Unpopular opinions thread?

>Unpopular opinions thread?
Unpopular opinions thread

I'll start off:

>Twilight Princess is one of the most overrated Zelda games created. Story is a mess, Zants is a terrible villian, open world was just a vast nothingness, wolf Link sections were tedious, dungeons dragged on longer than they should have, majority of the boss battles were abysmal
Aside from a few good moments, the game was mediocre at best. Only good things to come from it were Midna and Ganon dying on his feet like a champ

Other urls found in this thread:


Steam popularising drm and third party clients directly coincides with the downhill turn pc gaming has taken

>you can go and buy a physical copy nowadays and expect to redeem a steam code and download your game anyway

>third person camera is absolute shit and very few 3D games benefit from having it over first-person. The camera is so high up that you can't see detail, aim down sights is impossible and the character blocks your view so you have to move the camera to see everything in front of you

>I never got the appeal of TellTale. Even back then when people were losing their shit over the first Walking Dead. I did like TWAU but everything else is just bad. The worst part is that their engine is fucking terrible! How the fuck do you allow suttering in the main title screen and think that's acceptable to ship?

This one right here is best girl. Also, this year vidya sucked.

What about third person with a scope overlay on the screen when aiming? May have been gimmicky but I wish a lot of other games had it, you retain the fps functionality in an TPS context (at least in singleplayer)

i genuinely hate the metroid prime games

Coming from someone who loved Symphony of the Night, Kirby and the Amazing Mirror was bad. I'm a superfan of Kirby, and yet I had found no enjoyment playing Amazing Mirror.

I've really liked Skyward Sword, ans the motion controls were pretty neat for me

i actually kinda like this game

Street Fighter hurts the fighting game genre.

it doesn't have the best system or characters.

its just the biggest name in the genre and its been coasting off its name since Street Fighter II hit it big.

like D&D 3.5 and the OGL did to table top games for awhile.

I share this opinion. Steam killed PC gaming for me

Also The xbone controller is complete garbage

The most cancerous fanbase of all is actually the PC mustard race.

It's gotten to the point where i just stop talking about spesific videogames once they come to pc because it's inevitable that shitposting just goes through the fucking roof.

And it makes me sad.

square has been playing it way too safe as a company and is more focused on cinematic wonder than reinventing how someone experiences a story in videogames. While people tend to think of them as always "playing by JRPG tradition", they do not realize that they popularized most of the systems that became popular to begin with. FFIV isn't generic, every game just took after it.

that being said I do feel they haven't actually much gotten worse at game making. its a different approach and while it does not interest me as much I respect it.

I feel Minecraft ruined PC injecting the 10-12 year olds that populated Xbox Live to Steam

Don't give me that shit, it's not like pc didn't have boatloads of shitlords in it before minecraft

Crysis 1 is one of the best FPS games of all time.

I feel this so hard. Especially with how bad 5 has turned out. Since Capcom and Sony are backing it with so much money and CPT it makes people only want to play 5 for a chance at the money.

It's sad too cause there's been a lot of really good fighting games to come out recently but they'll never see big exposure cause of SF5. Thankfully GG is starting to see an increase of players and hopefully KOF14 will start off strong.

son, you are memeing too hard

I actually really like Connor. Most of the hate that he gets are from Ezio fags that haven't finished jacking off to his image after almost 4 games (or more if you include camios). He isnt a womanizer like Ezio or a stuck up cocky asshole like Altair and he never was intended to be. Hes his own character and it was actually unique and decently developed. And the story of AC3 wasnt that bad either...except for the future sections. Fuck Desmond and his retarded adam sandler face

Pay2win is okay.

t. person who hasn't played it.

stay asshurt, Sonygger.

Can you elaborate?

>Unpopular opinions thread
>Zelda TP is trash
>Unpopular opinion

P2W is class warfare. If a community is conditioned to accept it then it doesn't become a problem.

But user, that's jewish...

The market has spoken, accept it.

>muh mature console gaming

Hobby for children is filled with children. Shocking, I know.

>"I'm a speshul snoflayk!" thread

DaS II is actually a good game with pretty cool new mechanics.
>bonfire ascetics so you can replay an area/kill a boss over again or give yourself a challenge by making the area NG+ as well
>Great covenants that will make a challenge for yourself, improve co-op or if you're into PvP you've got the rats and belfrys to strengthen an already good PvP system
>dual-wielding and a 2-H parry for those feeling adventurous
>Locations that are designed well and are also quite difficult as expected from the soulsborne games
>souls memory so you can always find people for co-op or invasions, can be tweaked to your liking with the ring
All and all I like it, I don't get the hate for it. The enemy placement ordeal was never an issue for me, just take things slow kill em one at a time. Looking at ADP, I never got the hate for that either, it doesn't take that long to level up as it did in DeS and DaS I so putting a point in that isn't wasted since souls were easy to get/farm. But hey that's just my opinion it was a great game, sorry Sup Forums

>Twilight Princess was mediocre at best
I feel like this is a decently popular opinion though, no?

>ARMA 3 is the most moddable multiplayer game on the market, the frame rate problems are there to create a cinematic approacj

It's on PSN though.

Depends on the demographic. WW fans absolutely hate it.

I liked Zero Time Dilemma just as much as VLR. I guess I expected different things, but the story pretty much went how I'd expected it, and the final scene in Payoff 2 was actually one of my favorite gaming moments this year

Staying inside and playing video games as a child/teen is problematic.

If you guys have kids keep them away from vidya. Just a waste of time ;_;

That's the dumbest reply i've gotten all year so far, kids playing manage to not be worse than the 18+ supposed adults that think they're hot shit

Work on that syntax, please.

Do you mean mediocre in the general sense, or on the scale of Zelda games?

Because while I definitely think some of the entries are weaker than others, I don't think I'd consider any of them close to bad or even mediocre. not in the general scale of what I'd consider mediocre video games at any rate. They're all pretty well made

>Hating TP on Sup Forums
>Unpopular opinion

You're just fishing for approval and you know it

...There are third person games where you're not shooting things

third person platformers > first person platformers

1. Crysis is meant to be played on PC and the console version was gimped
2. Have you played it?

Which is funny because Wind Waker is also flawed as fuck. I acknowledge that all Zelda's have their flaws but I still enjoy all of them a lot

>Mentions aiming in post
>Rebuttal about aiming is posted
I agree with you though. Playing quantum Conundrum and that platforming can be a pain in the arse

The Elder Scrolls series is shit, including Morrowind which was vastly BTFO'd on the very same year by other great singleplayer RPGs.

Fallout games were never good.

KOTOR was a mediocre RPG followed up by a garbage sequel.

Metal Gear games are highly overrated and not very enjoyable experiences.

Nintendo should have died years ago but they're being kept afloat by manchildren.

TF1 > TF2

Mega Man 2 is genuinely not that great, full of flat and/or repetitive stage design, and marred with genuinely poorly thought out moments (Like the core boss that require crash bombs to kill). It also retained the awkward, slippery momentum from Mega Man 1

On the other hand, 5 is really fucking good. Gorgeous background art that pushed the NES to its limits, most complex soundtrack of the original 6, and was the most mechanically sound game (Lacked the weird momentum from 1 and 2, fixed the buggy slide from 3, and refined the charge shot from 4. Where as 6 had a buggy slide again (Couldn't cancel it with a jump like in 3,4 and 5))


Dark Souls after O&S gets too much hate. Dukes archives was great, Tomb of the Giant was great, new Londo was ok, and I think only Lost Izalith was bad.

People need to stop confusing levels they don't like with levels that are objectively bad.

Final Fantasy VII is THE FF game to play first if you want to get into the series.

>bringing up the flaws with Mega Man 2
>not mentioning how the Metal Blade absolutely destroys 95% of the game
It's arguably the biggest flaw the game has

>Princess Daisy is a character with wasted potential
>Princess Daisy is actually a very cute and appealing character when her model is done right (not often, but still)
>It would be good to see Daisy get development and be included in more games

Is MM5 true Kino?

I dislike darksouls
the only questionably hard parts are the bosses. the actual main part of the game is a 3d beat em up
mash r1 and then go to the next boss

I felt this way about ds1 and ds2. I cannot speak for 3 because the first 2 games turned me away and I didn't drop 60 bucks for the same shit.

I genuinely don't understand how the The Elder Scrolls games, or bethesda in general are still alive

Their games are objectively bad. And I don't mean objective in an ironic way. They're literally buggy, non-functioning messes that fall apart under the smalles bit of scrutiny, painted over with drab color palettes, awful textures, and animations that would make college interns cringe

Nice comback faggot

I'd rather have a character model take up 1/10th of my screen than A FUCKING HUGE GUN taking up 1/4 of it.

Sony always win

Can't talk about Arena but Daggerfall was brought up for years after its release mostly due to its batshit dungeon design, character possibilities, lore and daedra related shenanigans and just having a massive playground to really piss about in. Buggy is an understatement though when even pcmags published commands to get you out of the fucking floor

>Sup Forumstard thinks he has the right to call anything objectively bad
lol no fuck off

>Game has the objective of being playable
>Fails that objective by being broken and buggy
I know it's a shithole, but that user is right by saying they are objectively bad. At least in some repsects, it failed its objective.

Just because more people have issues with it does not mean its broken entirely. More people out of a minority is still a minority. I have never had any major issues with their games since morrowind.

It still failed it's objective. It's objective was for the people who bought it to be able to play it, and it failed that. I bought it and could not play it

CS:GO in the current state is more balanced than 1.6.

Counterstrike is better than Doom, Quake, Halo, Battlefield, CoD, any other fps.

Im still afraid of the day Steam goes Offline and none of us will be able to play the games we 'Subscribed' for. This is why i rather buy a game on Console than on Steam.. i hate DRM

You'll still be able to pirate at least may be optimistic at this point and you'll have enough vindication to last your gaming life

I think a decent part of the FGC actually shares your opinion, but other games don't get enough support and mainly because people are unfamiliar with them, I tried to get Guilty Gear featured at my locals but people thought the game was too complicated and wacky without even trying to play it, and considering how unapealing KoF XIV is to the mainstream audience, don't expect to see anything else than Sleep Fighter V.
The worst is that I actually picked up Smash 4 competitively because otherwise I wouldn't even bother to go to my local full of Capcucks that actually defends the 25€ CPT DLC

I enjoy playing Kirby games

Telltale was amazing before The Walking Dead. Their continuations of Sam and Max and Monkey Island were great, and their Wallace and Gromit games were cute. Even the Strong Bad games were charming. But at some point they decided to stop making adventure games, or games at all.

Switch to uniel, user

it's fun

people that play with controllers on PC are subhuman and need to be culled

they are accepting a lower standard of control and interface from developers and telling them they really dont have to improve anything

>neglecting pc's capability for emulation

Top pleb

hows that controller purchase friendo
working out for you champ?


But AM2R feels great on a controller

Agreed. Their community destroys any chance for new IPs to enter the ring as well.

That's just polysemy in action. The sense in which the person you're replying to means "objective" is an assessment from a hypothetical disinterested third party. That is, in contrast with subjective. You're just playing semantic games with the fact that "objective" can also mean "something someone sets out to do." But this is dishonest of you and you should feel bad.

>Not liking D&D 3.5
It's the patrician edition. 4.0 is the Street Fighter 5, that's for sure

>S&M Season 4 will never get made because TT is too busy making TWD sequels and doing "LOL im such a nerd XD" franchises

>too busy doing "LOL im such a nerd XD" franchises

Telltale will either make a Rick and Morty game in the next year or two or have Rick in Poker Night 3 if it ever happens, I fucking guarantee.

I don't see how this opinion is unpopular. I doubt very many people list TP in their top 5 Zelda games.

I literally have no issue with muslims