Been enjoying the World of Final Fantasy news that been coming out...

Been enjoying the World of Final Fantasy news that been coming out? Seem to me the best RPG with the name Final Fantasy in over a decade.

It looks really cute


Better than XV

A pinecone up the ass looks better than FFXV

>FF fans have grown up so we made this game for kids to introduce them to the series
>meanwhile the "real" FF game is nothing like Final Fantasy

holy shit Square Enix are CLUELESS. It's kids who are into the edgy button mashing shit that is FF15.

It goes to show that they don't completely understand their audience. Adult fans of the series will buy and play this game.

Basically pic related

I haven't really been paying attention to it. What's the deal with it, do they collect those little chibi versions of the monsters for attacks or some shit? It being turned based is a start, though. FFS not everything needs to be an action rpg these days.



>Omnislash now has Naruto Shadow Clone like crap

Yes, it's kind of like Pokemon meets FF

Who Storybook Edition here?

It's the AC version

AC ruined 7

Getting it for Vita so no SE, I have the regular edition ordered on Amazon though

Day One is enough for me. Small nice things but what I really just like is the Japanese voice actors.

Release date when?

bah, that sucked. I only watched that shitty movie once.

It's October 25, right? Or is that just Japan?

October 25th it seems.
>DQ8 whenever that finally comes out
Why do they seem to love releasing all the RPG in the final 1/4 of the year?

I'm glad they are making a turn based final fantasy for 8 year olds. Who knows it could reboot the franchise.

Holiday rush, wanna get the full brunt of sales

Why does every Japanese game need to be so needlessly anime?

Western games tend to reflect western art like Japanese game reflect Japanese art.

You know why...

>lol isn't it awesome chibi omnislash XD
>so cute x3!!!

I donno why I call myself a fan of this series, I haven't enjoyed it in years.

The older ones are good back when games had to be good to sell. Now not so much...

>this is what world of final fantasy believers actually thinks

Honestly I'm probably going to pick up XV too. I know Sup Forums like to trash it, but it looks interesting to me. I take Sup Forums with a grain of salt, this is the same board that goes gaga over shit like Overwatch and Undertale.

dont forget dragon quest builders comes out in october as well

I know. I was just listing RPGs

>other idiots here buy garbage like Overwatch but I'm totally different to them!
No, you aren't.

People like you don't like video games. You don't care that the game looks like shit. You don't care that the game runs like shit. You don't care that the game plays like shit. You don't care that the entire beginning of the story where your city is invaded was cut and released as a movie, so now the MC's motivation to save his city/country falls completely flat since we never even GO TO IT.

Go buy the game, you will no matter what anyone says. Just don't pretend you have standards and are better than other people who only buy shit because it's hyped/popular.

builders is an rpg bro, it just has minecraft building as well

Guess it's true. Just feel like Builders is more Minecraft with RPG stuff in it than a RPG. One of those "it's an RPG when I see it" type of thing. Still excited about it however.

I'm my own user, so that makes me better than you and 90% of the board :)

a narrative, decent quests, and a lively world are all the things i felt were missing from minecraft in the first place so im excited too

You are a shit eating drone and don't forget it.

Nah, I'm just not autistic. I didn't have any hardline expectations for the game.

Oh I agree. It's Minecraft done right in my opinion. I can't wait to actually play it. And not only that it actually looks good.

Yes, you don't care. We already established that. I'll leave you with the truth to chew, I'm not interested in running in circles with a retard.

>games in development shouldn't be expected to change

I think it's me who's dealing with a retard. I mean, you are on the spectrum.


PS4 and Vita onry

I doubt it. A new PSTV costs about the same as a good meal and a cheap bottle of vodka, though.

Too bad it's not coming out on any worthwhile systems


Now I just need a PS4. Have a Vita but this game feels more of a home console feel.

*also on PC



Fuck Advent Children.

How? Did AC autopatch your FF7 copies or something?

Looking at the VII Remake, it looks like it.

The problem is SE is trying to undo FF7 as much as they could so it fits more with AC. Hell I'm shocked when they released the Steam version they didn't do a new localization for the game.

The original didn't stop existing though. It would be more appropriate to say "AC ruined FF7R", but that won't garner as many (You)'s, I guess.
I can understand a bit of bitterness, it took me 10 years to finally get round to playing Resident Evil 4, but AC didn't ruin VII. If anything, you ruined it for yourself by being so mad about it.

>I can understand a bit of bitterness
It's more like a broken heart.

It revealed what I thought was the best game ever was really just a lucky mess of poorly translated words.

It made me critically assess if VII was even a good game, and now, knowing what I know, maybe it isn't as good as it once was...

Because every cloud after is shitty AC cloud instead of 7's



FF tribute spin offs are better than FF as of now

Honestly even if it didn't have all the FF fan service it still looks like a better FF game than FF15 personally. I miss the charm and oddness of old JRPG. FF15 might honestly be good for all I know but the look of it just seem like they are racing towards "realistic" like every other series.

fuck off with those bobbleheads


Don't you like fun?
