Game has rap ost

>game has rap ost

Other urls found in this thread:


>game has metal soundtrack

>game has soundtrack

hahaha yeah rap is crap, retards attempting poetry, nigger gorilla noise. get down with the sickness op \m/

Rap is meme genre and people listen to it for just a phase they are going throigh

Prove me wrong

All of music is a meme, prove me wrong.

For fuck's sake. The correct term is HIP-HOP. Rapping is not exclusive to hip-hop music.

>gorilla noise
That's a pretty good name man

>ey ey
>check me out, yo
>uh, uh
>it's retard in da house

i have a friend who's partial to "jungle noise"


i mean, that is what it is. niggers attempting poetry.

There is nothing wrong with anarchy reigns' soundtrack.

>it's a Sup Forums attempting to talk about music thread

Nothing wrong with that.

>game has orchestral soundtrack

>Game has brazilian rap

I'm feeling my inner HUE rising.
Max Payne 3 had a fun ost

>mfw there are probably a handful of games with hip hop sound track
I don't want to have to play sports garbage just to get some nice beats.

or Madworld's for that matter

>electric guitar plays one note
>Sup Forums pleb: metal xD

Madworld wasn't too bad and I hate rap

>typical character design for BRPGs
I don't want to like this but I do. And a couple of other tracks. The BGM is too good, I guess.

>whitebois listening to rap


ITT people who don't know what real music is.
Enjoy your Country music guys.

>Implying rap isn't good
Dumb Sup Forumstards

To be honest, as a hue, i wish there was more games when i'm a traficant having shootouts in favelas.

Imagine the verticality

Is this more Atlus silliness that doesnt exist ingame? I dont remember hearing that

>real music
>rap or country

Throw yourself off a balcony please

nothing wrong with that.
garbage tier rap

>garbage tier rap
Post a better one cumskin

Bacon soda I got Bacon soda whippit in da glass nigga

a clasic

I am capable of enjoying almost every music genre. It's nice.

>garbage tier rap
It's from something taking the piss, it's obvious bait.

Let's take a dive...

>niggers thinking whitebois haven't been involved since '81

Wanna know how I know you're underage?

rap is an explicit expression of the inner city, pleb. you whitebois just look foolish when you listen to rap.

fuck outta here back to your art gallery hipster hop, cumlard.

It was literally the opening credits.

back to picking cotton for you, filthy negro



shieeet this is what it would sound like if Prince rapped

>referring to hip-hop as rap
>Being this scumbag white

Do you enjoy power noise and free folk


>muh cultural appropriation
This one is fucking garbage though. The lyrics and the voice suck too hard.

>whitebois LITERALLY having to emulate us and our whole styles which emit from our lives

you don't see us playing guns n roses or whatever the fuck you listen to. you all shitpost about muh niggers then want to pick up rap when its hip and throw it away when it isnt

fuck off

>dat final boss theme

What game dies this?

My favorite.

Oh boy I love self hating niggas

Good stuff

>you don't see us playing guns n roses or whatever the fuck you listen to
You can if you want to.

You're a meme. Prove me wrong.

My name is -what?-, my name is -who?-

>you don't see us playing guns n roses or whatever the fuck you listen to.
You really do


Those two replies are memes. Prove me wrong

>Not realizing that black music has been in the gutter for 30 years.
>Having taste this plebeian.

Here, listen to some real music.

Not self hating, lazy hating

meme rapper

I work with 3 black people who literally hate rap and just listen to rock

>real music.
I like Curtis but go fuck yourself. You "real music" fags are the worst.

Weak ass nigga


I know a black dude whose favorite song is Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd, probably the whitest band in america.

>not installing


Easily the best OST Track I have heard right here:

It's from The Adventure of Bruce the OP

>Liking nigger music

>game has mongolian/tibetan throat singing

That's my shit.

>real music

>Soundtrack is rad as fuck

If i were to make a videogame i would probably make a stage/character mongolian just so i have an excuse to put these throat singing shit.

Modern rap and hip hop (and most modern rock for that matter) are like disco and pop. Dull, soulless repetitive tones cranked out by record executives to get idiots to buy more shit and live above their means.

At least 80s and early 90s rap had a little bite to it. It still sounded like shit; but it had some soul to it. It was real music, it wasn't good music; but it was real.

Shit written by record executives and passed through a computer twenty times to make it sound as generic as possible isn't music and you're a plebe if you think it is.

Shit just remembered this happening to me

>playing Killing Floor 2 with friends
>kind of religious, like to joke around about crusades and such with friends
>play with vocals enabled

Now for those who dont know, KF2s soundtrack consists 90% of Demon Hunter and Living Sacrifice, two white metal bands, so the lyrics talk alot about religion, mostly about sinners being damned, fighting agaisnt sin and generally sound a lot like zealotry, anways back to the story

>really in the zone chilling with friends and killing zeds
>sometimes I would sign along with the songs for a chorus or some verses I liked
>this goes for about two months

Now another important thing I forgot while playing, vocals are not on by default, and players have independent soundtracks, so even if I was singing along lets say track A, someone elses game will be playing track B, another track C and so on, so if they didnt know the lyrics its hard to tell its from track A without having the vocals on yourself

>one day comment how I like a peculiar song about fighting addictions
"what are you talking about user?"
>"track X, its about addictions, never listened to the lyrics?"
"songs have lyrics?"
>"yea they do, you turn them on in the audio options, else its just instrumental tracks"
"cool, didnt know"
>"I usually sing a bit of them from time to time, did you not notice?"
"I just thought you were rambling about sinners and crusades a bit more than usual"
"yea same for me, figured you were losing your mind with the violence and loud music"
"same here, thought 'anons gone insane for good this time' guessed you were making up those phrases yourself"

Holy shit that was awkward, must of scared my friends into staying quiet about it untill they knew what was going on.
This stuff is magical.

>Shit written by record executives and passed through a computer twenty times to make it sound as generic as possible
This is why nobody takes people who criticize modern music seriously. This accounts for a very small amount of modern music.

So they're finally here, performing for you
If you know the words, you can join in too
Put your hands together, if you want to clap
As we take you through this monkey rap


oh my bait

I only wish that there was piano in either GTA or SR and all the music you could listen to was Vanessa Carlton song every time you drive it.

Spotted the degenrate cuck. At least there's black people out there who try their hardest to be civilized and benefit society instead of being a nigger and chimping out when the cops kill a criminal.

>wood plank road
>as opposed to nothing
>as opposed to nothing
>houses built with actual thought put into them
>as opposed to shitty huts

honestly, who else do you think is qualified?
are you going to tell me you're going to trust idiots talking about the b52's and fucking neutral milk hotel over on Sup Forums over Nobuo Uematsu? Right now, games are one of the few popular mediums left where the audience truly appreciates good music on an artistic level.

To any composer here.
Feel free to use whatever music style you want from my culture. If anyone yells something about cultural appropiation just tell them you got the permission from an user.

With that said please more put more flamenco shit in your game songs!

he had the foresight to say "almost"

The Saints Row series has some pretty good hip hop tracks

GTAIV also has a GOAT hip hop soundtrack with DJ Premier on The Classics

GTAV's hip hop soundtrack is super disappointing, all Gucci Mane trap garbage

>try their hardest to be civilized and benefit society
just stop

>Did the man who invented college go to college?

What an enlightened individual
Hopsin is all act

>he thinks all rap is bad

I've never seen Sup Forums talk about the B52s but there is tons of good music coming out all the time and you should expand your taste outside of fucking video game music.


Guaranteed all the shitposters haven't even heard of PUTS before
>hurr durr, my knowledge of hip hop extends as far as Lil Wayne

>College isn't a scam
Is that your way of justifying living with your parents after you graduate senpai?