Should i get devil may cry 3 or devil may cry 4?

should i get devil may cry 3 or devil may cry 4?


Get 4SE, the 3 port is ass.

this is wrong assuming you're too lazy to spend 20 minutes patching 3
google style switcher mod

>paying for a game
>i should do the patch
are you fucking retarded ?

Get DmC, it is objectively miles better than any of the others.

OP said, get not buy. Definitley do not BUY 3 on PC.

He never specified a platform :^)

You should get both. That means you should get 3 first

3 first because you will better understand 4 plot and gameplay

Even with style switcher there is no way to fix bad framerate other than turning off shadows and background music

play DmC DMC instead.
While you are at it, play Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z.
Those two are the best in their respective series

A patch that disables the music by default because the port is notorious for having frame drops because of the fucking MUSIC?

Nah, it's a shit port no matter how you look at it.

I'm not sure if something changed on my end because nothing was mentioned in the changelog, but I can enable music in the latest version of the patch without getting frame drops any more.

worked fine for me even with shadows and music turned on

I got shadows turned off and music on and in some areas, like beggining of mission 3, I get drops to ~40fps. It's not often and I abolutely recommend 3, but I won't pretend it's perfect

yea , the series is on sale on steam , so i supposed he wanted to buy it

4SE if you can, if not 3SE

3 has a better story and music though, and better weapons for dante that are also cooler looking

is 4SE $5 yet? I can't recommend it for more than that because it's still running worse than regular 4, and on PC it has no real extra features besides the characters to justify the extra cost. And they're all novelty at best.

get a better PC
or just pirate 4SE since it isn't worth it. And Capcom sure as hell don't care about continuing DMC anyways

If you ever intend to be more than moderately good at it, play 1 first. Combat is barebones but the fundamentals are so important.

3 expands gameplay and speeds it up, 4 does the same thing at least four times over.

It's a series that benefits a lot from order.

i heard that in 4SE the combat is better


If you mean 4SE vs 3 then maybe, but 4SE vs 4 there is no difference in combat besides new characters

There are some minor to moderate changes to what's already there, nothing special.

You get standard edition for modding and playing with, SE for playing it vanilla since it's a little more locked down.

I can't recall off the top of my head, but Dante definitely got some minor tweaks.

Neither, wait for scalebound OLOL

Can anyone provide some info on this? I didn't know they tweaked anything besides sprint activating faster

I'm pretty sure it had to do with Gilgamesh.

I know they changed some of the Devil Bringer platforming spots to make them easier also, but honestly since playing everyone a few times I've only touched Vergil.

buy DMC collection for ps3 and and get DMC 4 Special Edition for PC or Ps4.

Yes get both