he's back boys
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What was the point of this? He was fine in pubs this will just make him a nightmare to deal with
low pickrates
Mercy had a low pickrate, surprised they only stopped at 60HP/s and didn't make it so those being healed were near invincible.
Did they increase his hitbox again? Why? Proof?
read the patch notes
gg ez
>tfw too intelligent to play Hanzo
Projectile hitboxes are retarded again. I thought this was a shooter.
it is, its just that accuracy is no longer required
The "why" is Blizzard is retarded.
They also buffed hog's hook instead of making it not retarded.
Now it's not a bug, it's a feature!
>Those patch notes
You got Genji nerfed you little NIGGERS! I can't fucking breathe, I can't believe this is going to happen. NERF GENJI! NERF GENJI! xD xD xD!
Boy I'm gunna tell my Skype group about this one after we finish watching My Little Pony
Oh man am I fucking champion for trolling the devs and actually make them gutterstomp a balanced fun character!
You fucking autistic SHIT-eating retards have ruined yet another fucking game because you just can't handle that certain players are better than you. HOW ABOUT YOU PLAY THE FUCKING GAME AND JUST GET GOOD?
Kill yourself fucking little FAGGOTS!
why can't blizzard into simple balancing?
That feel when I actually like the patch notes.
Only problem I had with genji was that his ult was the only ult without risk (from the offensive heroes) and could wipe out an entire team. The only counter to it was zen's ult and genji's ult still outlasted zen's ult. This meant that any non-related genji had 2 seconds to kill a healer after zen's ult went down. On top of that, zen could only protect those nearby. Genji could simply dash across the galaxy and kill anyone out of zen's reach before zen could hover over and protect them.
the game was pretty good at release, all they had to do is
>fix zen
>slightly buff mcree and dva
>nerf lucio
>remove mercy and hanzo
but nah, they had to fuck it up
t. hanzo main
The simple fact about the hook is that you can still move for almost a second before he reels you in. If you have a problem with this conceptually then you just want the hook gone, because there's no real way to "fix" it.
It wasn't entirely without risk, you could hook him, stun him or sleep him, it's just it's miles harder to do than with Reaper going into maximum overedge
Hanzo is my second least-played character, Genji being my least-played.
My main issue with the hook is its comically large hitbox.
I don't know if the hanzo hitbox fix affected it but reverting it certainly can't help
Yes, because snipers don't predict their targets movement at all, that would be silly.
That's why they nerfed zen's discord orb and buffed her hps to 65 I believe
But defense heroes all around had low pick rate.
Which is exactly why dealing with it this was is fucking absurd. It's essentially giving Roadhog precedence over someone who effectively dodged the hook.
The reversion on Hanzo's hitboxes is dumb as fuck too, the boost in speed would be perfectly acceptable.
Frankly Genji wasn't that bad either he was well suited to counter out the whole defensive team.
They need to nerf his fucking damage output or reduce the accuracy of his orbs, it's absurd how effective of a counter he's become to flankers.
That's why snipers are supposed to deal with him.
Reaper is the best flanker to kill zenyatta desu
They want you to be able to get hit by hanzo around a wall for "consistency"
Get fucked blizzard. It's such a frustrating way to die know you just got killed by arrow spam.
I agree. The patch is also pretty kind to Zenyatta, Reaper even pre-patch has always been buttblasting me as a flanker.
t. Zenyatta aficionado
This patch is going to destroy Genji and I hate it. He was fun and tricky to play.
He can snipe snipers now, and literally everything else.
All I've been playing is hanzo in ptr get rerady boys :^)
>he's fine in pubs
He's always been shit in pubs since day 1 and having one on your team guarantees a loss
>be bad at Genji
>no achievements for hin yet
>they're going to nerf his ult
Fuck, it's nothing but Genji from now on till I get the quad kill
Reaper is fine where he is, if he catches you on the flank then he's supposed to win. It makes up for his guns doing no damage past ten metres.
Genji isn't getting destroyed. Removing the ability to cancel a melee into a dash just removes 30 damage from his fan-melee-dash combo, it isn't world-changing. The mobility change still leaves him with enough options to GTFO when he starts getting shot at.
The change to Genji's ult is probably the biggest nerf but I guess it will go from three free kills to two free kills per ult now.
Why does everyone think Genji is like the fucking hulk during his ult? He doesn't gain any survivablity whatsoever from popping it and he telegraphs it loud as shit. I will never understand people bitching about it when it's so easy to shut down. You just listen, hear him pop it, say to your team 'hey guys, Genji ulted', then you all turn around and kill him.
I mean I get it, it's probably one of the easiest to set up ults for offense heroes and it works amazing on shitters, but all it takes it to not be deaf or to use voicecomms to tell your team. He doesn't move faster, he doesn't gain health, all he can do is deflect like normal, but even that stops him from slashing for 2 seconds and you just wait him out.
I just hate seeing balanced characters in games like this nerfed solely because people can't formulate a basic as fuck counter to them. I really hope none of this shit makes it to live.
Wasn't complaining about Reaper.
The genji nerf is fine but it's like 3 things that would be fine one by one. The mobility change is retarded, sorry.
The kills were also never free, you can die almost instantly as you get no extra HP and deflecting would cost you ult time.
>tfw Mei main
>tfw my icicle projectile is getting even more powerful
I haven't played this since launch week. How much have they fucked up everything?
Also I heard they buffed Zenyatta then nerfed him 2 weeks later. Seriously fuck blizzard.
It's fun and they're trying to keep it balanced but they're obviously not great at it.
Currently defense heroes are just shit all-round, there's no reason not to go 2 support, 2 tank, 2 offense
>Mei is finally bae again
Freezing someone and looking them dead in the eyes as you get a free headshot is a feeling like nothing else.
Blizz sucks dick at balancing, but the heroes aren't broken my any means. You could pick anyone and do relatively well.
You'll like this video, fellow meibro.
>say to your team 'hey guys, Genji ulted', then you all turn around and kill him.
How often does this actually work though. At rank 55-60 I had to tell a pharah that when genji ults she can fucking fly to avoid him instead of sitting on the floor and dying.
As long as you've said it and try to stop him yourself, you've done all you can do. Balancing should not account for stupidity.
I don't get this, all he had to do was hook her once properly.
accounting for stupidity has been a part of balancing since adventure games died out most likely
Dude, you don't even know half of it. They decided they wanted to buff Mercy's damage boost(since people occasionally used her secondary... don't ask me) and turned it up so fucking high that McCree could oneshot any 200 hp hero(159% of the cast) when damage boosted. In the same patch that they quintupled his range.
Apparently they had never imagined the possibility that a mercy might damage boost a McCree. They changed it after 1 day on the public test realms, since obviously that shit was outright fucking retarded.
>Took me forever to get the 2 kills with one deflect
>It was the funniest shit ever me jumping behind a Bastion and deflecting his bullets accidentally to a hugging Mercy and him
Best achievement I've got yet.
>her ult is getting buffed as well
>No changes for Symmetra
Why, Blizzard? Is it THAT hard to make her up to par? Come on.
If you don't balance around stupidity then you cut your audience to about 10% of what it could be.
If genji is 1v6ing
Not without, just the least amount of risk aside from maybe tracer. Tracer ults can be brushed aside with a single zarya shield through
just go play her on console
you'll never lose
>still left in Zenyatta being able to do the exact same combo with Mccree
I'm glad discord is at 30% now, and I say that as someone who has played Zen more than any other character.
No one cares about Symmetra. You'd be hard pressed to make a more boring character. The only reason to use her in competitive is to risk an early teleporter defense. And from watching tourney games, it fails about 90% of the time anyway.
She's not bad, just extremely situational. You can basically ONLY play her on first point defense, but she's pretty good there. Then you obviously swap when the attackers inevitably push through.
why aim for the head when shooting the foot does the same damage on anyone that isnt above 400 hp
They nerfed her Turret Damage by 30% on console.
Even Car Washes take years to kill Flankers now
Which is sad, because she does have the room to be viable.
You don't use the turrets on console, you run in with your autoaim gun and run circles around console aimers while jumping. Nobody can kill you except Winston.
I'm training Hanzo to one-shot McMemes.
What they should have done with Genji instead of the proposed changes:
- Fix hit air hitbox or just remove his flipping animation (it doesn't sync up, so he's like a displacer beast while in the air)
- Figure out a way to display the deflect area when he performs it (I don't care if it looks retarded, make it a shield if need be) This is to make it easier to counter with stuff like flashbang and other shit
- Ult reduced by 2 seconds (to account for Zen's ult being 2 seconds shorter current. They did this one correctly)
It doesn't really matter because all Hanzo players are terrible.
shoot at the ground, trust me it instant kills roadhog with armor and shield while he huffing paint, meth cowboy doesn't stand a chance
Because he has a deflect that blocks almost everything that has a projectile and melee attacks for some retarded reason and he does like 200 damage per swing.
During the Beta Reinhardt could actually reliably 1v1 a Genji who ulted.
But for some reason they decided to make him broken.
As in literally broken because his Deflect and Dash are buggy as fuck.
My biggest problem with reaper is he doesn't need to catch you on the flank.
He can just meatshot everyone for 500 damage instantly
What do you mean? I only do that for scattershot.
Scatter arrows deal "only" 450 damage if all the shrapnel hits. So you can't really one-shot a full HP roadhog, but almost all other characters are free pickings.
Honestly, Hanzo just needs a complete rework. He has no role except "kill people in one shot if you actually manage to hit", which is even worse than McMeme. And on the PTR, it's actually extremely easy to hit people with him. I mean, the speed change would have been enough of a buff, but with the return of the log arrows, it's just retarded.
Mei is back though, love the changes they made with her. Ult is actually dangerous now, and I definitely think her old M1 hitbox needs to stay. It's a fuckin spray, it's supposed to be hard to dodge at close range.
>We're trying to fix Hanzo
>Instead of making him do more damage the more he draws his bow, we'll just support Porcupine play
There is nothing fun or unique about a Hanzo who sits there flicking arrows for 200 damage into a team without aiming.
Have you tried running away from him while shooting? Reaper is honestly one of the LEAST imbalanced characters in the game.
I want to fuck D.va!
Eh? What do you mean you can "move for a second before he reels you in"? Hook pulls you around corners now, so those few times that you baaaaarely got behind cover as you're being hooked(where you'd pulled into a wall) will no longer happen anymore.
>making him do more damage
Are you insane? I prefer making him actually score hits more reliably instead of getting even more random bullshit instagibs than he already does. The problem is that they reverted hitboxes ALONG with increasing projectile speed.
I don't understand why they can't just have different projectile hitboxes for each hero. The reason they reverted it was because it caused Mei to be nearly unplayable. (Because her projectiles would literally warp through people instead of hitting them.) But if so, they could just revert it for her and NOT fucking Hanzo? God damn.
Reaper IS Imbalancing for the meta because his existance basically makes Mei, Junkrat and to a letter extent Hanzo useless.
Because he can basically chunk down ANYONE reliably 1v1 and all the tank peeling in the world doesn't deter him he IS a problem.
It's just Genji and McCree are a bigger problem.
The whole Offense line bar Pharah are basically better than every defensive hero.
>Hitboxes sizes increased
>Ult range increased and now it pierces through shields
>new "She sees your penis" emote
Mei finally getting the love she deserves
By making him do more damage he means 200 damage is his cap, and the less charged the bow is the less damage it does.
A lot of heroes have poorly designed kits because they came up with the design first, then tried to rationalize it second.
Overwatch has a lot of heroes that cannot ever be balanced because they either exist to one shot kill people, or there's nothing on their kit except damage abilities.
Was just showing that his log arrows are back
This game is absolute garbage after you hit 100. Feels like its worse than sub 100. The matches are atrocious!
So I guess Zarya/Lucio as consta-picks next season?
>Pierces through shields
As a Reinhardt main, I feel glad knowing my shield slowly becomes more worthless.
lucio will be a regular, tinnitus boy while not dealing massive damage like others has mobility/healing/temp shield so his role as support is pretty much the gold standard. Blizzard would have remove his ipad and have him smack hockey pucks at people which would pretty much make him a new character.
What Says.
Hanzo is a fucking Archer. He should do fucking zero damage from throwing an arrow out of the quiver and should need to Draw his bow back.
Let his Scatter show be the one he can fire on the fly, but Hanzo's biggest winning strat should not be "jump and slap arrows in a guys face"
Easiest way to nerf Lucio is to probably reduce his HP to 150.
He's fast and nimble with plenty of escape tools and his ult and Heal make him fairly durable already.
>Meanwhile at blizzard headquarters...
>fixed the hitboxes
>yeah i mean reddit is complaining again lets do what they want
What thats the patch notes we got
The "problem" with Lucio is that there is not a single other hero that provides a group speed buff which is a major oversight on Blizzard's part.
She no different on console. She's actually worse because they nerfed her turrets. Though I guess she's technically stronger because people can't aim on console
Is there anything Winston can do against Mei? She seems like a VERY hard counter to him.
Jump away?
jet pack to space
backhand her off the map
This. Either they need another hero that can mimic the ability, or they will have to completely remove the speed ability for him to not be an instapick, maybe have the other aura give damage reduction, just as a (maybe stupid) initial thought.
>was bored so decided to try Heroes of the Storm
>decided to play Tracer since she was the only character that looked half interesting in that game
>after a day go back to Overwatch
>somehow I am better at Tracer
Its probably just a placebo effect causing it but I will say that they did a pretty good job making Heroes Tracer play like Overwatch Tracer considering the Genre difference.
Winston should win against Mei most of the time.
Just focus on her with your taser. You have enough health to survive her combo from full and keep fighting her after you break out of the ice. If she hibernates, just leave.
>they did a pretty good job making Heroes Tracer play like Overwatch Tracer
same goes for zarya. it literally is the same hero, just different control scheme
Got legend in hearthstone last month. Pretty bored and got some time to blow. Is the game fun? I never plan on giving Blizzard money again but my gf got my 40$ of battle.net bux that I can't spend on anything else.
I guess except Legion but that's not exactly a fair matchup lol
Might as well senpai.
Fun with Friends (tm)
Did anything happen to best girl? Has she been nerfed?
no, bastion is still the same
>play Hanzo
>learned to headshot even with nerfed hitboxes
>just E people I miss
>the huge hitboxes are coming back again
also I don't use the faggot furry wolf skin
Yeah I hope they add more Overwatch characters to it, it is a nice fun Casual Moba and a decent amount of overwatch characters would be fun to play as in it.
Like Reaper, junkrat or Mccree would probably be fun as fuck to use in it