What is THE most controversial event in videogames history?

What is THE most controversial event in videogames history?

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That airport shooting level in COD?

Hot Coffee.

When faggots shot up their school after playing Doom in the computer lab.



Either or Mortal Kombat

I just want to slap those fuckers who defended this and said the slippery slope didn't exist.

These two are the only ones that could reach out of video games and reach actual controversies and shit

This was probably ones of the ones that impacted video games the most.

>t. dreamboy

Sup Forums/reddit going after anita sarkeesian, creating gamergate and then ruining the entire game industry by making companies pander to feminist.

what did it even change? they are still doing paid reviews, gawker is still up and has a new owner.

This. Now they're going to popularize 2 season passes soon if the rumors turn out to be true.


Mortal Kombat. The ESRB was created because of it.


really makes you think how close we were to a nuclear war in the 00's...

hopefully drumpf, who is literally hitler, doesn't get elected...

I should really keep up more with politics
I don't know shit about what's going on right, someday a war will start and i sit here playing vidya

>Filthy Frank and Idubbbz collab video

what's this?

Mortal Kombat or Doom, pick one.

Pretty much the first cosmetic only paid DLC

>once upon a time PS2 was considered the most powerful commercially available computer
>people were worried that it could start a nuclear war because it can process so many cars in GTA
Sometimes I think the world keeps getting dumber every day, but then I read something like this and I'm reminded that humans have always been absolutely fucking retarded.

The foundation of modern DLC


and clinton fucked us in benghazi and has taken foreign money for uranium deals, but she's going to be a competent leader. She's also a woman, ok? have a problem with that, bigot?

All the signs were there. The prophecy we ignored.

Horse Armour for Oblivion.

Basically started the whole DLC/micro-transaction infested culture we see today.

MK vs. Congress

Doom, Mortal Kombat or GTA.
Or maybe pokemon. I remember a lot of fundies were fucking mad about it in the US.

>almost nobody under the age of 50 has used her being a woman as a reason for her to be picked over trump
>the reverse-SJWs on here act like the average person holds this view

You act like it didn't get massively better from that. It was the thing that kickstarted the concept but it was inevitable, like all things the modes of production were there to support it, so it would be done.

is this bait?

Humanity isn't getting dumber, just lazier as technology advances. There will be a tipping point where that happens though.


>maybe if I lie somebody will believe me


I was actually looking for a different video I saw of basically the same thing but this will have to do because it was the first one on the list

>the question is "are we ready for a woman president?"
>unsurprisingly people say yes

what? people say all the that "it's time for our first female president"

KSTV is pretty good

I like his long stuff like Inconvenient Anime and the Rutgers vid the most

>the question is "are you gonna vote for her?" "Because she's a woman right?"
>the answer is unsurprisingly yes to both

That's all I needed senpai. You're either baiting, shilling or just plain retarded.

Fucking no, dude. The concern was that certain Middle Eastern nations had bought a large quantity of PS2s. People were concerned that the GPUs in the system could be easily modified to be a visual processor for cruise missiles.

you bought it!?

>he doesnt know about horse armor
How old are you? This website is 18+.

Ah, the good ol' days of Pokemon, when fundies actually believed it was a conspiracy by the government to teach kids about evolution. I miss that shit.


it's pretty great

worth a pirate at least

fuck wrong thread :^)

Almost as if, get this, they select which answers they put in a video rather than give you unfiltered footage.

I tried to warn them, but they didn't listen. 10 years later, and look what we've become. Fitting that it should all go back to Todd.

Bethesda is nothing but a cancer on the industry.

I turned 18+ yesterday. This is my first post on Sup Forums.

Mortal Kombat

You don't even know what Benghazi is, do you?


There were multiple takes on it.

My favorite was...CBC? claiming that the ps2 was the missing piece to Saddam's supergun plans.

When in reality it was doomed all along.

It's a kind of middle eastern pastry.

The premise was that "nobody's voting for her because she's a woman". If you'd ever gone outside you would know that you were making up bullshit when you said that but I just wanted to get a video with some examples to the contrary because that's all I really needed

let's overthrow gaddafi

what's the worst that could happen?

It's almost as if people use hyperbole when engaging in casual conversation and when they say nobody they mean more close to "very few people"

If only you'd pre-ordered the game and season pass, user, I wouldn't have been forced to do this.


I think this was the video I was looking for


That's good backpedaling but you're being ridiculous if you think "very few people" are voting for hilldog cause she's a woman

Again, you keep posting videos that are directly trying to prove a point to you.


Sonypony false-flags are the best form of shitposting

It's more like people make disingenuous defenses of their favorite sports team, because they have their identity wrapped up in something outside of their control.

5 guys

I love how any time you point out hyperbole exists on Sup Forums it's backpeddling.

>Cosmetic DLC has now been a thing for 10 years

Or you're reading too much into something you have such limited knowledge of that it comes from Sup Forums and wikipedia.

armchair psychologists are the worst.

I'm posting videos where people under the age of 50 are making the argument that she should be president because she's a woman. As I said previously, if you had left your home at all in the past 3 years you would have at least experienced personally the fact that this is actually a very common position to have but since you have to make up stories about how nobody under the age of 50 thinking that "woman" is a qualification I can really only show you examples to the contrary. In fact I'd argue that only people over 50 years of age want her to be president for reasons other than "muh vagina boyim, never forget the suffragettes!"

Whatever it is, it's about to be topped tenfold.


Horse armor was the 9/11 of video games, huh

Fucking nuclear launch codes are still used on 1980's computers, man.

Go away.






Look at you posture before the very forum you're embarrassing yourself before.
"You just wouldn't understand just how defensive I am not being right now."

You probably have an anxiety disorder and Internet addiction.

Postal 2 or Hot Coffee

and the same people are pushing the idea of paying for mods.

When is Bethesda going away like Gawker?

niggers take things so personally

it wasn't like this during the night time before

I don't think it's reddit/whatever, people in the west are becoming distant and emotionally stunted

Gawker will cease to exist in about 7 days according to NYtimes, so no more Kotaku hopefully. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Then your argument would be concentrated bullshit.

Yes some people do, and yes if you post videos where people go around asking and then pick their favourite clips that prove whatever point they want to make the most you'll get the point they want to prove, it doesn't hold up to the thnnest layer of scruity. Come back with an anonymous polling which says that Hillary being a woman is the only reason people want her to be president and that ignores the myriad of implicit factors that come with the things surrounding her position and including her being female. THEN we can start to talk about it. Until then refrain from taking hyperbole literally and instead say "I think it's slightly more common than you do, but I lack any serious research to back up this position"

The introduction of dedicated servers.

It'll be hilarious when he blows all Sonys money next and they regret not realising Konami was right.

You said to wait until Gamescom is over.
I'm only potentially believing you, albeit with a grain of salt, because you appeared right before that MG Survive trailer.
I swear.
I swear if you are lying, you will have a lynch mob out to burn you at the stake.

I'm offensive, not defensive. I'm directly dismissing you as making statements you have nothing to back them up with and then you've proven me right by continuing to ramble on with not a single thing that qualifies you to make these statements.

No, reading posts with pictures of sigmund freud on them doesn't make you qualified to make psychological assessments.

We'll pay you double whatever Kojima's giving you

What slope? Are you one of those retards who think Horse Armor was the first DLC?

Halo 2 had map packs first.

I don't know enough about it to deny that, but I do know that a lot of the systems are still brutally analog and they like it that way.

Sadly this. GamerGate wasn't just huge for the industry/artform/medium, it managed to be flipped around and turned into an attack on the idea of journalism all-together (from the SocJus side being emboldened to openly demand ideological reporting), and a general resurgence of the (had-been-withering) SocJus bullshit. It affected the whole world for the worst.


Fucken this!! Kojima circlejerkers don't understand how much his antics cost Konami in time and money and think he should be given full leeway in terms of time and budget. Sony have no idea what they have gotten themselves into and it will just add to their already terrible financial situation. Bring on the popcorn.

That's not all that outside the realm of possibility. I do information security, and I've attended talks where the researchers used the GPUs of dozens of PS3s to help parallelize cryptanalysis. To someone that's not tech-literate, that may as well be magic gaming machines turned into weapons.

>I now inform you that you are too far from reality.

The desire to obscure the irrationality of your team is understandable given the stakes of your competition, but the dishonesty and overreaction in defense of your denialism are symptoms of narcissism.

Convincing you it was a fallacy was the slipperiest lie the slope ever told.

Gamergate did absolutely nothing except give more money to absolute nobodies with zero skills like Milo or Zoe Quinn. It's still one of the biggest boogeymen on twitter if you're a "culture critic", but outside of that retarded sphere it basically did nothing.

Regardless of how many people's responses were cut from those clips, it doesn't change the fact that some portion of people hold that view. And even just going off the people from those clips, there's already more than "nobody" or "very very few."

No one seems to be arguing about percentages except you, who appears to be claiming that a majority of people don't consider Hillary's gender as a factor in their support of her.

So, come back with an anonymous polling which says that Hillary being a woman is not the only reason people want her to be president and that ignores the myriad of implicit factors that come with the things surrounding her position and including her being female. THEN we can start to talk about it. Until then refrain from backpedaling and instead say "I think it's slightly less common than you do, but I lack any serious research to back up this position."

You get more 'diverse' marketing, while still pandering to the main demographic (males).

Look at overwatch, tons of female characters and even a chubby chinese girl. But all of them are masturbation material tier one way or the other. Even Zarya. Companies are just doing ninjitsu around any SJW figureheads that have gained prominence.

Why are you now talking about surveys? You're the one that said almost nobody under 50 held this opinion. Sounds like you need to go and get some evidence instead of talking out your ass, especially since the person you initially responded to was clearly being facetious and making use of hyperbole, a common means of expression in human languages.

Shitty expansion packs have been out for eons

What's this about?


I present to you a virtual music group made up of men roleplaying virtual female characters, about a lesbian creeper. Guess who *love* it. :^)


They actually pissed off SJWs recently because she's NOT chubby