Is it bad if I consider this my GOTY? I cannot stop playing it. It's cave kino

Is it bad if I consider this my GOTY? I cannot stop playing it. It's cave kino


you're looking for turok, not cavemen

Did this game even come out?

ARK is cheaper and better

faggets like you are the worst

not as fun

hardly heard anything about this game, didnt even know it came out

Its a reskin of Farcry 4 released way too closely to FC4
Not really worth your time.

I'm amazed that despite the setting, they STILL managed to pump this game with the classic bishit design in every nook and cranny
Jesus Christ

I kinda want to get this. Probably will at some point, but not for 40 bucks atm.

It's not bad, you just have really low standards.

I don't give a fuck if they were all dead by then. It's a fucking video game.

You have terrible taste, OP

It's incredibly boring. Combat is extremely repetitive, the taming system is lame and the story is moronic.

Even though they are fucking savages, the Udam are way too tragic for me to feel OK killing them

>their own genes fuck their brains up
>they cross nearly endless frozen mountains to regain the favor of their goddess and get cured
>will to survive and savagery alone isn't enough to beat the sapiens

Literally forgot it existed.

It's a solid game, problem is basically just another fucking Far Cry title. Some people also completely ignored it because of the setting, because they didn't have guns to shoot people with. Hell, in Primal crafting actually make sense and I enjoyed the Beastmaster.

you could just play adventure island my guy

at least it's not Far Cry 4

Is it "This thing happened" thread? Because I completely forgot about this one.

this. at least it was a radical enough change of setting compared 3 and 4, although I can't shake the feeling it should've been far cry 4's blood dragon.

>There's a survival mode(s?)
>You can turn off that stuff outside special modes anyway

I admit I was confused at times.

>"radical enough change of setting"
>it's the same fucking map

Why are there so many black people in prehistoric Europe in this game?

forgot my pic

no dinosaurs no buy

>It's cave kino

I actually want you to die. Really. Just end your life.

>bad Sup Forums memes

I actually want you to die.
Really. Just end your life.

Yes, it is a bad meme, and you should feel bad for using it.

Kill yourself.

>getting triggered by shitty memes
you mad?


I wish hiroshimoot would delete Sup Forums

you're insufferable, go play the latest Turok.

No idea what "kino" means, but I enjoyed it. I got a key from g2a on offer for like..20 bux, and I couldn't pirate it, so I picked it up.

I enjoy farcry, and I like it when they do something a little different, so it was pretty FUN. I like the way the owl and stealth work. Making a host of animals tear a camp to pieces while I sit comfy in a bush is pretty satisfying.


compared to FC 3 and 4 , yea its shit , but if you think it as a standalone , without the name Far Cry , then yes , its pretty good actually
shame it had denuvo so i couldnt try it for free first

When i will have money i will buy it i like farcry series.

yes, and you knew that, or otherwise you would not have posted this inquiry.

because they are out in the sun for almost the whole day.
Obviously you won´t know, but skin tans.

As someone who's never played any Farcry before, would this be worth getting just for the setting? Can I just run around crafting and killing tribals?

Yes. It's pretty awesome if you're just into a caveman game where you make axes and use them to butcher dudes.

But the aesthetic and models are completely different, when actually playing the game it doesn't feel remotely similar, much prettier too. The topography is similar and that's literally it.

ark is absolute trash. one of the only games ive ever refunded

in your opinion how is Primal better than the extremely average 3 and 4?

Yes but honestly if you never played FC before you should probably play 4 instead, unless you really like Primal's setting.

its not
OP is a faggot

thats too bad because the setting is much more interesting than 3 and 4

Go play Yoshi's Island then

That makes it better desu

there is a difference in the setting and a light year gap in storyline ,villain personalities ,
i dont say primal is shit , like most of the guys here say , i simply say that there are many differences with the 3 and 4

The shaman dude is a straight up African-black nigger, you nigger.