There are a lot of bad things you can say about this game, but it easily has the best soundtrack in the franchise

There are a lot of bad things you can say about this game, but it easily has the best soundtrack in the franchise.

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Not while FFX or Mystic Quest exists

Mystic Quest has a great soundtrack but there are only ten songs on it.

You're right. Also the best MC.

You're right
And the best mini game and world and artstyle and best hidden dungeons and summons

game would have been perfect if they didn't include the junction fuckery

FFX has like 5 memorable songs.
Battle theme because you hear it a gorillion times
To Zanarkand
Besaid Island
Thunder Plains
Otherworld because of how bonkers it is.

not the best soundtrack but damn good.

I never get this comlaint, why is it so bad?
You can break the game? Just like any other FF
You can grind draw and make the game easy mode? Just like any other FF
The only thing that's not great is that you have to use them on stats while also using the spells. but you won't need spells for 90% of the game and if you do you won't use the ones that are combined with stats since those are usually spells you never use or won't even need at that point

But junctioning is a great system, it allows casual players to play the game at a normal pace while people who want to break the game wide open have the freedom to do so.

I actually prefer the FF7 soundtrack by a wide margin.. 8 has good songs but not the amount that FF7 has.

How did you manage to forget what's easily the best song in the game?

I played FFX again a month ago and I don't even remember the thunder plains music.
For some reason this was always one of my favorite tracks

It also allows people to make the game hard if they want to. Something most FFs don't let you do.

Is this the sickest burn in the history of video games?

>but it easily has the best soundtrack in the franchise.

Best girl never wins, god dammit

And we will never see a FF8 remake sadly. I wish we'd live in a world where FF8 would've been the first 3d FF and would be the popular one today

Which one is the best?

Don't forget the jazzy as hell Chocobo theme.


>How did you manage to forget what's easily the best song in the game?
You're right I did, but it isn't your drab choice.
I forgot this piece.

I don't think FF7 is the most popular just because it was the first 3D one. It's popular because it was consistent in quality. FF8 has a great first disc, decent second disc, and then totally shits itself in the third disc. So it has higher highs than 7, but also way lower lows. 9 is similarly inconsistent, while 10 is a pretty consistent game which is why it's also popular.

I would say 9 and 10 have better soundtracks

But ost is one of the few things 8 does right

It's still my favorite, but i know it has flaws.
I really wish 8 and 9 would get dissidia graphic remakes. I doesn't even need to be FF7R levels

It has like five memorable songs and I can't even remember them other than Fisherman's Horizon.

What's the comfiest song from VIII? These two tie for me.

Opinions i guess
I can only remember 3-4 tracks from 7,9,12 and 13 but can almost remember the whole FF8 OST. But i finished that shit 100% like 6 times

always wondered what was the list he tells Fujin to add Quistis on was all about.

After XIII-2, there can't be another chocobo theme superior. There's just no way to top something as ridiculously stupid as crazy chocobo.

XIII had a pretty chill one for the regular pulse chocobo theme though.
This one was always relaxing

I played FF8 through 5 or 6 times and, after my first playthrough, I often found myself wondering why disc 2-3-4 exists.

I love how the game starts, the bit in the garden, the exam it's all great but, that's when the game peaks for me, then it starts going down, very slowly and with the occasional redeeming part (the gardens battle) but, it's a downward spiral.

Sometimes I wonder why it could just not end at disc 1, kill the witch, show a FMV of people celebrating and that's it.

Disc 2 3 and 4 have really no reason to exist and it seems the game narrative was stretched because a FF game HAD to span multiple CDs.

Are these Chocobo entering a Budokai Tenkaichi with backing from the Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Slipknot? What the fuck. This is too hardcore and I love it. It's amazing.


Has to be Fisherman's Horizon.

What I could really not endure was the inconsistent plot, like they forget each other and blame the GF but the first you ever use it s ifrit at the beginning.
Also after you meet fucking laguna everything goes down spiraling to hell, literal "well, whatever, lets move on"
Witches everywhere.

>but the first you ever use it s ifrit at the beginning.
No it isn't.

Dude timeloops, maybe
I never really undestood too much of it, but i think it also has a lot to do with timeloops and timelines and shit, but it's never really explained too much more like lore in dark souls
They should've been more straight forward with it

I'd want an FFVIII remake if only for it getting a decent translation this time.

The main song isn't even about Squall and Rinoa tho. It makes no sense why it plays during the space scene.

Old PS1 translations are weird. Especially english ones, german 7, 8 and 9 translations are almost perfect 1:1 script translations for some reason

There are already HD mods.

A retranslation won't make the story not shit tho.

>FFV remake never
>instead have to settle with the abysmal looking ios port
it hurts

Tactics had a better soundtrack though I will grant you that 8's was excellent.

You get Shiva and that lightning GF, can't remember the name started with a Q, before Ifrit and it's implied they train to use GF from a young age at Balamb Garden.

I don't know about the German versions but I remember hearing that the Spanish versions were not only poorly translated but they were translated from the already fucked English versions. FFVII translated "party" as "fiesta" for example.

By far my favorite Final Fantasy.
Nothing like floating through space with this music playing.
Gonna have to go with the above.


Wasn't the main song about Laguna and that singer?

>always wondered what was the list he tells Fujin to add Quistis on was all about.


Yeah, that green thing.

No, unfortunately

Selphie is my waif

>Literally the Ginyu Force poses and colours

What the fuck, Square

I love how they did the ~fourth disc's music with time compression and the final bosses. A lot of unique tracks make each event memorable. First time through, I can't help but go "oh shit".

Not even.

Which one then?


To me, it seems like Squall and Rinoa was supposed to be the present versions of Laguna and Raine in a not so direct way. As if the mantle was passed on to them. The song seems like it is directed at both sets of couples, where Raine was the likely one to have sung it. At least that was the major impression I got when playing the game as a kid back when it first released.

Yeah the main song was about Laguna and Julia. Then they recycled it for the cringy and totally out of place space scene "Hurr I've spent two discs not giving a shit about you, but suddenly now I CARE SO MUCH"


In the flashback where she invites you up to her room, she even tells Laguna that she's composed a song that he inspired but she thought the lyrics weren't all too great.

X has a shitty soundtrack. II's is more memorable and I haven't even played it.

>shield dragon

oh god fuck that thing

The Extreme is IMO the most hype FF final boss battle music.

It's just so... final fantasy. I got so fucking hyped when the baseline came out of literally nowhere and then suddenly the music got hype as fuck.

It's not like other final boss battle themes where it's very different from the rest of the soundtrack (i.e. One Winged Angel, Otherworld). It's just like a normal boss battle theme on steroids. It's fucking beautiful.

Wooaaahhhhh that is one seriously faggoty opinion there edge lord.

I'm a little surprised how every single person in this thread is wrong.

FFIX has the best OST by far.


I want to fuck that fairy.

>Literally one memorable song

Calm Before the storm
Yuna's theme
Mt. Gagazet
Calm Lands
Monster Arena
Movement in Green
A Fleeting Dream
Blitz Off

There's more I haven't listed, that are great. This and VIII definitely are the best.

The only memoable OST of that game was "You're not alone"

The rest were from mediocre to complete shit.

The Place I'll Return to Someday
Vivi's Theme
Sword of Fury
Vamo' Alla Flamenco
Jesters of the Moon
Battle Theme
Boss Theme
Crossing Those Hills
Frontier Village Dali
Hunter's Chance
Ukulele de Chocobo
Sleepless City Treno
Rose of May
Esto Gaza
Airship Hilda Garde
You're Not Alone
The Dark Messenger
Final Battle
Melodies of Life

Fuck me. Should i play ff 8 again?

Just played ff7 and killed both weapons at level 70 something under 32h play time. Last time i played i made it to disc 2 on ff8 and quit since its piss easy game

Just don't grind or draw too much except for GFs
The end game dungeons on disc 3 and 4 are great
But if you didn't like the story and characters you probably won't like them any more this time

>Vivi's Theme
>You're Not Alone
>Melodies of Life
Literally the only memorable ones

Only grind that i do is when i get diablos and i just get enc none the first thing. I keep squall dead most of the game since its useless to level him before you get cactuar.

Its kinda fun that nobody never bitches about the men being 20 times better in this game then women.

could be a power rangers thing?

literally all the ones that guy listed are memorable, though he forgot Passing Sorrow

>forgetting Beatrix's Theme

Rose of May is Beatrix's Theme.

honestly though, he'd have to list almost the entire soundtrack if he wanted to be accurate.
fite me

How wrong you are

Which one is the best then?

>its useless to level him before you get cactuar.
Is this something like not getting stats before getting the summons in 6?

You have to be purposely acting like a retard to ignore all these songs.

FF8 isn't popular because of it's system being dramatically different than FF7. And the plot is just as stupid. And most of the characters are either forgettable or unlikeable. Otherwise it's an ok game.

Why is FFX so popular?

Can't say there is the best.
Each has its own merit and shouldn't be compared to each other unless they are in the same fantasy genre type. Such as classical fantasy compared to future fantasy. So you can compare 8 7 10 and 13 maybe 6
But you can't compare those to 1 2 3 4 5 9 maybe 12.
All are Era specific so if you want to argue which is best you might as well say for example which is better classical or rock music.

Yeah. Cactuar has stat+1 abilities like summons in 6.

You dont really need them since you cab fuck around with items and strenght is pretty much the only stat that matters in the game. Its a retarded system

Wrong. Stop trying to make excuses for VIII. It's mediocre as fuck.

Because it was on the ps2 first and it's shitty romance story teenagers crave.

Path of Repentance/Via Purifico shits on To Zanakard every single day.

It was the second babby's first rpg, VII was the first.

First one on PS2
Full voice acting
Amazing graphics for the time

>Wrong. Stop trying to make excuses for Final Fantasy. It's mediocre as fuck.


So pretty much the same as VIII at the time. So VIII would probably be the popular one if it came out as VII

Yes, I loved the voice acting in FFVIII

It's also the comfiest of them all.

>for it's time
Learn to fucking read

What made 7 so good, Surely not the graphics

I can't lie, I like FF8. The junction system itself is fine, but the drawing is tedious. The characters and plot is kinda crappy, but I love the pre rendered backgrounds, the places you visit, the optional dungeons are kinda cool, the combat can get fun at times and the music is well and above some of the best music the series has seen, maybe even some of the best music video games have ever had, period. The OST is so good that it manages to carry a game that's mediocre at best.

Yeah amazing ps2 graphics on 8
I remember that...

>at the time
Are you guys fucking retarded?
Basicly they're both babbies first jrpg, i get it