Should I buy this game?
Should I buy this game?
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sure its alright
how much is it? It's not worth more than $20
it's on sale on steam for $10
worth it
It is worth 10.
Best third person shooter system
Shit single player campaigns
Fun multiplayer and mercs
worst third person shooter system
mediocre single player campaigns
you'll never play multiplayer
Ignore this post, the game is really good.
100% worth it. It's fairly fun. About a 7/10 at best.
No, buy 5 and 4 which recently both had a release on current gen.
They run like ass on consoles
Is the RE5 untold stories content worth it for the extra $10 on the gold edition?
Or will it be middling/only worth it for the extra skins you get?
game has great gameplay for a tps everything besides the cover system works perfectly, if you don't mind the action resident evils the game is great, its what 5 should have been.
Yes. It's amazing! Buy it twice!
>you'll never play the multiplayer
Multiplayer is the only reason to buy it, can't pass the 1 min mark scrub?
I'm not saying its bad, I loved it. It just doesn't have the best systems
>Buy RE0
>Runs at 23FPS
>Has same issue has REHD with background forced at 1440p
>No patch or fix in sight
Back to emulating.
Works on my machine ;)
upgrade your toaster
the one where they redo re1 is pretty fun. pretty short though
mercenearies doesnt work on the pirated re6 so yes buy it
hehe.... griaffe blowjergb hhehehe
i just made a thread about this, i really regret it now.
dont kill me.
>CAPCOM sales
>no RE4HD in discount list
what a bunch of turbojews
It's in the bundle
no its not
god what the fuck is the logo even supposed to be, literally all i've ever seen is that fucking giraffe blowjob
Should I buy REV2.