Point to the exact year where everything went wrong

Point to the exact year where everything went wrong.

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Everything hasn't gone wrong.

Holiday 2006

For me, this. Though it could be my nostalgia goggles.

I'll point to the exact game

his and his jewish relatives won WWII


Found it.

Counter Strike 1.6
GTA San Andreas

those destroyed the entire video game industry back in 2003-2006.

Sorry I meant CoD

>arkham asylum

>Assassins Creed
>Shit Effect
>Fallout 3

It was when the industry started to casualize games and cared more about graphics then game play.

it's not just casualize graphics

Wii destroyed an entire generation of kids
they thought that shovelware and shit gimmicks are standard because it sold so well

Also Counter Strike and MOBA played a big part on the slippery slope

2008, the release of the eternal blunder Spore and the exodus of his holy grace Will Wright from the game industry.

That's it, it's gone downhill since.

None, regardless of year there were some gems and a lot of crap.

There's good stuff in all of these

Moba yes.
Counter strike no.
Counter strike was the first BIG online shooter it paved the pay for others. If you where to say cod I would say yes but not couter strike.


counter strike brought the kids that later were into Call of Duty
Those 10 year old kids playing CoD in 2008 are not responsible for the downfall but the people between 14-18 were.

Reminding you of what?
Were you even old enough to not shit your pants in 2008, frogposter?


Fallout 3 , GTA IV tickled the last fun of gaming for me.


All hail the last year for gaming.

Is there an updated picture that's up to 2015?

2008 was and new vegas was literally the last breath to be pushed by the industry.

idk were there any good games released in 2015

Why do you thing counter strike was the down fall?

Most of valves games have been good. They are not a company I would credit with the casualizing Vidya.
These are some companies of the top of my head.

No Eve Online in 2003? One of the greatest online videogames ever made, who is the idiot who made this pic?

>pc gaming

It went wrong right at that moment when they made pcs available for poorfags. Pc gaming community is the purest form of cancer due this

>Why do you thing counter strike was the down fall?

Because it lowered the standards of First person shooters
it made the genre look a joke for 13 year old masturbation kids

Valve is 100% degenerate, worse than DICE and EA

Braid was one of the first games that popularized shitty indie 2D retro platformers. MW2 was what made normiebait military shooters a cultural phenomenon. Those two games alone paved the way for more garbage than you could ever possibly count. AssCreed, Mass Effect and FO3 are bad games, but they weren't as instrumental for spawning off more bad games. I guess you can make an argument for Mass Effect bringing in homo sjw shit, but if MW2 didn't make video games mainstream and acceptable to normies in the first place, the sjw crowd might not have ever gained traction at all in the video game industry.

When you say blizzard you're talking about actiblizzion right? Not the guys that made WC3 and shit

I was 20 in 2008 and frog posting is a 4 chan thing buddy.

>when they started to port games to PC gamers
>pc gamers
>purest form of cancer

I agree 10%

2000 was the last great year in gaming

2007 was the last good year in gaming

To be honest?

It didn't.

>MW2 was what made normiebait military shooters a cultural phenomenon.

not 100% accurate because people from 12-18 were already into military shooters

and Assassins Creed, Shit Effect and Fallout 3 are also instrumental in the downfall, no doubt about it.

People started to buy flash indies after Braid, that I agree.

Yes I am after wc2 and the start of wow blizzard went down hill.

Sup Forums users hate frogposting because the normies got hold of it and spammed the shit out of it "for keks". Once memes go mainstream they are no longer funny.

Specific ones that weren't overused may be reclaimed years later on a smaller scale.

>Valve is 100% degenerate
I'm done. Let's just end that there.


I think we already had a consensus about this, all media went to shit at 2006
literally internet's fault

>Internet's fault
close, Web 2.0

No, 2007 is one of the best years in gaming and cinema. Everything went to shit in 2008.

1999 and 2000 when they started shitting out CRPG's every other week.

I know but It's really only Sup Forums.

2011 by looking at that tbqh

>frog posting is a 4 chan

this is accurate.

I believe we have like three main lines of game type now:

>itsbasicallyfuckinggambling - F2P shit where you buy gems or coins or card packs or whatever the fuck, clash of clans, candy crush etc.
>normiecore - CoD, Assassins Creed, other AAA titles with season passes and a shit ton of DLC, usually series that were passable to good about 10 years ago
>indie - only okay games but at least they're generally free of scummy money-grabbing practices so core gamers praise the fuck out of them for not being easy-mode with microtransactions

it was world of warcraft i'm pretty sure. not only did it kill mmos, but it had a significant impact on modern culture. that's when all this nerd shit started becoming socially acceptable and main stream


i can do that too

I'm not sure if it was world of warcraft directly, or just the internet in general becoming mainstream desu.

Even the internet is a watered down shit version of what it was. Google search just brings up forbes, wikis, cracked, youtube, and other gay shit.

I used to run a search and get peoples own personal webpages made for pure content and enjoyment, not for how much advertising, sponsored premium content and signup cancer they can shove into it.

I remember emailing webmasters and getting responses back.

>implying reddit created or popularized anything ever

or this


Any meme that wiggled its way to KYM is officially dead and is reddit-tier. You're not proving anything.

that's part of it. pcs were pretty expensive in the 90s, even more so if you wanted to play vidya so it obviously kept a lot of people out. hardware did start becoming cheaper and more accessible at the turn of the century though. i still don't think wow's cultural impact can be ignored for its role in normalizing things

Who the fuck cares if reddit uses it. A fucking meme is a meme. Stop getting triggered over pepe or anyother meme you fag.

Also half of reddit comes here for the memes. If a meme is posted here it's posted on reddit with in a couple months.

It matters because it shows just how much reddit there is in a board. The more of "pepe" (or any other reddit meme) you see there, the more redditors browse it. It's a useful canary for detecting underage and idiots.

Even the word "meme" is fucking cancer now.

The whole concept of them has been destroyed since they went from an in-joke to a global phenomenon.

Honestly I think worldwide "meme"shit is gonna get drastically less popular from now on as everyone knows the concept know and is bored of it.

People have been saying it for over half a decade now, and yet "dank memes" are still as popular as ever.

4 chan is for normies now user it's been like the for about 5 years now.

Only normies use "normies".

Idk about that. 10 years ago Sup Forums was memes in every thread. Now it's mostly porn/gayporn/facebookfap threads.

Memes won't go away overnight but they're definitely tired now. Kind of like how people talk in full sentences instead of "OMG WTF LOL" when internet acronyms were new and exciting.

Not to mention KYM is written by little kids and newfags who have no idea what they're talking about.
The way some of you dumb memelords talk about the dreadful frog, you'd think "Pepe" has been a time-honored Sup Forums tradition, when "he" really wasn't. "He" was not a character, "he" didn't even have a name. It was just a mildly overused reaction pic that spawned a few variations (not different from many other reaction pics , e.g. black man laughing at computer), popularized around 2010-2011, but only really exploding in popularity around 2013.
It was only in the latter half of 2014, when /r9k/ got overtaken by underage redditards, that suddenly it's become the all-encompassing "I AM LE 4CHANNER RARE PEPES REEEEEE" stupid meme it is now.

I haven't seen "LE EPIC ____" used seriously for a long long time. The cancerwords are more like "top kek Sup Forums senpai" now.

I remember when they release Bioshock, I was hyped, it got 10/10 all around, goty and stuff.

And it was garbage, zero gameplay, I understood at the time that gaming would never be the same

2007 is weak as hell. There's some decent games in there but none of which were truly remarkable, innovative or overly creative except for Portal.

2001 isn't great either, but Arcanum, Black & White and Civilization 3 all took previous game formulas to a whole new level, so I guess I can accept it.

What would 2016 look like if we wrote it now?

I'm guessing
>Pokemon Go


This year so far has nothing original that I can think of besides Pokémon Go, which is a step in the wrong direction. However, I have enjoyed XCOM 2, Dark Souls 3, and will likely appreciate Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. But these are all follow-ups of previous games - Nothing new or innovative.

This was my answer.

One of the imgur links is clearly a shot from a red board you moron.

pepe got to reddit through r9k iirc.
robots desperate for approval shared memes.

Momodora? Party Hard?

I know they're not exactly popular so they wouldn't go in the list but still.

>destroyed an entire generation of kids
i think that is an unhealthy way to talk about a demographic you largely know little about

Stop arguing like this is reddit.

Despite having some good games, after buying one everyone soon realised the motion control gimmick was fucking terrible. Including my brother who was like 6 at the time.

Not the OP and it is true that one generation always talks shit about the previous one, but in this case it's largely true.

The current child generation is being raised with single-mothers, with the internet filling the fatherly role.
A generation of weak, coward and lazy kids that have no idea of what an healthy social interaction is, instead, they realy on attention whoring social media apps to fill that void.

They are growing up being taught by liberal feminist women teachers, being taugh revisioned history, and most of all being taught to conform, keep quiet and accept everything that is happening. They have no pride in their culture or traditions., these things got substituted by a brown bowl of homogenous shit called western culture.

Clint eastwood was right in calling us the Pussy Generation, and guess what ? Pussies will raise pussies.

This is some grade A taste right here

2004 is pretty ominous in its selection.
>a bad Thief sequel
>Cinematic Action Life 2
>another Counter-Strike

Consider a delay of 2-3 years when game companies learn from 2004's releases and develop the next round of games, and you arrive at the dreaded 2007.

I was removing bad/non notable games going further back and back to see if there was a certain year that stood out.

2002 I didn't have to remove a lot of games.
So maybe after that things went south somehow.

> history of PC gaming
> lists multiplatforms that didnt even originate on PC

this list is still shit

kids realizing that games are a business is ruining them? how? like, I'm not quite sure what you mean by 'ruining them'

holy shit dude i can already tell i won't be able to get through to you

Why are some of the games bigger? Is it implying that they're the best games of that year? Because most of them are fucking trash.