>tell someone I didn't read their post
>actually read the whole thing
Tell someone I didn't read their post
what do you even get out of making this thread
like, why bother? it takes a mod half a second to tick the box and delete this thread, it'll take you 30 seconds to unplug your modem and wait for a new IP and plug it back in
what are you trying to prove? that you have 30 seconds and a dynamic IP?
Sup Forums isn't my main board(because I'm not insane) so it's all g
well that's blatantly obvious. so you came here specifically to be an unoriginal, unfunny faggot? to what end? what do you get out of this?
Sup Forums is great for shitposting
spamming threads is more fun than posting an on-topic vidya thread that will get no more than 10 replies usually
>what do you even get out of making this thread
Replies. Good job, dipshit.
but why post here at all? the only replies pepe threads get generally are "dumb frogposter". I'm curious how your mind works. You're from reddit--that much is apparent, but why choose Sup Forums to shitpost? Is it for screenshots?
t. Alberto Barbosa
A thread died for this one to exist.
>why post here at all?
started posting here in 2010 when Sup Forums was fun and now just use it as a place to drop a shitpost from time to time
it really does no damage to shitpost here since the board is so fast
>started posting here in 2010 when Sup Forums was fun
Oh, dude, it was way more fun before that. Though 2010 was still good.
it does though, and clearly you haven't been here since 2010..why lie?
>it does though
this crackerass cracker Sup Forumsirgin actually believes his board can be saved
holy shit
We have a nigger pepe poster here
fantasies of a Sup Forumsirgin crackerass cracker
Don't be so mean to the poor boy.
Why don't you just use /s4s/ or Sup Forums?
Because he's getting replies on Sup Forums. Good job, dipshit.
I wouldn't normally be doing it I'm just curious. I've already reported the thread so it'll probably be deleted soon
I do use [s4s]. Sup Forums is even more underage than Sup Forums
>I wouldn't normally be doing it
Sure thing.
>Sure thing.
Why are you so fucking passive aggressive and rude to me?
You're right. You're too mature for Sup Forums Facebook Frog poster :^)
How am I being passive aggressive?
I've been using Pepe on Sup Forums long before Sup Forums took the meme and spread it to facebook and twitter
That's not me. Good job taking the bait dumbass.
Thats the joke
>That's not me.
I didn't say it was.
>That's not me.
>le i was only pretending to be retarded xDD
good job retard
>actually read the whole thing
Stopped reading there
takes me 5 seconds on dial up
I've been using pepes on Sup Forums before your shit board existed tbqh, even made the picture you're currently posting
dont know whats confusing. sean murray has made 18 games in his impressive career, and every one of them already does what this 118 million dollar trainwreck does. and they were developed in less time. seriously. these are verifiable facts. we've verified them. trust me. it's all real. i have a dossier of all the ways sean's games can work. if you say otherwise, i'll sue you for slander. go ahead, look up how many cases i've lost
eric for the win