Who are you guys maining?
Who are you guys maining?
go fuck yourself
shut up
Those feet aren't too bad...
Cammy, but now juri.
Are these mods or are they actually alt costumes?
I'm maining a better game.
Alex, he's too fun.
looks like shit
>That level of thicc
>Only to be negated by those small tits
what is this from?
>Tekken 7 has Akuma in it
Are there any plans for them to add a Tekken character?
Chun, Rashid, and Urien when he drops.
way are street fighter fanboys so shit i was in a tekken 7 thread then street fighter shitposter came and tried to shit up the thread
a short thay have on youtube
Why do you start the threads with these ugly mods? Saged.
Just like you are in a SF thread trying to shit it up?
Don't throw rocks in a glass house.
RIP art standards
Who /guy-ell/
Nash here
do you not see these sick reads
by my
>you will never lick Laura's sweaty butt
Invader Zim creator made this
>Utterly disgusting
Doesn't surprise me.
Why is she wearing two swimsuit?
I want laura to step on my dick
Her costume is way too sexual for a 15 year old girl
is there any place that collects Laura costume edits? I need to fap and those hips are it.
I want the entire female cast to take turns shitting on my face guys
needs the extra compression to hide her junk. she IS brazilian after all
Juri because I'm a predictable degenerate fag
Just picked up the game so I'm still getting half the time
I like her but I can tell why only fetishists and weeaboos pick her
I want Juri to crush my face with her bare feet.
Was this a typo or are you saudi arabian?
>he doesn't want SF girls to shit on him
Gay much?
I know it's great
why do you tease me user ;_____;
I'll never give a fuck about mods like these until they add real physics to the tops and don't just attach them inseparably to the skin
She actually lives pretty close to me
Who the FUCK is this faggot thats been posting farting game characters ALL FUCKING DAY
I go into every thread and a FART FAGGOT is there. KILL YOURSELF
Holy fuck you are mad
Anyone gonna make a lobby?
Waiting for Urien but I'm a loser who wont ever be able to get good at this game so does my opinion even matter?
Nash during the betas but dropped him for Cammy after it and never looked back
I wonder why bailey jay hasn't done a juri cosplay yet
I was almost going to play this game again. Thanks for reminding me.
Alright, all EU players join this lobby
Pass: 1234
Comment: Anyone Will Do.
I almost considered switching from Juri to Cummy
Maybe I will since Juri is low tier
Shut the fuck up, I hate you for reminding me this won't happen.
let me be real
watch this
my kyenn bout to do some work
I'm an average player online, but the best among my friends. They can't take wins off me and its sucking the fun out of the room. They don't want me to stop playing the same character I keep winning with but they're clearly not enjoying themselves.
I pretty much have to sit there in silence while I win or else they get really upset and stop playing. Even when I sandbag and lose they're unsatisfied because it "didn't matter" or some shit.
Is there a better way to handle winning or do I need to stop playing with them until they get good?
>tfw super bronze Balrog
Someday I'll there.
Filter to password only and look for the comment. Can't find it?
From the thumbnail I thought it was a view from one of the stream camera's at old NLBC
You posted the wrong can
>he wants see Juri as a jew-nosed boy
Homos have the worst taste.
>Still playing SFV after EVO
Looks like if original Teen Titans mixed with Teen Titans Go
I just play Laura because she's the most fun for me. No idea if she's actually good or not.
she's a good character for online
Ever character is alright in SFV, Zangief is clearly bottom tier and Nash is clearly top tier, but the tiers are all pretty close
She's good, but some would argue Mika does it better.
Play with whoever appeals to your heart and dick
I play Balrog hes trash but fun.
>Tfw Super Platinum Balrog.
Trust me dude, plat is like bronze but even dumber.
Same, although im so bad I can barely get the fun part.
Fighting some of the top tier characters makes me suicidal. Even the Zangief, reportedly the worst, feels like playing against someone with cheats at times.
I'm going to need to know who this latex clad semen demon is right this instant, or puppers here gets it.
Balrog is actually impressively bad considering how satisfying and cool he is.
Hes probably the worst of the DLC chars.
>bikini mod
>makes the anatomy and character look many times worse
Christ that looks terrible. How is her default costume a million times more visually appealing then that tripe?
Gief beats rog though, you gotta throw out more st.hp
I don't have much trouble with Gief punch him in the face with st.Hp when hes walking forward and don't get greedy. Don't know if he can spd dash punch though.
Ken on the other hand is bullshit and punishes light dash punch with his target combo on block.
Ryu and Chun are also hard matches.
Balrog is the type of design you'll see more and more often in sfv, lacks a lot in the defensive department but has fast, high damaging and a bit unsafe rushdown, it's like they want the rounds to end as fast as possible for the Esports audience.
All he needs is cr.Hp to crush counter air normals then he will shoot up in the tiers. 250 potential meter less anti air is scary for anyone who thinks. At the moment its jump in for free all day.
I fucking love Balrog, the greatest feeling in the world when it came to fighting games was hitting those charge moves right. I was so happy when I learned them, good times.
How so?
>Try playing Juri and get decent with her against a friend who is also plat
>Play online
>Retard after retard sends me on tilt holding up, mashing jab and DP'ing when -2
>Drop to Gold
>Notice no difference in player quality
Anyone who thinks rank matter makes me lel
Tell me about it. Doesnt help that they are most common opponents.
Then again Bison and R.Mika are nightmare tier
So is a good FANG. I only do well agaisnt bad cammies.
Its so annoying hitting standing uppercut as AA and not being able to follow up with dash combos. Why do they go straight into guard despite being hit midair?
maining Alex
There is no better feeling than teaching a newbie to stop mashing the fucking jab or shoryu, by crush countering them with a meaty HK.
no one in this actual shit game
why are all the pervy ronery closet weebs playing Street Fighter and people who actually like FGs are playing anime WHAT FUCKING YEAR IS THIS
> and people who actually like FGs are playing anime
I bet you actually believe this too
Xrd's representation of people who care about how FGs are built is way, way higher than these "I need you Juri"-tier jokes who think SFV is good and that online matters
fucking look at the OP dude, LOOK AT IT. are you fucking blind.