>that one game you're waiting to release before you kill yourself
whats her name Sup Forums
>that one game you're waiting to release before you kill yourself
whats her name Sup Forums
Metal Gear Survive.
Devil May Cry 5
A new real 2D and/or 3D Metroid game
A good Superman or Justice League game
Nintendo vs. Capcom
The Wonderful 1,001
Kid Icarus: Uprising 2
Sin & Punishment 3
Not one game but fuck it
Persona 5, I want to have one last feeling of being in a relationship with other people
i found out that i died a long time ago though
Half Life 3
Warcraft IV
persona 5
Gears 4
Only two left, FF7 remake, and Zelda. Then I can just die because fuck it.
As long as the Yakuza series keeps rolling and keeps coming to the West my life is ok.
Please keep buying Yakuza games.
There aren't any. Most of the series I like don't really need anymore sequels, though in the case of a series like Shinobi I wouldn't mind another one (the 3DS game actually deserved a sequel to iron out its few problems). I just check and see what seems interesting.
It's called Dragon's Dogma Online now
I don't know, I haven't finished making it yet.
WoW 2
I do not like your taste in video games one bit.
I just want to play the new pokemon then I can die of the brain tumor I have.
Ha I'm actually just freaking out about a migraine since it's nowhere near painful enough to be anything that serious.
I can't die yet, fuck.
A good fallout game with 4's current engine
>Half-Life 3 comes out
>It's some gay shit like VR only
it was MGSV
now I don't need to die to see hell
oh no, not me, I never lost control
killing yourself after making your first videogame is counter productive because it would not be as good as the next ones, gotta improve the craft.
MGSV: Chapter 3
>inb4 hurr retard
As long as we didn't achieve Nuclear Disarmament yet, peace is a possibility. The way the game was set up was far too intentional for me to assume it was unfinished.
Alpha Protocol 2
You have shit taste then.
gta v
>tfw been dead for 3 years
>no one noticed
What do you think Chapter 3 would even be? MGSV's ending isn't that ambiguous. We know what happens.
Just one more good Halo game.
Maybe Eric Nylund could help write it...I can dream.
Very nice.
It was MGSV before release.
Fortunately it's not as good as I thought it would be, otherwise I would fear death because it would have prevented from playing it more.
M&B2 is all I care about right now.
this so hard...
at this point probably just FFXV. Its going to suck but I'm going to be so mad if I die before I get to play this disappointment.
Gothic IV
>Don't you dare mention Arcuckia or Forsaken Gods...
It was mgsV Now I don't know what to do.
FF7R soo i guess i will be dying of old age lel
When Super Smash Bros dies, I die.
Cyberpunk 2077
that new Vampire The Masquerade RPG they're supposedly making
a good one
skyrim remastered
Call me a faggot all you want, but the only game I want released is Mother 3, but Nintendo hates their fans so it will never happen.
You're a faggot for not playing superior bethesda titles and dlc
fucking t*rks, you had ONE job
Kid's gonna live forever
monster hunter on vita
Cyberpunk 2077
A proper Metroid game
Star Citizen launching with all the features Roberts promised and not sucking
Mass Effect Andromeda
Torment Tides of Numenera
Lmao mgsv and fo4 , Meh I'm still here though, idk what's going on...
Atleast I'll get to play on my home platform for the last time.
Chronicles of Elyria (if the DEV delivers)
M&B Butterlord 2
Dark Souls 3 DLC
thats about it.
I'm rooting for you man, you better make it.
This. But the whole spirit of it completely stolen by a different company who actually gives a shit and makes the entire game in VR.
WoW 2 VR
Halo reach
I'm a pussy
What you want is a game with a community that early WoW still had.
Devs can make whatever games they can - nothing can bring the community of the smaller, less oversaturated and far less mainstream internet back.
HL3, with a tonne of surprises, next gen physics and gameplay mechanics, actually lives up to hype and 2
Cyberpunk 2077 too.
Why is she so perfect?
Manhunt 3
>Being immortal
Sacrifice 2
I'm quite safe.
.hack// VR MMO fucking when
don't you dare say "Fragment"
Nice pic. Kingdom Hearts 3 here
The Elder Scrolls VI.
Half-Life 3. Or a new Half-Life game with Adrian Shephard as the protagonist Prospekt doesn't count.
A new classic Paper Mario RPG.
It's going to be a long wait.
Don't do it user. None of you should do it. Think of the people that you will destroy and that will be down to you. Plus there is a woman or man waiting for you to get funky with them.
MGSV Phantom Pain
Chronicles of Elyria
I am literally working on having a successful career just so I have financial stability and am able to get a monster rig and play that shit until I die.
If they actually deliver, that is.
I seriously doubt that anyone is waiting for me
damn son, compress your god damn images
Megaman Legends 3
The only reason I haven't offed myself yet is because I'm waiting for the day capcom falls so their shit gets sold off to other places
There's one chance left... one...
what if you want to destroy said people?