Need players to test my prototype
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I like this game, its so easy. Easier than candycunt.
i like it.
May be slightly more responsive shooting.
If only it wasn't so laggy
you'll need to zork much more than this prototype if you want to atract people
it is hard to buy upgrades without getting hit by someone else while looking at the menu, otherwise pretty fun
Fun game if you've got the latency for it, I got fragged like a motherfucker
I wouldn't suggest anything because you guys know what you are doing.
Just make sure the game can get interest even when the lobby is low on numbers.
Cool game indeed
the map is much better
wtf is the pokemon upgrade?
you shoot pokeballs
they really need a CDN
can't play on mac
laggy, where is it hosted?
I wonder if an .io domain would help or hurt this game's popularity
probably would be the same shit
Would be slightly better with the normalfags
how so?
the game need more spaws, maybe on the top of the map
Where iare the best places to advertise?
the physics are way better, great job OP
I ithink it would be the same, they just need to post the game onminiclip or so, to reach the masses
fk u nigger
9gag and here
9gag for a game?
Ive seen some. Everybody does it. Just need to make a dumb catchy meme to go with it
Something in the lines of "it's not flappy bird but this game redifined my life as a gamer.... and then a gif of you playing hard mode super fast and throwing laptop out the window in frustration after game over"... thats gonna get em hyped, at least no reason not to try
My green niggas lets kill those blue faggots than needs to be at least 2vs1 to kill anything
Don't have the movement be server-side, it makes it impossible to move accurately.
Team Blue wins through the power of friendship.
Don't you get banned for advertising here?
>Sup Forums
Fuck off
Pink team > Blue and Green
only if you dont tip the mods ;)
maybe baby
>tfw gang raping Green's top scorer with blue bro's
What languages is that game made with?
it's a websockets game like agario
controls are unresponsive as shit, game is overall pretty fucking laggy, you can spawncamp easily
idea is fine but the execution is meh
the game is probably running on a 1$ server
has potential
blue = campers
green = scrubs
pink = master race who made everyone else quit
I had some good mindless fun for a bit
pink rulz
A simple autobalance/team change option would fix most of the problems
The team selection system has been changed. Now if one team is too ahead on the game that team will stop getting new players for a while.
>this thing again with the default unity sprites and the seamed tiles
AHAH me too dude! Pink runs the world
My shit just froze wtf dumb game lol
i think the game itself has a lot of potencial but its bad that they have a shitty server
Red team is full of faggots
21 max lvl?
buy a good server and make it viral
>pink rules.
get camped gayboiz
When I pitch the tent. ya get FUCKED
Hey we were making an unstoppable pokeball minigun not too long ago
true, this game with a good server would became viral
buy new server
add different rooms with different maps
make it viral
i don't think all the lag problems come from the server
Need some art help? This has the right ingredients to be viral if you tweak it up.
can u help us with that part? we suck at photoshop
I could maybe do some better blocks and alien designs in the simple style you have already but not right now. You should set up an email in the site.
change that you can only buy heal upgrades near your starting base
So is Sup Forums the cheap alternative to hiring game testers?
By far, the worst attempt at the craze.
Good to sell to a flash game website for little kids.
seems like
okay so once you buy every upgrade in one live, you are invincible
>make it so that you can only focus on one path, not all
>disable the fucking healing item
>make it so that you cant get above 100 coins at once and raise the cost of each upgrade
this way, it doesnt become a One Punch Man vs 10000 african niggers scenario