Metal Gear Survive

Konami is making another Metal Gear game.
What is Sup Forums's opinion on this, and can it be good without Kojima?

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It's just a multiplayer about fighting zombies while reusing assets from MGSV to save time and money. Konami is hoping that putting Metal Gear on the title will cause it to sell.

I think Konami is going to push for $30 to $40 and it is going to flop.

>Sup Forums opinion
Don't know, probably gonna be shit
>my opinion
Can't tell shit so far, going to wait until it comes out and see if it's fun. Peacewalker was really fun co-op so its possible this will be too.

The Metal Gear in the name means nothing so I'll be looking at it as if it was a new game.

Mite b gud. It's a fucking abomination to put "Metal Gear" in the title though, it's so obviously a cash grab for the multiplayer survival trend going on right now.

>I get to watch Konami repeatedly rape the most overrated series from the the biggest hack of all time

>Turn a traditionally single player game into a multiplayer only, sub $60 game
>Sells like shit and is panned by absolutely everyone
>Konami then decides to do the exact same thing
Why are Japanese devs retarded?

It's hard to do more boring and repetetive game than MGSV so I'm looking forward to Survive. It cant be THAT bad, right?

It's weird but I'm ready to give it a chance, MGSV had great controls and fun gameplay and this is the chance to put it all in a more controlled setting rather than do-what-you-want open world

and yeah, of course it can, MGR was good without Kojima, too

If there's a single player campaign that's as open world as MGSV and you scavenge supplies in zombie-infested territory and build up your base, I'm in.

If it's Umbrella Corps MP only, fuck it.

Who knows at this point. I just hope Konami aren't stupid enough to keep their hands close to their chest about this one. If they want people to be excited, they shouldn't do 15 second teaser trailers for the next 2 years.



I need to see more than cutscenes to judge it

Looks like one of the worst things I've ever seen in my life, I'd put it up there with SH3.

Xenophobia and unwillingness to adopt better business strategies because of it

I'm pleased that Konami isn't letting MGS die, but I'm not sure I like where it's headed. I'll wait for some gameplay and details about the game to come out before judging.

The way they're trying to give it more legitimacy is pretty fucking stupid. There's no real reason that they have to say "Oh Mother Base was sucked into a Wormhole at the end of Ground Zeroes that's why all this is happening." Honestly, it's the fact that they're trying to make this seem more authentic is what's the oddest/most annoying part of it.

But granted, I wouldn't hate an experience of MGSV Co-Op where the focus is fighting Parasite Zombies and Skull Units with mainly melee weapons. A middle ground of the Crystal Zombies wouldn't be too bad. Crafting could easily just be R&D and the supply system most likely won't be as easily broken as MGSV's unless they happen to get MB's supply cannons working. If they can focus on making it fun instead of trying to get people on their side, the product will be stronger and they'll be making themselves look less ridiculous in the long run. I honestly wouldn't mind if this all turned out to be Venom's coma dream as the effects of his horn on his brain functions was barely explored.

It's extremely stupid on paper, but they can execute this right without too much difficulty. If they keep the ties to the timeline without trying to give a possibility for it to be canon, "Metal Gear but with Zombies" can be fun. Not to mention the series has already survived Big Boss sneaking past ghosts as an extended Extra Ops line and the Clone of Solid Snake fighting Metal Gear Chaioth Ha Qadesh with cards.

Could this become a reality?

>he still has hope

Literally the most down to earth bunch of Anons i've seen when it comes to Metal Gear Survive. I'm glad im not the only one in the "wait and see" boat.

Looks a pathetic way to do quick bucks. The Capcom's equivalent didn't fared much better.

It's pretty clearly just an extra side content stuf made out of repurposed MGSV's assets. The decision to actually attach a story to it is curious, but whatever. It's fucking dumb and it isn't Metal Gear, but I'm not sure why anyone would really care. If it were a few goofy missions in MGSV itself, not unlike the Monster Hunter bits in Peace Walker, no one would bat an eye. I'm not calling it justified, mind you.

Whether it'll be good or not is anyone's guess, though I suspect not.

I'm hoping they at least tie in the wandering msf soldiers from mgsv with this.

You are assuming they are making a quality game and not a dirty cheap cashgrabber with third rate programmers paid with pennies.

>Hey guys I never played MGS but this looks good. What's so bad about it?
>Hey guys MGSV was my first game and the story is great!

That's partly due to the new gameplay being shite. Umbrella Corps could have been done better, but ultimately flopped due to zombies not having a spack of polish on their design and effect on the battlefield, the shoddy animations that players had as they moved through cover, and the overall other large heap of problems it had from being Cash Grab Unity Shooter #308.

Metal Gear Survive at least has the precedent of MGSV's gameplay to work off of. While it's a lazy reuse of assets, what they are reusing already has a high standard of quality. Ultimately, the finished product of what they can make with it could still end up ok as mainly it's the premise that is the largest problem, not how the game will actually be played, and really, that's the most important part and the strongest resemblance to previous entries will be.

Using MGS V assets surely helps, but it's totally disconnected to the franchise and i don't think it has a reason to exist. What makes this interesting in a zombie survival infested market? Nothing. To be fair any continuation of the franchise would be in trouble because, Kojima or not, it's frankly tired. Add the distrust for a company backpedaling slowly to gaming after revision of gambling laws in Japan and we have a quite clear picture. Honestly Konami proved to be stupid like WW2 Japan's leadership.

You were literally building portal weaponry in Peace Walker and MGSV.

It's fucking Metal Gear. It totally makes sense.

The question will be is it good? Because it's either going to be the saving grace of Konami or the final Death Rattle of the company.

But there are games out that prove that a solid entry in a saturated market stands stronger despite the slog sitting around it. Take for example Dying Light. A very strong Zombie Survival title because it knows what it wants to do and is able to pull off its particular angle of free running extremely well, ultimately creating a great entry in the genre only a year ago despite so many other shite titles that came before it, including the developer's own Dead Island.

An entry that is able to properly utilize stealth can be another great entry, as there are few before that have been able to properly pull it off. MGSV's stealth is not only proven to be a well crafted element of gameplay, but in its own title it has proven to perform well against similar enemies. The end product has a strong chance to end up being a well made title despite what it is on the surface.

No one is debating that it is a lazy move. That's why it's MSF faceless nobodies in MGO gear instead of new or established characters in setting alterred attire. That's why it's blatantly reusing MGSV's assets as SurviVe instead of starting off from scratch. That's why it's Metal Gear Survive instead of its own project. No one is really going to say this isn't anything but just a straight up reuse of assets.

It's just that the final product does in fact have a chance of being well made based on the precedent that has been set for it with the game it's taking assets from, and it wouldn't be impossible to make it a decent entry in the series despite it ridiculous premise as long as it keeps a proper setting and use of established elements.

This, I love it. It's basically revenge porn.

>It's Metal Gear
>Anything can happen!
No shit, but the question is will it blend in well with the other crap?

>Turn a traditionally single player game into a multiplayer only, sub $60 game


So what? There's no real reason to take something like that anymore seriously than the Monster Hunter shit in Peace Walker or assuming Solid Snake is a skateboarding pro because of Substance.

Left 4 Metal Gear

why dont they bring back the guy who helped kojima to cowrote the scripts? the one who wrote for mgs ghost babel?

MGS had always non canon bonus weapons. Tanegashima and all the other joke weapons in MGS4, James Bond Suit, Bonus Boxes in PW, Jehuty Arm, Sniper Wolf Skin for Quiet, Furicorn for D Horse and different colored and modeled skins for DD and a lot more. those were never canon. Just like the Wormholes.

Probably he doesn't work for Konami anymore. The gaming division is almost an empty box at the moment.

It's left 4 dead using MGSV engine and assets.

Metal Gear is Left 4 Dead.

Resident Evil is traditionally single player.

Yeah, it has a chance but i am not optimistic about it. Konami actively tried to one up EA as the worst company in the business regarding their policies and succeeded quite well. The impression is that they are coming back for a cashgrabber with zero production value and i am not going to abandon this idea untill it's firmly proved otherwise by the released game.

I was just wondering what game series

Not like this...

It's MGSV, forget "canon" entirely.

It fits with the game. That's what matters.

If it's shit, it's shit. If it's good it gives us some hope that they will be a good MGSVI game in the future.

>If it's good it gives us some hope that they will be a good MGSVI game in the future.
Whoa now!

Where is the character with an eyepatch. This isnt an mgs game if it doesnt have that.