You are given an unlimited amount of money to save the Fallout series as Todd and Bethesda have ruined it. You must buy the series and either start up a game studio or give the series to a studio that loves the fallout series and not elder scrolls with guns.
I would start a new studio with tim cain, leonard boyarsky, and chris avellone and make a meme dream team for Van Buren. Also everything after Fallout 2 is retconned.
the settlement building and gunplay of fallout 4 was fun (VATS made it even better)
but it seemed like every single story line made you feel like an asshole, and there should be at least one that is morally sound
plus the settler system was broken, that shit was fun for a few minutes
everyone out in the wasteland just wanted to kill, that shit was no fun too. there should be more peaceful people around
Id rather the game be 3D but what ever
nu-fallout is garbage
new vegas had a pretty good story
the only thing fallout 4 did right was gunplay
I liked the crafting bit
It made you feel more of a prospector since grabbing certain materials were necessary for weapon/armor mods.
I FUCKING hated settlements though, that shit was so retarded. Whole wasteland out there to explore and here you are providing defense, food, water, and electricity for a group of faggots. Good thing it's optional.
Fuck off obsidian drone
I want the RPG Elements and story writing of NV with the Gunplay and graphics of 4.
Is that really too much to ask for?
>that helmet
What overdesigned garbage.
man i havent seen goatse in years. takes me back.
wtf that post got deleted? that post was more on topic than anything else in this topic. memes from the same era.
that was literally a reskin of Skyrim smithing though
Came here to post this.
i will buy the series and immediately denounce 3 and 4 as non-canon spin-offs.
I will have two different development teams work on two different Fallout games.
One will make an RPG within a semi-linear hub world like VTMB and Deus Ex. I will hand this off to CDPR, inXile, or Obsidian.
The other will make a Fallout RPG but this time you play a predetermined character instead of traditionally being able to create one. I will consider handing this off to Eidos Montreal or somebody who loves storytelling and world building.
If those games are successful, I will continue on and do a remake/reboot of Fallout: Tactics and a have Telltale game set in the Fallout universe.
>spelling Ferguson wrong
Shouldve just gone with Detroit user.
I just say "hey Obsidian, here you go"
The end
Although I would throw onto that "remake fallout 1 and 2 before you do anything else"
>2 shit fallout games that aren't actually like fallout
>I just say "hey Obsidian, here you go"
And they will blame you for their faults.
don't tell me you actually unironically like open world rpgs?
Give it to hello games and make it have 18 Quintilian locations on the map and multiplayer
>eating/drinking in the same area as your workplace
NO. You eat and drink on your break or when you have finished your work.
Fallout was taken over by normies. Hurts to type that.
Keep the basic combat mechanics that Bethesda introduced, but make VATS much more advantageous to use effectively for huge damage, but with a very narrow margin of error.
Completely revamp the dialogue and RP elements - 8+ dialogue options per convo, with TONS of skill/perk/rep necessarily influenced dialogue options that actually impact outcomes (a'la New Vegas, but on steroids).
Set the game back a few decades or so, this is a SURVIVAL RPG (with guns), fewer farms and established factions with several generations of history, the war should still be relatively fresh (maybe a bit past Fo1, definitely before Fo2 or 3.
Set in Chicago with a mix of gangster and heavy industrial influences and plenty of midwest wasteland, with the chicago brotherhood of steel, Caesars Legion advancing from the west, and capitol wasteland/commonwealth factions in their infancy poking in from the east.
There should be for the most part no clear winner among fashion "good guy syndrome." All faction hacve
I don't need a break boss, just let me pick at my nutrigrain bar and drink my water. I'd rather finish this shit up so I can get back to playing minesweeper.
Make two games at once. One for the classicfags and one for the modernfags. Both will sell anyway.
VATS should be like the first 2 games where you can target parts of the body when time is stopped
Like the eyes or the weapon or the hand/arm or the leg.
>I don't need a break
yes you do. and ignoring this fact causes a drop in productivity.
when it's time to eat, you eat. you don't think about anything else. you don't do anything else but enjoy your meal. then you go back to work refreshed.
>Keep the basic combat mechanics that Bethesda introduced
stopped reading there
>Todd and Bethesda have ruined it
Here's your (You), friend.
I release the game in Early Access and live off of the rest of the money while I "develop" it myself.
they didnt ruin anything, but I do wonder how fallout could of turned out if a development team that was actually good had a chance to make fallout 3
>van buren will never come out
That's a myth perpetuated by the aging. I'll get my shit done ASAP without trying and it'll be good enough, then I'll go back to goofing off until more work comes up, or my work day ends, now go micromanage someone else.
Well I think they're a pretty good dev team. I mean sure Fallout 3 and onward is different from the older games, but I don't really think that Bethesda has done a bad job with Fallout thus far. Different yes, but not bad.
Really the only substantial mistake I believe Beth has made was with the very limited dialouge in Fo4, and judging by the fact that Far Harbor and apparently Nuka World try and rectify this mistake as much as they can given the 4 options limit (can't completely overhaul the game's dialouge for instance), aswell as Todd admiting that the dialouge didn't work that well, i'd say that they can and are learning from their mistakes.
Really, at the end of the day, I think that they are all great games, except for BoS though. But we don't talk about BoS.
>Unlimited Money
Listen up boys, we're going to have some fun with this one.
We start by bringing Molyneux on board. Now, I know, I know. He's never worked on a Fallout game before, but hear me out. We've got Molyneux. That's what matters.
We put Molyneux in a studio of his own and we give him everything he asks for. We know that he's just going to waste our money, but that's not the point. We've got plenty of money. We've got Molyneux.
And now the games have begun.
This is where we start to call in some favors. We call up Warren Spector. We know Spector's not really doing anything, so he'll be free. That's great. We'll need his star power because we're going to use him to get Richard Garriot in on this as well. We need Garriot because we need the Russians. The Russians are vital to this. We give Garriott to Molyneux for a little while. But we still need Spector, he's going to get us to Uruqhart, and then he's going to get us Steve Jackson. Spector's connections go deep. We'll need them all.
Uruqhart gets us Avellone, Chris Jones, and the rest of the Obsidian crew. We don't need them to make a game. Not yet, at least. We need them to fill some seats. We're going to hold a banquet. All of the great Texas developers in one place. We'll send out limos, women, wine. Whatever it takes. Because we're going to take them all. Brian Reynolds, Harvey Smith, Carmack, American McGee, Romero, you name it. We'll get them all. And we'll get them all underground.
You see, we've already been preparing for this. For some time, actually. Once the door closes and the party begins, Molyneux will release his new game. It'll be a button. Just a button.
He will go live on every television in the world. He will stand there in a white room. Completely white. And he will hold out his hands and say "Hello everyone. Welcome to the next evolution of control. What comes next will be completely up to you. Are you ready to take responsibility?" And then we will wait.
Tell them to finish the series. Narratives need an end. Make it a 3D game in the style of the other 3D Fallouts, set over the territory that would have made up Van Buren.
Do you think Molyneux would still make a bad game if he was given infinite resources? Or would he just start making a game, get bored halfway through and start a new one?
But, do not let the other players see each other. Just the shit they just took and labeled.
>finish the series
The series ends when America is post post post apocalypse or a glowing scar
They built a world, it shouldn't be "finished" like a book with a beginning and end.
>Todd and Bethesda have ruined it
>baby fell for the memes
Fallout would be complete trash or dead without todd and bethesda
lets not forget where it was headed before they jumped in
Well, actually, we leave Molyneux outside. He doesn't get invited to the underground banquet.
But, uh. Between unlimited funds and unlimited scope, I feel that the unlimited scope would win out. He'd make a bad game and it's be because he'd feel entitled to start impossible projects that he'd get bored of waiting for them to be implemented before he started working on another impossible project.
Please note, we leave David Cage outside as well. No frenchies.
Fallout 3 and 4 are my favorite games
They don't need saving, thank you very much
Make almost the same game but design it in an engine not made by soe ial needs children and add back in the RPG elements that where ripped out of it by retards
No, but you need saving, user.
At the very least we got a conclusion to the first two games in NV. I'm grateful for that, things could have been much MUCH worse. It was time to move on anyway. Fallout has cool lore but ultimately the core plot (the core region/NCR) is resolved and Beth clearly cannot write anything remotely interesting.
Don't be sad that it's over, be happy that it happened. Other RPGs (age of decadence, wasteland 2, etc) exist.
give it the graphics profile of Xcom2 and just keep it isometric.
i don't see how anyone could hate on this.
they like that Railroad game but would hate on this? why?
Most reasonable comment about fallout i've seen on this site
The game would be based on the XCOM2 engine but would be polished.
End of story, that would be the best Fallout ever made.
>that hole
Thank god you did not mention Josh Sawyer.
Fuckin COD generation ruining games.
>he thinks 3d is bad
its way past your bedtime gramps
So if he's left outside is it just molyneux in a field somewhere with a phone camera and wind blowing, or does he just walk out mid-broadcast?
>the isometric gameplay is what made 1 and 2 good
thats the dumbest shit ive read all week
The story, indepth rpg mechanics, fantastic dialogue, and huge variety of development and choice made it good, which are not unique to isometric games.
nu-fallout sure as hell doesn't have indepth rpg mechanics
no shit.
But implying thats because its 3d and not because bethesda was lazy is just plain stupid.
He's saying that it doesn't have to be isometric to do what it does best
Not specified. He's on his own.
We'll trust that Molyneux gets the app downloaded at least a few million times before the TV ad is up. After that, it's up to him to forge his own path.
Though, since he's in on the whole thing, I imagine that he's also arranged for his own hideaway. Offshore, perhaps. That seems like his style.
It sure as hell shouldn't be third or first person.
why exactly?
I bring in the original classic/NV devs in obviously, working on a newer version of Fallout 4's engine.
Hideo Kojima will also work on the game design with Chris Avellone and Josh Sawyer working on the story as well.
Settlement building is back. Factions, reputation, karma will all be brought back too.
The gunplay will be superior to Fallout 4's, the dialogue system is completely revamped, with actual choices like the previous titles. No player voice as well.
Troika Games will be revived and also help with development process.
>This isn't the old Fallout blah blah muh nostalgia hurr durr
Fallout is all about choices and consequences and tactical turn-based combat is great for representing your skills and stats. Fallout's turn-based is medicore but Underrail shows it can be done well in a single character CRPG. I have nothing against either perspective but it does not belong in Fallout.
Sell to Blizzard and make it a p2w card game and a hero shooter maybe even a Diablo clone also
First post is best post again
>Fallout is all about choices and consequences
yes it is
>and tactical turn-based combat
no, thats just a medium. The combat and perspective are not part of what makes fallout unique
You can represent skills and stats in a non isometric game, study up on morrowinds combat system; it was basically electronic 3d tabletop
Theres literally no point to go back to the old perspective or combat system, both incredibly outdated and most likely used partially due to tech limitations
>like all the hundreds of other isometric rpgs released around the same time
Fallout has always been about immersion in their world, and if done right 3d (with a correct world and real rpg elements) has far more potential in that sense than iso ever will
Give it to Obsidian on the condition that they bring on avellone, mitsoda, gonzalez and brian fargo and let them go crazy with it
Morrowind's combat system is absolute garbage
first person perspectives in games have been a thing since before the '80s
a perspective doesn't age you mongoloid
I want Sup Forums to come up with their own factions.
Template for faction idea
Political ideals:
Friendly to:
Enemies to:
Main weaponry:
Ranking system (If applicable):
Reason why it fits in Fallout:
>Morrowind's combat system is absolute garbage
So is fallout 1 and 2s
Because they are both based off of the same tabletop rpg mechanics which leads to missing 15 times in a row and getting owned by a rat
>first person perspectives in games have been a thing since before the '80s
no but the technology that allows for real first person games has evolved
>pic related was 1991
to the point where you can build a very real world and give the player a view of what his character sees and really making them feel like a part of the world
>one of the main objectives of role playing period
isometric games haven't changed at all in 20+ years, modern ones are indistinguishable from early 2000s games
>pic related was 1992
FPS games have only evolved in the sense that they have been dumbed down and streamlined. Also Fallout is not isometric.
>FPS games have only evolved in the sense that they have been dumbed down and streamlined
And the addition of a third axis.
you are retarded
>your skills and stats
fuck that shit you should actually have to be some what reactionary
especially with gun play. you don't get to wait your turn in a real shoot out
>inb4 slippery slope
>FPS games have only evolved in the sense that they have been dumbed down and streamlined
and how have (whatever youd like to use to describe fo1s perspective) evolved at all exactly?
Nothing. A perspective doesn't evolve. There are games with an isometric perspective with Z-levels just as there are 3D games that have a 2D top down perspective like dwarf fortress.
>a perspective doesn't evolve
>FPS games have only evolved
How have top down&isometric rpgs evolved to get more specific?
Because they also seem to have become more casual and streamlined just like FPSs as you mentioned
I would make one that both old fags and new fags would hate
fallout needs to get STALKER'ed and fall to a niche class
a first/third person real time open world shooter with a massive map with extremely long struggles in between cities and shit.
also bring back the tribal shit which everyone hates for some no reason
I would also make the NPCs all chat bot based so you would have to type the dialogue yourself
>ugly-average female NPCs
(in real life the pretty ones would all be raped and enslaved to death years ago plus no more waifags ruining everything)
>gore so realistic it gets an A/o rating
>no more VATS
it was fun in 3/NV but now that it's le slow down time thingy it's literally thrown away it's original intended purpose
>make a story where you don't necessarily save duh wurrld in the end and you just become some miserable Junkie and die or best case help a small settlement/tribe go places
>make build able settlements but make it extremely hard and add a story to it.BUT ACTUALLY MAKE IT OPTIONAL
I rather get fallout 3 and 4 if it means I get fallout nv and memes
I mean what if they just stuck to the west coast and gradually work their way to East coast in the plot? The better games are all west coast anyway.
we shouldn't be getting to the whitehouse until Fallout 5
i hate fallout 4 but damn i fucking hate nerds i wanna kill them all
Kill yourself. If Bethesda hadn't picked up the series it would have been in Troika's hands and it would have gotten the sequel it deserved by the only people that truly understood Fallout.
More like
>you have one job
>you don't do it
>blame the other guy for not doing your job
Does Tale of Two Wastelands work with pirated versions of New Vegas and FO3?
Step One: Retcon all Bethesda made Fallouts. New Vegas is the only one that avoids the retcon.
Step Two: Think about how to translate the game mechanics of the first two Interplay games and Fallout Tactics into modern gaming, but avoiding the old timers raging. Also maybe take the settlement building stuff and do something with it to make it fun for a very long time but at the same time make it so that it won't take away from what made the pre-Bethesda games what they are. Maybe do it how Firaxis did X-COM by doing XCOM:EU/EW.
Step Three: Make Fallout Tactics completely canon, but with some alterations.
Step Four: Make Fallout Tactics 2. With gatormen and a environment made by the F.E.V. infested G.E.C.K. to fight.
Step Five: ???
Step Six: Profit.
You hate nerds yet you post on Sup Forums
>unlimited money
Are you shitting me? Do you realize how much power this is? You can buy pretty much anything. I would just invest in VR programs and have people develop a fully immersive virtual Fallout universe with realistically simulated physics and Turing-complete AI.
Hell, if I really had UNLIMITED money, I could invest it, I could flood or starve markets, I could bribe officials and steer policy decisions. I could create the world of Fallout in REAL LIFE.
No one man should have all that power.