>yfw this happened
Yfw this happened
i still remember all the theory videos on youtube on how ghost and gaz were the same person
No it didn't. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was entirely fictional.
They have the same role, they have the same VA, character that replaced dead Gaz was literally called Ghost.
Not surprise.
the story in CoD was always wasted on the games
who fucking thought it was a good idea to try to telly a story with the FIREFIGHTS NEVER END
i played most of the games and i barely remember anything that happens in them
>You will never tell Captain Price to pull on the doors
Captain Price:
>Gaz, can't you make it open faster?
>Negative, sir. But you can try pulling if it'll make you feel better.
Captain Price:
>Cheeky bastard...
Modern Warfare 1 was a fun FPS movie shooter. Too bad they decided to copy paste the whole thing for the sequels.
and it was a breath of fresh air at the time after WW2 games had gotten stale, all the new mechanics modern technology opened up. And it was the only cod to have wacky singleplayer cheats
Yeah how many games did that Omaha beach scene and Vietnam games too.
Medal of Honor did it great the first time but afterwards it was just a lot of recycled goods.
Huh? There were characters in CoD? I remember Price because he was in almost every game, but that's it.
> Nice! Your fruit killing skills are remarkable.
not to mention it was fucking gorgeous, people were freaking out that it was too realistic for muh children
>Gaz wasn't his childhood hero
so the 10 y/os hop on Sup Forums at 2:44AM nowadays. thank fuck Summer is almost over, and we can get real threads about CoD. that is, they will never show up.
oh yeah, the ghilly suit blew me away the first time
Soup don't giving no fuck
if the remake mp isnt vanilla then i aint gonna bother. vanilla mp was the best.
Ghillie suits were amazing. I remember playing on a Russian map with a grassy hill and me and another enemy sniper were shooting and it wasn't until I got up and had the reticle turn red that I noticed he was there. I laughed my ass off
at least post the real one son not some gay ass SFM version
I really fucking hate that they're hiding the remake behind infinite warfare. and the PREORDER no less. I mean infinite looks ok I guess but it's a dirty move
>we'll give you sniper cover once you--
Anyone else miss the spec ops mode? I had a ton of fun playing split screen with a friend and figuring out just the right way to cheese all the juggernaut fights.
>covering a bro with the C130 while he's on the ground
>getting the timing just right and sneaking through the ghillie suit level
>running from attack dogs when we got spotted in the snow level
>eventually practicing the snow level we could do it without having to kill anyone
setting up turrets in the burger joint
fuck you Sup Forums I can't believe I'm getting nostalgia over a COD game
Neato burrito, Cool Dude. Can't wait for threads about Dating Sim #382 or That One Game from Your Youth. Or better yet, something only tangentially related to video games (Games That Are Le AUTISM XD Thread, anyone???). Reeeeally diggin' them.
Infinity Ward has literally been trying to make this game over and over again like 6 times.
>you actually will operate as or with Ghost again
You're killing me with nostalgia user.
it was the last time all my friends were regularly together, having fun... with me...
>tfw my younger brother and I aced every level except the Juggernaut and airport riot police levels
>hours upon hours spent getting single levels JUST RIGHT on the hardest difficulty
I wish split-screen would make a comeback.
there have only been 3 games after the first modern warfare
two of which aren't even made by the same guys who made modern warfare 1 and 2.
That last mission where you fight them on the oil rig is awesome.
I always played on Solo though. Never had any friends.
Great b8 but I'll bite.
Call of Duty used to synonymous with great games. It pretty much revitalized WWII games when it was becoming stale. Then Modern Warfare came out and it was pretty damn fun, an interactable movie if you will and don't act like COD didn't do this during their WWII era.
The only problems is instead of innovating the Modern Warfrare title they found a formula they could continually churn out without much effort and people would eat it like candy.
>sniper in Stalker and cheeki breeki land
>chopper scenes
>AC-130 allah akbhar destroyer scenes
>drone scenes
Those were really great at the time. Now it's all the same.
CoD4 is nearly 10 years old, m8.
holy fuck that airport level made me so mad
this is the stupidest thing I've read in a long time
Modern Warfare 2 was totally different
3 was a decent rehash of 2
Ghosts was just Ghosts
Infinite looks totally different
I'm constantly surprised that they actually change and try to innovate shit. I think I was too used to the hate cod meme. Which one had the branching paths? Was that 3 or one of the blops
MW2 was the last good COD, prove me wrong.
reminder that codmw is almost a decade old and still hasn't dropped below $9.65
Blops 2
Not sure about 3 though
Black Ops 2 I think.
>everyone who plays the game im not supposed to like or i won't fit in with my friends is a kid
just kill yourself
fucking christ this bait was strong
That's because barely anything does. The story wouldn't suddenly become more memorable if you remove the gameplay and only leave the parts that were supposed to lead up to it with an occasional tweest midway and another one at the end.
World at War
HD remake soon ,probably $40 stand alone
COD is pretty good compared to ass creed.
WaW was fucking boring. When storming the Reichstag all I could think about how bad the german on the signs was.
>CoD kiddies post 3 debating over which CoD game is the best
Ah, right. Thanks guys. I'm a bit behind on my COD games
COD4 - 10/10
WaW - 9/10
MW2 - 10/10
Blops - 8/10
MW3 - 7/10
Blops 2 - 9/10
Ghosts - 6.5/10
AW - haven't played
Blops 3 - haven't played
MW2 was the last 10/10
Well concidering Blops 1 is the best CoD I'd say you're wrong.
your opinion is your opinion
someone else's opinion cannot invalidate or validate a opinion
but I gotta say
your opinion is fucking shit, black ops 2 is the best call of duty, fucking kill yourself NOW.
Did anyone else actually like the P2P multiplayer in MW2 on PC? No matter what you did, no one could ever kick or ban you.
>tfw dual model 1800s on wasteland
>tfw noob tube
>tfw nuke in 2 mins exploit
I stopped playing them after Zampella and co got bullied out of IW.
Still my favorite, MW1 is a close second
somewhat related, day of Infamy is pretty based
>WaW was fucking boring.
Who else recycled it after AA/Frontline? I always wanted to see a next gen Omaha beach level, but it seems we'll never get one.
man, I remember how Sup Forums was when that shit show first came out, thread after thread of RAMIREZ. Sup Forums's userbase really must have changed since then
He violated a contract and was kicked out, it was his fault.
I sure as fuck wasn't on Sup Forums back then. I came here in 2012. I'm so so sorry
Oh man I fucking loved 2. I haven't seen this intro in so long
Me and my mom got three stars on all the missions on my old xbox 360. Good times
She still asks me to come over and play it some times
>never did complete Mile High Club on veteran
I could probably do it now though on PC
She wants the D
I miss playing MW2 with my friends
Multiplayer game was so fucking batshit crazy unbalanced, it was fun.
she want fuck
What did he do?
I miss akimbo glocks and noob tubing.
Talk with EA and try to do shit with them with the COD franchise.
Actvison somehow found out and kicked him out.
Rest of devs got assmad and left with him.
Everything was OP was fuck so it balenced out.
besides the F2000
that gun sucked
>nearly 10 years old
2007 was the perfect storm of PC supremacy, it's hard to believe it was that long ago
it wasnt a theory, it was literally just a reference they made in the game
fuck you it was awesome
your mom sucks
give me your xbox live profile bitch ass nigga
1 on 1 Rust quickscope only
In 2007 I turned 13. I got a 1000€ gaming pc from my parents and a copy of the Bioshock collectors edition. Shortly after I bought the Orange Box and on Christmas, in the first steam sale ever, I bought the Valve Complete Pack for about 70€. Man, was it glorious. I have over 350 hours played in Source Mods combined.
I feel empty these days, my brothers died 6 years ago and I want to die but I have to persevere so I can at least prove to myself I can be my own person yet...
OP as fuck*
If you did good with it, that just means you were way better than the kids running around with UMP45s and ACRs
UMP45 + Silencer
Flash grenade
Scavenger Pro
Cold Blooded Pro
Ninja Pro
my dad works for xbox he says I can't 1v1 because whoever goes against me gets banned its a glitch
No I didn't because I haven't played it in years and have completely forgot who said that.
Mw2 was after waw so his point is still valid
Halo is retarded now , CoD was always retarded after WaW, Gta is multiplayer shit, Mgs is dying and being raped, Resident Evil I have no fucking clue, and I feel like shit.
b-but muh splinter cell
I stopped at Ghosts.
How fun are Advanced Warfare and Black Ops 3's campaigns?
>pic related
is season 2 any good? I hope it comes to netflix
Oh shit it was wasn't it. well nvm then
AW is fun, idk about Bo3
fucking idiot
Yeah and season 3 is coming next Tuesday.
don't say than, user. It really hurts.
>m-maybe if I call everything bad ill look cool!
Remember me?
I still think of HL2 ep2 as 'new'
jesus fucking christ
I prefer not to