>Ice Pick Lodge are in Cologne at Gamescom
>showing off a tech demo of new Pathologic
>no articles from any large or small gaming outlet
>just couple photos of the monitor from some guy's facebook
In other news, apparently
1. The game is being delayed, release date is now October 2017.
2. They're planning to release a public demo soon, most likely not limited to just backers too.
Ice Pick Lodge are in Cologne at Gamescom
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm mildly interested in the remake. I remembered playing the original a long time ago and being completely confused about the plot.
Deathwing gets the same treatment...
>delayed a full year
fuck me
Original translation was made by some outsourcer and was really terrible. They re-released the game as Classic HD with new and in-house translation last year.
>1. The game is being delayed, release date is now October 2017.
Honestly, I'm not surprised this happened.
Ice pick Lodge can never meet their deadlines. No surprise there.
>delayed over a year
God fucking damn it, IPL. I want a modernized Pathologic so fucking bad.
Same. They've nailed new art direction and the town seems to be shaping up nicely, but they still haven't revealed any gameplay. Though maybe that's what they're showing on Gamescom.
>old paintings are being remade for remake
It looks nice. The art direction is great, unsettling to simply look at.
hopefully they can afford to hire a decent translator
i had to stop playing the first game, my head started to hurt from trying to make heads or tails of the broken english. eventually every other character literally made no sense, like a robot tried to string together sentences without understanding context. which doesn't help when i got to the murder mystery part.
the re-release has been fixed m8
You should try new translation.
may as well wait for this remake to come out
they're practically the only company whose games can be considered kino, they can have all the time they want as long as they're happy with their product it's going to be good.
Fair enough, though they said multiple times that it won't be a complete remake. They're planning to change quite a lot of things, including storylines.
>>old paintings are being remade for remake
Personally I think it's a bit of a time and resource waster, but I guess it makes sense.
Why are you all praising the new art direction
Old one looked more dreading, which is more fitting
They're just textures, that don't take much more work than any other asset in the game. Though in case of albino cat I gotta say I like the simplicity of original better.
I think new direction is perfect. I hated how the game looked during Kickstarter and early updates, but IPL themselves realized it won't worked and new designs retain the feel of original almost perfectly while also being just slightly cartoony, I guess, that will only help in the long run. Stylized graphics age better than realistic ones.
Only things I don't like
1. Stamatin bros are too damn handsome.
2. There's that stupid shader that gives all character models a slight sheen. I hope they can figure out how to tone it down.
>generic kinda cartoony look BUT SUPER SERIOUS GUYS
to the trash it goes next to Dishonored
Fucking this. It looks fucking terrible. The people looking somewhat realistic added a lot to the game. Can't wait to play another WOW 'SURE IS GOOFY AROUND HERE' game with 'DARK SHIT HAPPENING!'
If I wanted that I would just play every quirky indie trash they throw on the steam store every day
is this from the HD version?
I bet you fags hated knock-knock too
Have you played the original? Find a better thread to shitpost in, I heard latest Nintendo game was a flop so might try there.
IP counter didn't change for , so it's just some kid having a lil bit of fun before new school year.
Haven't played it but visually it looked awful
Original game. New Executor model is in the OP.
>IP counter didn't change for , so it's just some kid having a lil bit of fun before new school year.
Amazing detective work, dude
You found out that both of those posts were from me. I was trying to hide it so hard. That's why I replied to two different people with nearly the same thing. They should get you on real world problems like poverty because you're a real solver of things.
>Have you played the original? Find a better thread to shitpost in
But I love how you didn't say a single thing in favor of the new artstyle you're defending. Only "YOU NEVER PLAYED THE GAME" and "SHITPOSTING"
New Executor's eyes appear to be glowing a bit.
Also, I guess masks have some variety.
not a fan of the new design
What? Deathwing is supposed to come out in November.
Please fuck back off to Sup Forums and keep that shitty meme contained there.
Im kinda gay for Bachelor
>muh don't use new words
>cuck and numale is fine tho
Eat a bag of dicks narrowminded casual piece of weeb shit garbage
Didn't I tell you to buzz off already?
Pathologic in HD looks really fucking neato
Too bad about the art design
Also the original game was incredibly atmospheric and it felt really unique
From these screenshots it looks like the game's atmosphere is not present in this remake.
How long are you planning to samefag your unpopular opinion in this thread, exactly?
This guy somehow reminds me of the Knock-Knock's MC.
One of the biggest drawbacks of threads like these about smaller less popular games that autismos like this find their home here and lord over everything and think that everyone in the threads should hold the same opinions as him.
I'm fan of the original game and I heard more negative things about the new game's artstyle than positive things.
How fucking insecure and pathetic do you have to be to do this shit ?
I want to discuss the game and keep the thread somewhat alive and you sperg quote everything I say because you don't agree. Like a fucking baby
Wasn't the first concept for the kickstarted Pathologic even more cartoony than the current version?
This, what the fuck
I love the original and new artstyle looks like shit. What's so hard to grasp about that? No one's going to talk shit about artstyle without knowing the first game
>release date is now October 2017
fucking suka blyat Dybovsky please
I think it's new Aspity, but yeah, she has the same restless eyes.
>I'm fan of the original game
You're not, and you're not bullshitting anyone here. You started posting here with "le Dishonored is cartoon, so dark and serious lmao" and "original was much more realistic". When
1. Game looks nothing like Dishonored and all characters have realistic proportions.
2. Original Pathologic had stylized cartoony look already.
>and I heard more negative things
What you heard is probably what you've googled or seen in Pathologic threads during Kickstarter and early days of development. Because that's when the game's art direction was shit and everyone was talking about it. That's why they changed it and I've yet to see anyone making a fuss over new direction.
>How fucking insecure and pathetic do you have to be to do this shit ?
Right? Samefagging and shutposting in a thread about a game you know nothing about, that's quite sad.
>Try playing Pathologic
>do something
>crying baby noises
>defend myself
>crying baby noises
>see some dude in a bird costume
>Holy fuck where did that nigga come from?!
>what's up with that structure?
>what the fuck am I even doing?
Also is there a time limit?
you have to complete one quest by the end of the day everyday
if you fail you get the bad ending
You don't fail, you continue, but one of your adherents gets infected.
oh yeah, you can actually cure them
Game over is true for first day, though.
Guy in a bird suit tells you what to do
Press Q to see your quest log which also tells you what to do
You probably should do your first playthrough as Bachelor, not Haruspex
Wait what? I thought these russian fuckers are broke as hell. They barely finished Knock Knock and this is a way more ambitious project.
I just want more of The Void. That game was something beautiful.
>I just want more of The Void. That game was something beautiful.
Nah, thats because of tits. Dont lie to yourself
This game always looked interesting to me. Is it just a creepy atmosphere or is half the game jumpscares. Im a pussy who doesnt like Jumpscares but i enjoy creepy games
there are no jumpscares
There are no jumpscares, sometimes you turn your head and suddenly see a scary looking statue but nothing screams at you.
The atmosphere is tense as fuck though, I'm like you but pathologic is playable
Yeah I gave the original a shot, but it was largely confusing as well.
It would be nice to get a more polished one. I really like the atmosphere of the game.
There are no jumpscares if I remember correctly, but there's lots of creepy shit, the music is really creepy and atmospheric, I had to quit the game when I walked around down during the night and suddenly got chased by some kind of weird creature.
Thanks. Its just that whenever someone says horror game recently i just see it as jumpscares. Ill probably get it off steam later today
It's just atmosphere. It's meant to be eerie, disturbing, and oppressive.
Also, almost everyone in town seem to be crazy, which helps with the atmosphere.
wow, art design took a nosedive
what a pointless effort
Does it still have the awesome revolver reload animation from the trailer?
There are no jumpscares, but game is very unnerving. Personally I think it's one of the if not the most atmospheric game I've ever played.
We haven't seen any actual gameplay yet, but reloading animations will most likely remain slow like they were in original game.
>whenever someone says horror game
Who the fuck calls Pathologic a horror game aside from people that never played it?
People who have played it?
Never saw anyone call it a horror game aside from shitty scarecam streamers and youtubers back when HD came out.
I really liked that trailer. It seemed really bizzare and the music was great
>that Executor
Every time.
>You're not, and you're not bullshitting anyone here
Okay you're a crazy person
>2. Original Pathologic had stylized cartoony look already.
No, but again, you're a crazy person.
this. No jumpscares but fuck if the infected houses aren't scary as shit
Gotcha covered senpai