Is this faggot the cheapest character in the game?
Is this faggot the cheapest character in the game?
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And Smashfags wonder why FGCniggers don't take them seriously.
no because he cost $5.99
Cammy is a braindead character
No. The cheapest characters to buy are Roy and Mewtwo.
No, edgeguarding him is easy.
Characters like Sonic and Mario are more annoying
He isn't *necessarily* OP but he has a TON of ridiculous strengths to exploit (stupid range, stupid priority, stupid power, not nearly slow enough to be in any way balanced, EZPZ to combo). What makes him most annoying is that these are so EASY to exploit.
Literally anyone can pick up Cloud and start wrecking most regular/semi-serious players. If you're good you can shut him down with proper spacing, punishes, and taking advantage of his mediocre recovery
Fucking lol'd
I want to dc every time I body someone in for glory and they switch to cloud
>Literally anyone can pick up Cloud and start wrecking most regular/semi-serious players
no, that would be Mario since he has good frame data, safe moves, easy kill move, a dunk, deadly offstage game, deadly combos that can lead to death easily, all kinds of mixups, and all this other shit that everybody thinks is true when really, you put anything that greater than the average Mario be it sword reach, speed, power, etc. and he gets bodied real quick
What does this prove? That Cloud can get shat on? Nobody is arguing that.
But Cloud has all of that.
In no particular order
Off the top of my head. Did I miss anyone?
Cloud's the safest twink you'll ever get for $5.99
m2k kinda sucks at 4 so why they act like him losing is a big deal is beyond me.
The campers: Samus, Olimar, Pacman, Mewtwo, Wii Fit Trainer, and Link
>complains about ROB
>not Villager or Toon Link
Come on man if you're gonna bitch about projectiles at least be consistent
Lucas/Ness aren't necessarily difficult to beat but they're still a PITA and I sigh whenever I see them picked online.
Perfect list otherwise as far as I can tell.
Also the spammers: Ness, Lucas, Luigi, Charizard, Zelda, Falco, Ryu, and Villager
fuck off and get a job
What does Falco spam?
inb4: Lasers
fucking, Pikachu.
Elsa and her dumb stars are
Nair, Fair, Bair, Lazers
How the fuck do you consider Charizard and Zelda spammers?
>Why the fuck do I even PLAY THIS GAME
>playing usually like every other day or so at least
>every match feels like an uphill battle due to some sort of bullshit
>usually win regardless, but still feel like shit
It's a joke ya goof
Zelda gets invincibility in her neutral B, so For Glory Zeldas get off on just using it and up B endlessly.
Charizard might not belong there, I was mostly considering his fire breath. And the Side B spam every 2v2 Charizard likes to do
>the bird spams aerials
rlly makes u think
If you seriously have a problem with Zelda spamming Neutral B then the problem is with you not them. Charizards that spam side b are annoying but super easy to deal with
Most of his specials are situational, the lasers are weak as shit and can be punished easily, and his D-air is trash. He doesn't have much else.
People get really cocky winning with him for some reason.
DDD is not even good but I never enjoys fighting against him,
Fighting Kirby and Peach is pretty meh to.
what you listed is pretty accurate.
oddly the anime swordsmen tend to be the least annoying characters.
toon fucking link
>its a "wii fit trainer spams side-b and hangs off the ledge" match
What's your opinion on Ganondorf?
I've tried to main WFT for the longest time, I don't blame them, her punish options and hit boxes suck.
Fuck you pussy I play Olimar and Mewtwo and will rush you the fuck down
Just shield
or roll
or jump
or spot-doge
or stand on the other sideo of the stage
not him but I'm not a fan of the potential of a 4 hit kill potential
>rushdown Olimar
Do you enjoy losing?
try 2 hits
utilt -> neutral b
No, I enjoy my huge grab range so I can drag you to my cock and impale you on it.
In the right hands he's a beast. At least as far as casual play.
A lot of deadly moves and you really need to approach him differently.
Olimar's dick couldnlt even puncture Kirby's skin
>Dtilt into 40%
>le kill you at 110% uthrow
I remember some faggot on here was actually arguing that they needed to buff Mewtwo's uthrow.
That's not fair, Kirby is canonically indestructible
Olimar's dick can penetrate the sun.
Oh, is huge grab range all it takes to be rushdown? I'll remember that next time I play Link or Samus.
>for glory scrubs S T I L L can't beat cloud
What did you expect, all the sword characters are cheap.
>mfw this game fizzled out after all the DLC hype
Thank God
Cloud is broken as fuck, the only reason why he hasn't been patched is because Samurai doesn't care anymore.
You shouldn't really be losing as Cloud. Don't know what you are talking about.
Cloud certainly is the most annoying character to fight against, but as long as his recovery is so shitty with limit he'll never be broken. Still, he could use a few nerfs
*without limit
Same. Every single character feels awful to play against, even shitters like Samus.
Actually, especially shitters like Samus. I've never in my 700 hours between the 3DS and Wii U said "Yeah, that was a close match and I had fun, let's play again".
It's because the game sucks
Play a HAL Smash game or Project M if you want to have fun
Spoiled for GimR
Do you play Palutena? If so that's probably the reason why, I can't imagine having only bair, fair, jab, and d throw combos is very fun at all
Just a reaction image.
While I do like to play her at times, Robin is my real character.
Reminder that Nintendo doesn't give the slightest shit about their adult fans, they're only trying to appeal to children, and kids like cuh-razy items and absolute nonsense stages
Ah. Robin doesn't seem like a very engaging character, outside of edge frame traps and the occasional spike I don't have much enjoyment playing her either
His limit charge is super unbalanced since it has no cooldown. If even a frame or two was added before you could move the character wouldn't be nearly the problem it is.
What is a good For Glory win rate?
I know that doesn't mean much at all, but with the amount of bullshit that there is on FG I'm curious what other peoples' win rates are.
Mines like 40 something last I checked
>main a dlc character
>they didn't put nearly as much effort into him
Fuck. I get 3rd party characters would get a lot of love and care but this still sucks.
At least Ness is decent, kind of.
I went through hell and back since vanilla Sm4sh before I actually start to pull off some decent and convincing wins with my mains.
>playing online
>only ever play on the weekends sometime
>some sonic side Bs and Bs me for 15 minutes straight
>I can hardly get a single stock off of him
fuck this game
>Samus and Zelda
You masochistic bastard
I can't imagine the pain you've gone through
Lucas is solid b tier, get your head out of your ass.
>At least Ness is decent, kind of
>It's a once-in-a-blue-moon Sup Forumskend where customs are allowed
>Pull out max attack Zard with Blast Burn
>Side B
>Break shields in one hit
>One hit kill anything within the blast radius
Whoever thought this much power was okay was a fool
Kirby's big hammer with maximum attack is the best custom possible, that hyper armor is sex and it kills at 0%
Lucas is low mid tier and Ness is high tier/ low top tier at best. Ness has some great attributes but against the top tiers it can be very difficult for him.
Taiheita doesn't give a fuck about tiers and neither should you
I have about 78% win rate out of 1500+ matches. I stopped playing for glory once I started going to locals.
>low mid tier
So mid tier
>low top tier
So top tier.
Fucking motherfags don't know how good they have it. Tons of characters would kill to have a move like Ness's backthrow.
All the more reason why I'm grateful for those buffs.
Only on Wifi.
Any character with big powerful sweeping hitboxes pretty much become SSS tier online. Ganondorf, Ike, D3, Bowser, etc. Cloud is just the worst of them because he's already arguably the best character in the game regardless.
God I hate zeldas up b, fucks me every time
You must be new to Smash.
Everyone 4stocks m2k and m2k 4stocks everybody.
Anyone who mains Ninja Zelda, Slutty Samus, or Fat Peach deserves to be smashed
>I """"main"""" everyone you just listed except Cloud
>been playing all of them since long before sm4sh existed
feels good playing the big boys
How the fuck are Charizard, Ryu, and Zelda spammers? Charizard's "projectile" goes about two feet in front of his face and Ryu and Zelda can only even have one of their projectiles on screen at a time.
Oh I'd smash them alright
That's fine if you're playing them offline, most of them are shit tier generally other than most solid character in the game Ike
>ctrl + f
>0 results
Broken ass character too fast and infinite recovery.
As a kirby main, he's fun to go against, same with the characters people usually "think" can beat a kirby
Fun as fuck, especially ROB... always gives tense matches
Peach and mario are annoying to fight against due to one having a range advantage and the other having safe as hell moves, but it's great sparring especially if they're good
So i dunno why you're complaining OP
the previous smashes were way funner though
People will just tell you to get good, but I agree with you
Good Foxes give me quite some trouble
How is Ness a spammer? Pk thunder spam isn't exactly a wise thing to do.
DDD, Kirby, and Sonic players are the biggest loads of cancer. I rather fight and lose against a Cloud that's fighting decently than play against those three faggots.
This is how you play Smash 4.
Are you kidding me nigger
You're forced to use him for like 90% of the game, so... what, would you rather him be shit?
Fox literally cannot kill if without an absolute diamond dick solid movement read. He does not have kill confirms. Literally all you have to do is hold shield at upsmash range all day and you'll live to 200%+ because he has nothing off of grabs. He also is completely unable to edgeguard.
Conversely, Fox literally dies at 80% to mid-range power forward Smash depending on rage, which you'll have lots f since Fox just does damage but doesn't kill
Also in wifi Fox becomes even worse because his hitboxes are so tiny and precise if you're 4glor shitters.
You don't even have to gitgud. Unless you're playing against Larry Lurr you have 0 excuse for ever losing to a Fox.