How does Sup Forums feel about them boys

How does Sup Forums feel about them boys

I dunno the guy on the far left, but from what I know about the other two: is this a "worst member of their group" thread?

If so, spot on. Matt contributes nothing except manbaby opinions and CONSTANTLY TRIES TO FINISH PEOPLE'S SENTENCES. I can't fucking stand it and am really close to dropping their podcast because of it.

Also Eric can't form an opinion without over-exaggerating. Everything is "the worst" or "literally".

Left: GB Dan is the only happy person left at Giantbomb but is a fucking moron, RIP Ryan Davis. I unsubbed after he died, the rest are bitter and boring.

Middle: Unemployed loser that suckles on Mega64's tit. Unfunny try-hard.

Right: who?

Dan is okay. He can go overboard with his shtick a lot of the time though.

No idea who middle guy is.

Matt definitely fucking sucks shit though.

Literally whos

Dan is ok

Matt is trash

Manbaby Matt is why I no longer follow them

Dan can be good at times. If you caught him sleepy he's probably bretty good to play vidya with.

At his worst he's the very apex of what everyone hates about America
- Lives in San Francisco
- Still eating at taco bell and defends it
- Would just eat fast food all day if given the choice
- lived off microwaved hotdogs ion a shoebox
- thought eggwhites were the shell of the egg and tried cooking them
- Ignorant and dismissive of anything outside Kansas

Matt is pretty shit.
Who are the others?

I actually like Eric. Sometimes he can be a dick when he has a strong opinion about something, but it doesn't bother me.

left: Energises the tired old farts at Giant Bomb. Without him, Brad would still be getting larger and sleeping all the time that he's not playing DOTA.

middle: literally who?

right: crybaby faggot who doesn't like video games and should shut up about his damn wife

who is on the left who is on the right, eric is a cool guy, he is like the laughtrack.

I don't know who these people are, but they clearly aren't video games. Judging by their nig clothing, I'd guess they are part of some teen rap group or boy band.

i know the middle guy discusses vidya at least once a week.

I like Dan

I like Eric

Matt can be good if the circumstances are right

>glasses are "nig clothing now"

I want Sup Forums to shoot themselves more every day

God Tier

High Tier

Mid Tier

i am a huge mega64 fan and don't think of any of them as shit tier, i think that in the right context any of the boyz can be god tier

I thought the middle one was ImmortalHD

I met Rocco, Derrick, and Garrett and Anime Expo this year. They're really nice dudes, Derrick took the time to talk to each person who came up to the booth. They also signed my 10th Anniversary Blu-Ray.

>Derrick took the time to talk to each person who came up to the booth

Yeah, I wonder why

God Tier

This is the right answer

Eric is the pride of mexico

I'm honestly starting to become more annoyed with Liam than Matt, he started as a voice of reason when the rest of them would go on rants, but now it feels like he always has to be on the moral high ground, or maybe he just likes playing devils advocate, either way it's Fucking annoying.

I feel you should kill yourself and get the fuck off my board




Hearing him cry about inane bullshit like the golden guns in Overwatch is fucking annoying. He cares so much about that, but won't take inafunes cock out of his mouth when Mighty Number 9 comes out


