>Sup Forums ended up being right about no man's sky
How do you fags keep doing it?
>Sup Forums ended up being right about no man's sky
How do you fags keep doing it?
Nintendo always wins baby!
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Common sense
nice cover for your footfag thread lel
It's pretty easy. Just don't fall for bloated hype.
When Mr Marketer shows you something flashy, he's trying to get you to spend money. He doesn't care what the end product is like, as long as you buy it.
You might still be able to get a refund
Conspicuous similarities with Spore and Starbound.
if its talked about on facebook or tumblr, then you know it's going to be a shit game
Sup Forums's general attitude to most games are usually negativity.
Luckily, most games released nowadays are trash.
Shoot 100% of your shots
The hype of the game is inversely related to the quality of the game.
>developer couldn't answer "what do you do"
ez pz
>How do you fags keep doing it?
Doing what? Saying that everygame is bad until they are finally right at something?
Let me remind you that this board loved to talk about how CoD was shit and finally not only they admitted to playing it, but are as normal fag as it is possible to be by liking them by nostaliga reasons alone.
This is all it takes. Not even just bloated hype, don't fall for any hype. It's completely ok to be excited for things but don't let that cloud your judgement. Tricking people into buying things is a business in and of itself and it's shameful that people are allowed to do it. Wait a week, read reviews(unpaid, no less than 5 from varying sources) and if you still want it, buy that game. I haven't had buyer's remorse in years.
Lotta hype
Expectations set to crazy
2 of the people I follow actually like the game because they've been star trek fans for so long and they don't care about it being shallow as fuck. They went in not expecting anything good and they liked it.
>dev sells the game has his dreamscape
>scale expectations down proportionately likes someone who isn't a complete fuckwit
Mind boggling, I know
Most of the shit Sean Murray said obviously could not be true.
>to make our sky green, we reworked the chemical compounds in the atmosphere!
Not really, the game's a massive success.
One of the best launch in Steam history and the best selling PS4 game on launch.
No matter how hard Sup Forums cried about it they won
redditors will claim that Sup Forums always shits on games. the reality is it that it was some indie nobody studio using procedural generation which isn't new and promising you could do literally anything. having even the slightest amount of knowledge about technology and its limitations would immediately tell you this game is full of shit
>open world
This, we've got some dedicated shitposters trying to force things though so anyone that's not falling for it is offsite cancer apparently
We're obviously ignoring the sharp spike in reddit crossposts, that would be problematic
Some of the predictions people were making ended up being pretty prophetic, and not just 'it's going to suck.'
>open world (3D)
>procedural (3D)
We play video games. That's how.
It's shit that only the fucking biggest retards would believe. Like holy shit no mans sky's marketing was shameless
>our universe is SO MASSIVE you'll never find another person, even though multiplayer is definitely in the game
>day one two streamers "meet" each other and see you actually can't see others. When sean is questioned about this "WOW IT'S SO AMAZING PLAYERS ALREADY MET, WOW"
>promised no paid dlc
>a week after launch, ie, when the majority of sales have been made, "actually we probably shouldn't have said no paid dlc, it will probably happen"
If hello games isn't sued for false advertising I will be amazed
>he thinks Sup Forums likes videogames
the shilling campaign that was waged on Sup Forums for this game ended up being the only impressive part about the game
>compare overblown claims with footage or lack thereof
>remind yourself they're just talking about the positives, or spinning negatives in a good way
it's that simple
Maybe because it was super easy to predict that it would be a shitty crafting game like every other shitty crafting game.
It's all so disgusting to look at, why does everything look as if it needs "3d-glasses" to be seen correctly?
>Game still sold tons
>Made lots of money
>People play it
>'Sup Forums was right lel!
Planet color palettes are randomly chosen, Some planets are barren on purpose. You expected every one to look amazing?
Pretty much. If you say every big release coming up is going to be shit, you're bound to be right eventually.
It's not even the fucking palette you shill.
In the images you quoted it is you shitposter.
The unfiltered internet tends to be right when it comes to sniffing out bullshit and seeing through colorful words and promises.
Are you blind?
Look at them - This one in particular The hell is going on with these textures?
if you actually followed NMS from what they initial showed off in that E3 2014 show to what we were actually going to get it was a no brainer.
Someone could easily go to a paradise world and take a pretty picture of a forest with tiny animals frolicking around. What's your point?
I can't because I am on a world full of gold and permanent acid rain.
Screenshots for this game don't look very good. In motion they really do pop though on Pc. I honestly love the graphics.
An elementary understanding of game design
The problem is that it seems it's always twelve.
>If hello games isn't sued for false advertising I will be amazed
Fraud is the cornerstone of American capitalism. Everyone knows that consumer protection is literally communism.
Hype and fraud go hand in hand. A promise isn't a contractual agreement, but people get "hyped" so they rush to get suckered in.
Hype, fraud, marketing - what's the difference, really?
>Sup Forums mistakes coincidence in similar opinion with the ability to alter reality through pure anger
>The game is average, but pretending it was Satan's asshole has made fence sitters pleasantly surprised it wasn't as shit as they were told.
>This turns them in to confident buyers
>Th-the game t-totally bombed, says Sup Forums.
You could have just pointed out all the unfulfilled promises and dropped features. Instead you shitposted so hard you created entrenched fans. Good job.
It's all very easy, actually.
If something requires effort and thought it will most likely never happen.
Everything in life will always choose the path of least resistance.
It's one of the fundamental truths about our Universe.
Because there's no pressure to go against the hype. The game nailed hype, people like getting hype, people get money providing hype to other people. Here you get shit so you give shit.
No mans sky was obviously going to be bad when they couldn't back up anything they said. Unless ofc you didn't care. Lots of people have bad taste in games so hard to judge.
With 25 years of experience in video games, most of you... never mind.
woah, now. Starbound is actually fantastic now.
When you've spent a lot of time watching how things are marketed, talked about and displayed, especially compared to a lifetime of finished products, it's easy to analyze flaws. Same reason DMC fans don't need to play a game to know what's wrong or "procedural generation" makes everyone who has spent a little time online clench up.
In other words, fuck off and lurk. Fuck your feels.
Chromatic aberration. Thing is the game doesn't even support 3D - the only thing that might make it worth playing.
>pretentious indie game turns out to be shit
Whoah, this has LITERALLY never happened before.
Where do the broken clocks come in then?
The fact that Sup Forums says everything with any amount of hype behind it will be shit.
It just so happened that this was a case where the reasons why were obvious. In other cases Sup Forums will just make shit up.
only newfags buy into "You can do everything! Gorillion planets/guns/galaxies! Infinite replayability!" scam that's old as fuck anymore. I can count on a hand the amount of games that got the whole open world thing right, and they had some clear defined endgame goal as well.
the state of the industry is shit, so the chances of every pessimistic prediction is pretty high
Just like how Sup Forums was right about Bloodborne right?
the reviews were biased since it was a flagship title exclusive used to promote sales of the ps4. it's overrated, easy and just a souls rehash. it also sold barely any copies
Console exclusives in particular always get the tortanic treatment.
I still remember all of the threads shitting on Splatoon in the days leading up to its release. Then whaddaya know it turns out to be the best selling Wii U game that doesn't have Mario in it.
Reasonably lazy bait.
It's this "new" style that everyone wants to shove in your face, kinda like flat colors and capitalized, narrow fonts
It's vomit inducing all of this shit
Maybe because it's just the 7th time they've seen this scam and they've become increasingly efficient at spotting it earlier. They didn't predict anything.
>Bad games sold well
News at 11
My dad actually works at Hello Games so I have first-hand knowledge of what should be in the final version of the game when he invited me and my mom's current boyfriend.
Just say everthing's going to be shit and then make a big deal out of it the one time something actually does turn out shit.
> Procedural generated walking simulator
> "How come you could see it being shit?"
Yea man I wonder
It doesn't really take some genius to figure out that it was gonna be shit
Except you have people unironically claiming the game bombed.
>Procedural generation
>is this the real life, is this Dagerfall?
No Man's Sky was literally the definition of "Too good to be true"
Anybody that didn't see it coming a mile away is frankly delusional
Guys just buy it. It's good.
When I see something I previously didn't care about getting so relentlessly shilled on Sup Forums without even a hint of subtlety, I can't help but develop a certain dislike for it.
If you have to hire someone to promote your shit on Sup Forums, at least make sure that person will do more than chain posting "why do you want this game to fail?" threads.
Wisdom of the crowd.
>indie dev says YOU CAN DO ANYTHING
It's shit. No brainer.
If you're cynical about everything it's pretty easy.
>procedurally generated space survival game with a retardillin planets (i.e. no design) that never really shows any gameplay
It wasn't exactly hard user, it had all the red flags you could think off. All it was missing was zombies.
>all it was missing was zombies
Enter the people who spent years being hyped for a 15-man studio delivering a good game out of that concept.
I am an absolute astronomy autist and I was waiting so long for a space exploration game that would knock my socks off.
No Man's Sky was my game, it was perfect!... except for it being so fucking boring that I could feel my brain getting numb.
I fell for the teaser jew.
>Sup Forums shits on a game that ends up being bad
>Sup Forums shits on a game that ends up being good
In this case that hardly applies because it was very obvious that NMS will not be a good (=/= not successful) game.
in neither scenario (yours or mine) is Sup Forums somehow prophetic
Neither you nor I claimed that Sup Forums is prophetic. It was just very easy to predict what NMS would look like in the end because this scam has been done at least a dozen times by now.
>Sup Forums says every upcoming game will be shit
>occasionally it will be true
woaaah braavo Sup Forums truly impressive
The broken clock adage implies the approach is always flawed even if the outcome occasionally ends up consistent with it.
But Sup Forums fucking loved NMS from the nanosecond it was announced
Everyone kept saying how comfy and shit it was
The negative posters only appeared after reddit and neogaf had proof the developers lied
It was easy to predict the failure of No Man's Sky because any serious video game hobbyist has seen Spore come and go, Peter Molyneux and Todd Howard promise the universe, and a bunch of shitty games offer the same garbage.
Any time you hear 'Almost infine content' and 'It just.. it just works' never buy that game.
just one look at his bare feet should have told you everything you need to know
Personally it was more of a prayer that it wouldn't be as disappointing as it was going to be.
Sure the concept is awesome, but the very first mention of procedural generation made me worry.
if its a bad game then explain this
>only 50 hours
>in a """"""good"""""" exploration game
Yeah, how DO you explain this?