?

>submissive samus
stop. samus is a dom in my head canon

Please tell me that segways into porn?

it doesn't

>He fell for the any one who dresses up must be a whore meme
haven't you ever dressed up for Halloween as a kid?

>The nigga rubber necking to check out her ass

user, if you want to spam that, then start another flatraider b8 thread like everyone else does.

>you will never have sex with a girl in the varia suit

Why even live?

Coming from a pan faced, squinty eyed yellow chink no doubt

Why do Asian people's faces look like they've been run over by a steam roller? Flat like a pan and eyes like a goblin.

Is that lauren southern?

this is horny samus

please let her take good care of you

whats up with americans idea that a manjaw is beautiful? 90% of their models and character designs have them




Is there porn of this baby factory?

Disgusting sluts. This is why I only date Asian girls since they are submissive and not corrupted by feminism and worship my superior Aryan dick.

Good genes

Strong jaw is correlated to go disease resistance, women who are resistant disease tend to have kids who are too.
Men who's dads fucked strong Jawed women have a genetic preposition to do the same.


>not slut
t. never dated a woman in his life

Let me give you some advice about those "whites are master race" as a guy who's actually fucked them. Don't.
Their a kind of crazy that you don't want in your life,.



What is this Yugioh bullshit



you must be the worst tripfag on earth

all i ever see you do is dump shit tier comics and """cosplay""" how have i not filtered you yet


i'm sick of deadpool cosplayers

same here. they're mostly new to the comic scene and deadpool is to them the non mainstream super hero they think they can dress up as to fit in.

The only sexist thing here is the fact that she wasn't sold for enough money.

Deadpool for the boys
Harley Quinn for the girls
Just kill me

>non mainstream
Good one, Reddit.

REEEE why do I get $10000 for male slaves and only $7700 for female slaves!?

But I don't want submissive Samus. I want kick ass Samus! Shit, they ruined her worse than they did Master Chief.


>is to them
Sup Forums really can't read


I don't know why but I have an overwhelmingly large desire to slap the fuck out of her.



Damn, she's cosplaying Shadee's ass perfectly!

I feel that way about a lot of cosplayers. They always seem above other people on the social ladder in that condescending way that I want to hammer them back down to earth.


yeah it's a porn:
"laura croft is captured by her self from 1997 and things get steamy"