>Troll with super regeneration powers strong enough to replace limbs and organs

>Orc with no super regeneration or super toughness, never even empowered by demon blood
>Gets directly shot at by three giant fel lasers from fucking spaceships
>Takes a short breather
>Good as new


>Troll with super regeneration powers strong enough to replace limbs and organs
Hmm, I have a feeling I've seen this somewhere before...

Didn't they burn his arm stump and eye so he couldn't regrow them?

Zuljin implies they tortured him so badly and for so long it fucked up his regen.

I just hope that whoever replaces Voljin as the troll race leader is one of this giga swole trolls.

I doubt they'll even bother having a new troll leader.

Even the orcs don't have a proper leader right now. Everyone just seems to figure it's Saurfang but it doesn't really seem like he actually is.


pretty sure it's Rokhan, that dude that sits in your garrison and hasn't done much since WC3.

He was fucked up with Fel.

wasn't he just 'some guy' even in WCIII? like just some scout or something Thrall asked to help Rexar?

>muh fel
>muh green jesus, metzen self insert
there you go

>Everyone just seems to figure it's Saurfang but it doesn't really seem like he actually is.
Saurfang ain't got time for leading right now. Too busy with Crossroads.

He made the Loas upset by fleeing so they cut off his Regeneration powers permanently.

Saurfang represented the orcs when Vol'jin called the racial leaders together to announce his successor. You're right about the trolls though, I still have hope that VJ will come back through some vodoo shit.

If they're going that route it's probally more likely that the corruption of the emerald dream is to blame given the loas and wild gods are the same thing. Probally why they gave him the shitty advice to elect Sylvanas as well.


why is it so funny

>Probally why they gave him the shitty advice to elect Sylvanas as well.
I was thinking dreadlords

Or they have probably forgotten about Loas all together now. It wouldn't be surprising at this point

He deserved it for leaving the alliance to gul'dan

>Horde retreats
>Lok'tar ogar thrown into the shitter
>Thrall falls down like a retarded toddler
>Vol'jin kills like 2 demons before going down

>Alliance bravely faces Gul'dan
>Only retreat when they are betrayed by Horde
>Varian sacrifces himself so the others can escape
>Kills a fuckton of demons and A GODDAMN FEL REAVER before going down

He specifically said the loas told him to do it

Dread lords are more into assuming people's forms. The ED corruption is ruled by Xavius and the Legion, so dreadlords or not the Legion is to blame.

Wait Vol'jin was cremated? Has this ever actually happened before? I can't think of another character who was cremated in this universe. Did they do this just so someone couldn't go "why don't the DK's just bring him back!! xD"

I accidentally a word
Nobody noticed

While they don't show it step by step, its awfully implied that he is considering they are burning an altar with his stuff on.

To be fair Sylvanas bringing him back isn't all that far-fetched what with her val'kyr and all.

everyone noticed we just knew what you meant

Varian got disenchanted to make sure there is absolutely no hope of him coming back

The had to do the same with Vol'jin or alliance would whine

Also you don't let Sylvanas have important corpses.
But it's Blizzard we're talking about, they'll be back in 3 expacs

Doesn't even need the Valk'yr. He's killed that many people he's best friends with the grim reaper. He's died before and got sent back so he can fetch him more souls.

Reminder that alot of Horde people came to Vol'jin's funeral. Tyrathan from the Shadows of the Horde book, Gamon, even Gallywix is in a corner and guy in picture resurrected himself after dancing around garrison as a ghost.

However Thrall isn't even nearby nor will acknowledge what happened. "Best Friend"

Thrall was too busy crying over his scraped knee

Cairne was cremated.

When will Ethereals be relevant again?

The correct term is Barbecue

>See Gallywix on loading screen
>See Gallywix in game

Why is this allowed?

Where is Thrall? He wasn't even summoned to Sylvannas' naming. Is he in intensive care or something?

Maybe we'll go to their shitty destroyed homeworld at some point. They could even make an expansion of it if they wanted

At the shaman class order getting someone to kiss his knee before tossing over Doomhammer to Enhancement shamans

>Being alliance cuck

meme races don't get unique racial leader models


If an expansion was made it'd probably be some outer space expansion where we take help from the Consortium to go to certain zones on different worlds or some shit.
Rafaam himself said he had been on 100 different ones.

Thrall's been more Earthen Ring than Horde since cata

>go behind some rocks
>see human
>it's vol'jin's buddy from the book saying he must avenge him.

>Loktar Ogar
>Victory or Death
>Sylvannas already fulfills the death'ed part, multiple times
>She can NEVER be wrong as the Warchief due to this political loophole
Vol'Jin is truly the most cunning Warchief

I feel bad for Michael Stackpole who wrote the whole thing. He even started playing WoW and searched from top to bottom for any troll related lore so he'd get everything right for the book and now its shitten all over because of a last minute decision

I was a Horde coward but now I'm a #gennmissile

Aren't we prophesied to lead an army of hundreds of different ayy lmaos against the void?

Haven't read any books, what's the human's name?

Who knows? Ethereals are fucking everywhere in space apparently and they are also a counter to the void apparently.
The Ethereum also wants to become void in order to make it fight against itself or some shit, i dunno.

>Still no fucking totem weapon for taurens

Tyrathan. He shows up in some questing area in Legion i think

So they're D̶e̶m̶o̶n̶ Void Hunters?

We don't really have that much details but they're ridiculously powerful from a technological standpoint and really freaking good with magic.

So Bwonsamdi had nothing to say about this? Wasn't Vol'jin his fucking best bud?

Nothing at all. Not even the slightest little thing about him. The only thing we can hope for now is some bullshit resurrection later so we literally get a Troll Jesus instead

I want him to come back but not make it known publicly. Rokhan can lead the Trolls, but Vol'jin is behind the scenes, and he travels the world as a Shadow Hunter killing shit for Bwonsamdi.

I just want any kind of troll now. After Vol'jin, there isn't a single troll character outside quest NPCs now that has any sort of character or personalities. We are back at Vanilia state where trolls were just background objects

I'm not a Troll main so I don't quite feel the pain, but I imagine it's similar to how I felt as a Tauren main in Cataclysm. I hope Baine does something.

He was going to have a quest chain in Highmountains for the new Tauren tribe but they removed it in Alpha with no explanations

Arent they some astral sandniggers
And their world got destroyed by a voidlord?

Wtf I hate horde now!
Really makes you thibk

>tfw you want to play as troll but your guild is alliance only and you don't want to leave them

Fucking hell. I was so excited for Highmountain. I hope that means they have other plans for him considering he's Anduin's pal.