How are you enjoying Thailand Sup Forums?

How are you enjoying Thailand Sup Forums?

Come up with any interesting ways to eliminate Cross / Morgan?

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I enjoy these periodical threads where plebs talk humbly with each other how much they enjoy their fresh pieces of bread crumbs, for which they paid the price of a full bread.



Crack when

>inb4 muh dark hitman

Bitch, I paid 14 bucks for the whole thing.





still waiting for the complete retail package.

comfyman 47

Well this thread got thoroughly shitposted

anyone know how you do the Smooth Operator challenge


>game set in Thailand
>no cheap prostitutes walking around asking ONE DOLLA FOR SUCKY SUCKY
>not fat old white guys with a thai girl on each of their shoulders


killed morgan with the tuk tuk yesterday. took me 2-3 to get on the 2 floor, it's just so comfy to just walk around or sneak in some places

>No ladyboys of questionable age
>No easily accessible impure hard drugs

What is the point?

le xd trash man

>Trashman maymay
Go away grandpa.

thunder kiss and fade to black are my favourite kills in the game

>Want to see what this is like
>Keep hearing it boots you from single player if the game loses connection to the servers somehow

Fuck that.

>Create a contract
>Spend half an hour making a good description, keeping with the game's tone and making sure it sounds like something Diana would say
>Alright, time to publish
>Notice spelling error
>No way to edit

>only 200k players

What is their endgame?
Do they think they can keep interest in the game long enough to actually sell the full thing at full price when it's done?

Blood Money > Contracts = HITMAN > Silent Assassin > Codename 47 >>>>>>>>> Absolution

are you still on dialup?

Tell me this: do the NPCs have Thai accents? Marrakech was ruined with Amerians everywhere


haha jesus thats sad

I bought it three days ago. My internet is early '00s tier, no random disconnects yet.

what pisses me off are those limited time contracts that you only have like a couple of days to do before they are gone.

basically anyone who is waiting to get the full game once everything is released instead of buying into this early access crap is being punished because they probably won't be doing that shit anymore once it's fully released

I'm just using the same reasoning Metal Gear Solid 3 used. They're really just speaking in their own language, but it sounds like English because 47 can understand what they're saying.

by the way, your russian is superb
i fucking love that scene

How is this game? I'm extremely leery of the pricing model but the game itself looks very fun

The unlocks are actually pretty good.
Still no suitcase, but the phone bomb is pretty fucking fun. You can basicly make anyone in a map into a suicide bomber with it.
The silenced shotgun is great too.

>Large, open levels with plenty of ways to approach a target
>Different ways to start a level, can choose your point of entry
>Disguise system works well
>Escalations are fun
>Added replayability with custom contracts

>Limited weapon variety, no weapon customization
>Hand-holding by way of Instinct mode and Opportunities (both can be turned off)
>No extra parameters on custom contracts (can't force players to only use a certain weapon or remain undetected)
>Civilian AI can be dodgy (sometimes taking orders from a guard to check out disturbances)
>Cover system feels poorly thought out (can't move away from cover without pressing the cover button, but you can easily turn around the corner by accident, causing the guards to spot you)

In the upper level of the lawyer's suite, there's a stalker watching Jordan Cross from the window. Knock him out and take his clothes, then proceed to assassinate the two targets while wearing the outfit.

That was a problem around launch, but they've fixed it. The only reason you get disconnected now is if there's a problem with the internet on your end.

This is humorous to me because what you say is factual and presented in a manner that the shills struggle to defend against

>No extra parameters on custom contracts
There are, but instead of affecting mission success, they affect score. The only way you can get full points on a contract is if you fulfill all of the regular points requirements(bodies found, noticed kills, etc) and complete the objectives in the way they're listed. So, if your contract includes the "[optional] kill using fibre wire" or whatever, they have to do so in order to get the points. Of course, the weapon types are generic, so it will only say "firearm" or "lethal melee", which is a valid concern.

I liked putting the explosive phone down next to the laptop that plays the recording of the murder.

I know. Thing is, they're all optional. I'd like to see a contract forcing the player to smuggle a battle axe all the way across the map to kill someone with it without using disguises or getting spotted.
Sadly that isn't even possible as an optional objective because a battle axe is the same weapon type as a screwdriver.

Anyone figured out the "tuppence a wish" challenge?

Can't you make custom contracts like that for people to play?

They're only optional if you don't care about the score.

Not played the game, but is there a well/fountain in the level? Can you lure someone to it with coins? Just a guess.

there are 3 or 4 wells, it's not that easy. Reward is a golden coin.

>playing single player
>inernet disconnects and now i cant play my SINGLE PLAYER GAME
>hurr it's just your internet's fault man xDD


It's an online single player game. I'm sorry that the world is changing so fast for you; I'm sure you find it quite frightening.
shut up weeb. don't ever reply to a post that was directed at me ever again.

>he only killed 74 people



No. Even if you could make the extra requirements mandatory, the game makes no distinction between the various melee weapons.
Found that out when I made a contract that has you kill a chef with a kitchen knife, a gardener with a hatchet and a plumber with a screwdriver, only to find that they're all listed as "Lethal Melee", meaning you can just use any melee weapon.
Worse still, there are melee weapons that can only be used as non-lethal weapons. I originally wanted to use a shovel to kill a gardener, but it's non-lethal. Same for a golf club, which I thought was a perfect way to kill the golf coach.


>It's an online single player game. I'm sorry that the world is changing so fast for you; I'm sure you find it quite frightening.

Wait you mean people consider this as normal ?

Please be bait.


I finally gave in and brought Hitman today and sweet jesus it's the Blood Money 2 I've been waiting for.
How did they nail it after the abortion that was Absolution?


that would a nightmare to get him to land on the lawyer on the way down


i only killed the hostiles, i found a way to bunch them all up

But how?!

When I started coming here in 2006, I loved anime. I was also 12. Grow up.

>Knockout gas the lobby while Morgan is in there
>Drag his body under a palm tree
>Shoot down a coconut
>Accident Kill

>lol I have never actually been to Thailand

It's more like shitloads of short squinting fuckers occaisionally trying to sell you "SPECIAL TOUR, I SHOW YOU SIGHTS NO ONE SEE" which totally wouldn't end up with you being butchered with a machete in the jungle.

have to throw 13 coins into the fountain in the queen suite by bouncing them off the mirror/fountain wall. a dev eventually spoiled it cause people on the orums tried way too elaborate ways to throw coins instead of just dumping a shitton of them in a specific way

It's a shifting paradigm. Adapt or die.

>blending in
>can't stop blending in
>blending in inside

Never asked to be this comfy

>a full bread.


They removed blood from Absolution Suit. Nice.


Ave Maria starts playing in the lawyers room

>Animation is literally just 47 sitting in a chair
>Feels super badass

I love 47's convos with targets before he kills them

Its clear they're spending alot of time on each level, and even still its not enough when features like briefcases, human shields, hideouts, food trays, weapon customization, proper contracts mode and better optimization have yet to be added.

Im impressed its as good as it is


>Thunder Kiss '65

This was the last game I expected a Rob Zombie reference in but it was neat

>no fucking way

Yes fucking way.

What if Hitman was black?

he would blend in better in night maps

He'd never be able to set foot in any of these fancy hotels or opera houses.

>he lets go of the electrified pole
>does the Deus Ex prod dance

This is not how it works, his musceles all contract.