What games makes you feel fucking powerful ?

What games makes you feel fucking powerful ?

Also, will there ever be a Prototype 3 and in the first one, do we play the virus with the appearance of Mercer or Mercer that controls the virus ?


never ever, Activision decided Radical had fucked up too much with 2 and killed them off. It wasn't quite as bad since most if not all the people that made 1 were mysteriously replaced when 2 was being made, which explains why we went from cool dev diaries explaining how the city is as much of a character as Alex and the nature of a monster thinking and trying to be a man to MUH DAUGHTER MUH WIFE I'LL SKULLFUCK DAT MURSUR AN DRAIN HIS MEMORIES OUT DA HOLE

Virus with appearance of Mercer
when you're shit enough at video games to die in Prototype of all things it'll say ALEX MERCER IS DEAD, which is obvious enough until the twist, he died back at Penn Station and you've been the virus since he started coughing in the morgue

Well fuck.
Never finished the second one because I really disliked Heller. So I tought that Mercer had some kind of a plan and that he wasn't really "evil".
Well, I just saw the ending on Youtube and I guess, I was wrong.

They really did a number on Zeus, thanks to some off-screen comic books he decides that because some cunt was a cunt all of humanity should burn/be made better.

Thing #1 is that Blacklight is designed to kill the shit out of 99.99more9s% of people, and he only got super powers because he had the right genetics and he was already dead so it could give him funny arms and twizzlers out the ass

Thing #2 is that he 'wished to hell' that he could forget what he had done, that making NYC into ground zero was a very bad thing. It doesn't make any fucking sense that he suddenly decides to do it all over again.

Obscure fan-forums are favorable towards a starfish theory, where when he gets blown up at the end of 1, there's more bits and blobs of him than the one that eats the crow and is presumably the one you control, and so 2 features a completely different Zeus with more of a 'fuck humens' bent to his personality

The hope is that, in the unlikely event of 3 ever being made, 1's Alex comes back to fuck with Heller's head and the two of them buddy up to defeat the new BBEG which could very well be the police lady from 1's comic, seeing as how 2 proved off-screen bullshit is allowed to matter in the game itself

What about PARIAH then

Divine Cybermancy


Doom 1/2

Darksiders especially

Hulk ultimate destruction. Prototypes prototype

I really need to play E.Y.E again. I bought it for 2 dollars 3 years ago but never understood how to play past the first few mission.s

Well, I don't see that happening ever.

PARIAH got swept under the rug after P1. There's absolutely no mention of him at all in the second game.

The way they explained Mercer's heel turn to the dark side was absolutely retarded. As clunky as Prototype 1 felt, I really liked how the ending had him as a "hero" in keeping the plague contained and then the fucking after comic and 2 happened.

Also, RIP Specialist Cross. The cutscenes in the game were actually pretty nice.

how to play EYE

>obtain BK .444
>obtain super legs
>dual wield sword and BK .444
>gain brouzouf

That's who we could possibly play as if Prototype 3 is ever made. Against Mercer who took Heller's power or I don't know which lame twist they'll find.

Why I really disliked in Prototype 2 is how much Mercer's character and personality changed. I stil can understand that he would decide that humanity is doomed. But all of a sudden, he became the caricature of a bad guy.
At the very begining of the game when he said "Put some fucking clothes on". I understood that this Mercer was going to be lame. And he was.

>no mention of rushing to level 10 legs
you disgrace me

I saved a bunch of infographics, will those be enough to save my legs and slay Jian scum?

The thing about Prototype 2 that pissed me off the most was the complete absence of height physics.

Doing a dive bomb off the top of the tallest building had the same impact as doing a dive bomb 10 feet from the ground. It was fucking lame.

only if you follow the advice contained within them

I hear everyone say the game is really confusing. Is that just the story, or is the gameplay convoluted and hard to figure out?

I saved them for a reason, mentor

Personal experience on my end says both.

Saint Row 3&4
DMC3&4 (on easy mode)

Bam Ham

Ace Combat


Dark Souls

Depends on how much you read into it
The main twist is pretty easy to understand once distilled, it's all the worldbuilding shenanigans that I find more complex
There's a bunch of tutorial videos that give some examples of what to do, and outside of hacking all you'll need are basic FPS skills.
Rebind your use key to E or something normal instead of enter though.

>Not feeling powerful on harder difficulties.
Clearly you don't have enough motivation.

>prototype 3 never ever
>bayonetta tier female protag
>goth girl in school uniform
>l-lewd tentacle attacks
>seduce people to fight for you
>new murder ball ability for fast travel
>more open world with more colors
One can dream.

They also gutted half the moves

>protag is Dana after magic Mercer family genes keep her from fully turning into a runner
>Lake Bell's qt voice used for all that grunting and panting she'll have to be doing as the pinnacle of mankind's evolution

>bayonetta tier female protag
So shit tier?
>goth girl in school uniform
That's retarded.

I like it. Better than alex mercer and black man.

Latter yes, former no. It's not a Japanese game. And even if it was, "goth girl in school uniform" is still retarded for this setting.

>twizzlers out the ass

a man can dream

Take all my Evolution Points.

Earth Defense Force 4.1