Name 1 (one) from this year that you've enjoyed

Name 1 (one) from this year that you've enjoyed


This thread =)

Elite Dangerous

Fuck you i'll give two

Fire Emblem Fates

Odin's Sphere

Dirt rally

One what?

Tsubasa's game


fuck off

destiny TTK

Kirby Planet Robobot


I actually did enjoy TMS

I like the new carls jr. burger.

Also got a pretty good blowjob before.

that's two.

this 1

Just (1) user?

I got 8

>weeb shit
>5th game in a stale series
>MOBA FPS ft. Dante From Devil May Cry
>rom hack of a 50 year old game

2016 not the strongest year so far huh?

>2016 not the strongest year so far huh?

not really. For August you could also use this

i stopped reading at the IQ of 155 part

It really surprised me how good it was.

D44M is fucking great, user. The only people who shitpost about it are bitter cucks with an axe to grind who were dead-set on hating it because it's not a pixel-perfect remake of Doom 1.

and poorfags

does it count if the game launched last year, but peaked this year?

Dark Souls 3
EDF 4.1

Kirby: Planet Robobot. That's it.


Stardew Valley

The Technomancer
Uncharted 4
Dudesex Mankind Divided

The witness


wait, I meant to say DOOM

Blood and wine
kingdoms is fun

not really a good year so far even xcom 2 was disapointing

>Respectable in any form

R6 siege

yea , blood and wine was good
a full game in a DLC undercover

This is the Police. 9/10 edutainment everyone should have to play to be honest. I did enjoy the Witness too


it becomes boring after a few hours


it does get a bit old, I agree. there should be about 25% less filler and there shouldn't be a part in the end where you automatically lose 10 cops on bullshit cops just beacuse (that ruined my immersion). there are a lot of little bad things about the game but for me the core gameplay of trying to figure out if calls are real and if so how dangerous, and of trying to strain your resources to their limit in an attempt at saving Freeburg from itself did stay basically interesting all the way through, even if there was a bit too much of it.

Like the art style and story elements but can't get over the boring RNG gameplay.