Why do people shit on this game again? The campaign was great and well worth at least forty dollars. The maps and heists were neat too.
Why do people shit on this game again? The campaign was great and well worth at least forty dollars...
because it's garbage
>campaign is great
>protagonist literally goes "i think i know this" when entering the code to a keypad to the headquarters of the wealthiest crooked cop in america
Not to mention all the detective shit was thrown out almost immediately for shootan everything.
Still better than BF4's pathetic excuse of a campaign, though.
Because they're idiots. Hardline has one of the best FPS campaigns in years.
>because it's garbage
Howso, faggot?
You have to collect the evidence around the place that tells you the code first.
when compared to its shitty predecessors its no wonder people think BFH's campaign was great
how was the campaign great? the gameplay hasn't changed since bad company so i don't see what could have been unique there besides story. i own it on ps4
>forty dollars
Fuck off shill
>Not to mention all the detective shit was thrown out almost immediately for shootan everything.
But you can stealth your way though a good 80% of the game. Hardline is a very rare kind of stealth FPS, and you'd think it would get a bit more love for trying something new and innovative in the Battlefield series.
It shouldn't have used the Battlefield branding, because the BF fanbase are fuckwits who think a game set in a different country by a different developer with completely different game mechanics is a "reskin" of Battlefield 4.
>the gameplay hasn't changed since bad company
Wot. Bad Company was not a stealth game where you wander around scanning things and cuffing persons of interest. Bad Company was not a game where you regularly decide between using your grapple hook for a roof infiltration, or trying the side door, or go charging in the front door.
How is that ANYTHING like previous Battlefield games?
Just pirate the superior PC version if you're a cheapskate. Also, Hardline goes on sale for 10 bucks on a regular basis.
But sure, the campaign was easily worth $40 at launch. It basically has no flaws.
are you trying to insult me? i'm trying to find out if i should pull on my 8 inch dick or play the campaign for the next 3 hours
pretty sure he was referring to the multiplayer
who the fuck talks about the SP of a BF game lmao
its 5 on origin now i believe. It's a good deal.
>pretty sure he was referring to the multiplayer
Stupid him.
>who the fuck talks about the SP of a BF game lmao
Who the fuck buys a story-driven FPS game from the Dead Space team for the MP?
Because it has the BATTLEFIELD title on it. You know, a series of games widely know for its multiplayer?
Kys shill
>Because it has the BATTLEFIELD title on it.
So? Battlefield has put most of its development resources into campaigns ever since BF3. The chumps buy the games for MP, but most of the developers have nothing to do with it. Hardline's SP team is Dead Space people. It's MP is by no-namers who made the MP for Dead Space 2, plus some DICE people filling in.
Telling people to pirate a game is shilling? Now I've seen everything.
it's the same engine it's going to have the same mechanics. we've had the kind of gameplay is referring to since at least 2000
>it's the same engine it's going to have the same mechanics.
No, it's not, you retard. Dragon Age 3 is running on Frostbite. Does Dragon Age 3 have the same mechanics as Battlefield 3?
Oh, man, and Splinter Cell plays exactly like Unreal 2, right?
>apples and oranges! learn to compare!
lol fag gtfo
because I got 4 for 3 dollars on sale and they keep handing out dlc for free, retards actually paid 100$ for what I got all for 3 bucks
>Battlefield has put most of its development resources into campaigns ever since BF3
Dumbest shit I've read so far today.
DICE made the CTE. Released countless expansion packs for BF3/4's multiplayer. Made countless updates to the netcode and online balance. They created a fully functional battlelog designed for multiplayer, along with a phone application for it. Even Siege of Shanghai had more fucking effort put into it than the entirety of BF4's bug infested campaign. And then this moron comes along and says something like this.
Campaign was garbage, and the Multiplayer could have been potentially be the best if the vehicles physics weren't so shit
Battlefield 3 had, like, 3 times more SP developers than MP ones. You can knock out heaps of MP content with a small team because it requires very little effort and skill.
Simple fact -- it takes more resources to make a single story-driven FPS mission than the entire MP in one of these games.
>Campaign was garbage
How was it garbage? If you're going to bash something, be articulate.
Hardline is essentially Swat 4 crossed with Battlfield: Bad Company. It has mechanics completely unlike any of the other Battlefield games. It even has RE5 and Far Cry homages. And the whole thing is extremely well designed.