Sup Forumsidya Drawthread

Previous Thread
>Post references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>No bumping
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters
>Please post a sample of your art with your "taking requests" requests.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries should also be posted in
Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky:

Other urls found in this thread:

Requesting Velvet as a mermaid

requesting a aftersex image of a busty nude Artemis from Bomberman 64 saying the lines "Bye Bye" to an exhausted and pass out Bomberman.

Anchor post, stranger...

>using an old shitty picture as the OP instead of one from last thread

>laytons as the OP
I hate that low poly nigger so much


Here it is. Feet intentionally cut off because they are a disaster.

Nice try, nigger. Quit shilling your "art".


Who cares?


Says you.

Requesting Plumeria polishing her nails.

Requesting Fiore cosplaying as Aschen Brodel.

Requesting Alice dressed as Sora to match the picture on the left, please.

Nice try OP everyone knows it's you


Requesting a pic or comic of Yomi cutting Homura's hair in to the bob cut she has in the left pictures. They should wearing their casual clothes, as seen on the right.

>you must be OP

Nope, keep shitposting retard.

why is everyone so paranoid these days?

who knows

Everyone knows that user got ass blasted for the Layton's pic not being OP for the first time.


>false flagging


Hey, boss.

Thank you mang!

Work in the head

Parrot Snake is next right?

>false flagging
>you can literally check a few days ago and see the asanas posts


Requesting Team Skull as a Jet Set Radio gang.
Or just the female Team Skull grunt as a Jet Set Radio girl.

Off to a great start laddies

Yeah I got the symbol drawing real fuckin' bad on heads. I really just copied the shape of the head from the reference then drew a different oriendted face on it which gave her a nasty misaligned manjaw

I have pages of head sketches but I can't seem to "get it". Will try harder.

Requesting Samus holding the baby Metroid a la the Death Stranding guy.

>implying I won't make the new thread at 495 posts with a picture everybody will hate

are you ok?



Garbage OP




Fuck off

unlike everything else LMAO

ey b0ss


Man you don't wanna see these feet

Makes the rest of that shitpile look like Rembrandt


How is this a drawthread, this is just shitposting

So, a regular drawthread?

Shut up nerd

We've gone full /vg/

Well it was made too early without following tradition so now we shall be doomed to approximately 12-24 hours of shitposting drawthreads.

Gib da pusy b00s

Well, make with the drawings, slut.

Goodnight, beautiful Anons.

fuck off


You're still exaggerating , bitch.

>Made too early
>Uses old pic for no goddamn reason
>It's a butt hurt faggot
This thread was doomed from the start. Mods, delete and let's restart it.

Requesting Sharon ( Street fighter EX 2 & 3 ) bullying her sister Blair Dame ( SF EX/Fighting Layer ) with a Full Nelson like in the other image, please.

>>Made too early

Image limit was reached faggit


But not the reply limit, dicks for brains.

>implying this is the first time it happened
There are plenty of ways around that

Shit image OP you faggot

Ammy and Chibiterasu playing with a ball-sized version of Yami, who's clearly annoyed at being toyed with.

this thread needs some comfiness!

Request comfy Kirby watching TV!

>shit image

For you, maybe.

Requesting Xanadu tickling Mai's armpit and her belly in this position.

Requesting this pure girl flushed and sweating and biting her lip while taking a thick cock deep in her ass and moaning about forbidden pleasures.

>this trash

instead of this

Shamfur dispray OP. Consider Sudoku

Please stop shitposting. Im the OR of the Laytons and I dont like seeing people throw shit at the request for no reason, im sure the drawfriend that did it wouldn't like it either since it looks he put so much effort on it.

dont throw shit at the guy that did this OP or the other ones with the poly art, just stop

Don't worry, user. I'm sure the other anons are just shitposting for the fun of it. Just banter.

>muh anime shit
Never ever, weeaboo trash

>the other ones with the poly art, just stop


Asking for Helena Douglas ( Dead or Alive, Lien Neville ( King of Fighters MI ) and Elisabeth Blanctorche ( King of Fighters ) having fun in a High Class Tea Party with those outfits.

Optional lewd version: The 3 of them lifting the lower part of their outfit that covers their butt doing a similar pose like in the last image.

i am talking about THE QUALITY not because it is animu

you can't deny it

You may draw a scene of any video game you like but now with GIANT CRABS. This is either unexpected or completely normal.

Requesting a picture of Edea's butt based in the angle of Ringabel and Tiz are seeing in this image.

Bonus points if you attack it's weak point for massive damage.

>implying Layton isn't anime as fuck especially when mixed with Yotsuba

>only one '''''''delivery'''''' so far

>the "bad OP" argument again

You idiots fall for it every time.

>read the /ic/ sticky
>there are no shortcuts

Give it too me straight, drawthread. Should I learn Japanese or how to draw?

Yea you are talking about it just because it's anime. Quality is mediocre, planes are guessed, color is smooth plastic, so in terms of skill it's the same as the OP.

Throwing bulks of random shit doesn't make it less shit.

Get your anime eyes checked, you watched too many narutos

wait a moment

are you suggesting that OP intentionally posts a trash image so it can spark a shitpost?


Learn to draw from someone or something only i Japanese.

Both are a waste of time.

Learn Chinese, Spanish, or Russian

IT if you have a soul, Let's Player if you laugh at your own farts at the age of 30.


If you plan on moving to japan, learn japanese, otherwise do something productive

>don't learn japanese
>learn these languages you definitely will never use
>didn't even say "learn how to draw" instead


why do i bother even asking

Hold up, i'm on it

>Should I do option 1 or option 2
>"Don't do option 1"

Requesting the Stalker from Killing Floor dressed like a ballerina.

Requesting the MC of Haydee doing stretching like Cammy but changing the legs position like in the references.

If it's possible a frontal and back view, it's up to you if you can do it like in the first reference or with her normal outfit ( or both ).

this guy sipping some tea

thats it

I'm pretty sure Haydee is her name


>he thinks knowing Japanese or learning how to draw are skills worth having
I guess you'll just realize after you've invested a thousand hours in either one.

Drew two kendama fags doing tricks.
Reposting for OR.
yes loomis

Can someone please do Mai Shiranui posing like Chi-Chi and Bandeiras or any character of your preference looking at her with a happy face.

And Andy watching meanwhile he's hiding somewhere if you want.

I've invested more than a thousand hours in gaming and still counting, wouldn't hurt to learn japanese or draw