You have 10 seconds to explain why you don't say gg after every match no matter the outcome

You have 10 seconds to explain why you don't say gg after every match no matter the outcome.

Too much of a hastle.

it was bg

GG stands for get good in these parts, captain
so it's not the opposite of bg.

Becuase I shitstomped the other team, so I say BG instead

Because ezgg comes when you win

When I lose, the opponents are lucky I don't put a voodoo soul curse on their entire family lineage

Because GG implies that the game was fun and enjoyable for everyone. Which it wasn't because I dumpstered the entire enemy team so hard that it isn't considered fair for them.

I always gg after a game. Doesn't matter if I was stomped, the enemy team was stomped, who was fed or who wasn't.

I just think that people who says BG are lowranked/toxic faggots.

its too damn funny to see my team mates and the other team lose there shit after i bottom frag and say "2ez thanks for the free win guys!"

Can't be arsed.

I only say GG in three circumstances.

1. If I win and it's a team game I'll say GG on team chat.

2. If I lose and it's a team game and one or more of my team mates were going crazy calling everyone bad saying people are shit and blaming everything on everyone else I'll say GG on team chat.

3. If I win and someone on the losing team says GG on all chat first then I'll say GG on all chat.

I'm wrestling with some insecurity issues in my life but thank you all for playing with me.

If you always have to say it why isn't it implicit that it was a good game unless otherwise noted

Because its retarded, that's why. I mean why the hell should I spam gg after every game? That is so cheap. THere are a lot of games with other players that are "okay." NO reason to say gg everytime.

Of course there are exceptions but in that case I really tell my teammates or enemies that it was a good game. Not with a shitty sentence but with a actual sentence.

Good games speak for themselves, bad games only deserve trash talk.

Because I shit talk every game. It always make me smile when someone
A) Comments on my steam profile due to it
B) Adds me after to shit talk

I say gg if it was a balanced and fun game, no matter the outcome. I despise people who "gg" at every game, they make it lose its meaning and come off as arrogant when they do it after annihilating their adversaries.

Cause its gay

Because I say gg ez.

because i am already muted

I mute both teams at the start so talking to myself would be pointless

Is Idra still alive?

I try n say gg ez but blizzard blocked me from typing it in chat

I am not a liar.

Overwatch is fun but blizzard turned as salty as their players disallowing gg ez in chat.

>remove scoreboards
>filter gg ez

It's truly becoming tumblrwatch now.

He bet he's doing some boring corporate job now.


saying gg after a game is a waste unless it was genuinely a good game and even then you can fucking elaborate or say good game instead of gg, it just feels like an insult that someone who enjoyed their time would shit out 2 letters for it

because 90% of the time it was ez

because he demands i say gg when he himself knows it was bg


>speaking in online games period

What do other countries say after the end of matches?
In worst Korea we say ㅅㄱ

Liberalism will destroy the last bit of family value we have in the USA, our nation wiped out by such a terrible disease.

>all chat


Because usually it should be the losing team that says "gg" first out of sportmanship, and the winning team replies in kind
Instead, most of the time online it's the winning team that says "gg" first and yeah, no shit it was a good game for you you retarded ape, you won the game
I only say "gg" if I'm on the winning team and the losing team said it first or if I lost and the winning team didn't say it first

>Select all the images with tea
>it's coffee

insults and threats

>GG stands for get good

nope. not now. not ever.

Because Blizzard will probably ban that too

underage children can't meme taunt anymore.

> Not saying "gg ez" when losing or being the worst player in a team winning
wew lad

Nah thats GG EZ.

But lenny binds are still around.


The best way to piss off everyone in one swoop.

>children are mad because they can't make other children mad anymore
Oh, the irony.

>implying you don't say ggez when they are missing a player
>implying tears aren't delicious
The only reason why anyone plays closely knit team games is to soothe their sadomasochistic tendencies, might as well commit you pussy.

Nah that's BG TOO EZ

That's not ironic

Because I predate that fad and no one said that shit when I was a kid, you literal kid. You know who said it? StarCraft pros, after professional matches that they were paid to play. I'm not being paid, I don't have to be "sportsmanlike". Video games are not pee-wee baseball and I don't have to treat them like they are.

I only say gg ironically.
If it was a gg then I say ez

The answer is in the pic you posted. Sometimes it's not a gg. This isn't little league where the coaches make you line up at the end no matter what.

I can't

I don't give a shit about some babby sportsmanship meme in video games.

I say GG even when I mean REEEE REEEEE

Because it has become absolutely meaningless.

Saying ggez is like adding insult to injury. The fact you won should be enough, otherwise you're just being an ass for the sake of being one.

>adding insult to injury

I enjoy watching people get annoyed over text in an online video game.

I play on console. Also it is a man baby thing to say. Gaymer culture is so cringey.


Because i say gg and fu

>people actually saying gg

i never got this meme.

Because I don't play multiplayer.

I only say gg after close games regardless of the outcome.

T. Salty meme kids

It was commonly used beforehand in pro matches (especially the likes of SC) which makes sense.

But with the prominent rise of 'esports' both as a scene and as a term and being fused with general public online games 'gg' has become a thing.

You know what's an annoyance? Saying ggez when you win at the last second or overtime.

Etiquette, i guess

Not getting enough (you)'s with and huh.

That's why I do it.

I'm a sore loser who gets salty af im not kidding

I say gg only when it was really gg. Like a 50 minutes of equal game and then barely losing\winning.

Fucking losers these days. It had nothing to do with stating the quality of the game, that would be utterly fucking retarded.

It was simply the gaming equivalent of what sports teams do after a match is finished, but since multiplayer gaming has become a total shitforce fueled by screaming 12yr olds it's devoid of any sportsmanship/being a regular nice fucking person.

yep this

>no problem
>no problem
>what a save!

>it was

No it never was aside from in pro games.

Stop forcing this shitty sportsmanship meme, I'm playing a video game not a fucking sport.

It was. Which should be I'd reckon about 10 years before you ever booted up a game.

gg quoting

If I lost I'm going through what I did wrong and how I could do better so I usually miss the window on typing out "gg".
If I win I might compliment a teammate or type out "gg" if anyone else mention it.

I only say "bg" when the enemy team says "gg" and losing was totally out of my control, like afk/leavers. It's not a good game if you lose while having a disadvantage, simply as that.

>there are people more offended by gg ez than "sorry!"

>Implying any sport that's not at a high school level force the players to shake hands and tell each other gg.

>tfw mulitplayer UT/Q3 gaming in 1999-2002
>people were nice, helped you get better
>normal to have keybinds such as "nice shot" and "wow"
>normal to congratulate the winning team
>no ggez shit

Fuck you for ruining that

Because not every match is good.
If it's a stomp on either end then it was fun for the team that won, but it wasn't exactly a good match. If you just barely won the match, or people on the other team did some intricate shit to try and pull it off and just barely do/don't win, then I'd say good game.

Really? All I experienced on the same games was banter.

People on congratulated the enemy team if it was a truly good game - otherwise we'd just shittalk eachother the whole game.

like olympics?

Does voluntary teamswitching/balancing still happen these days or is everybody preoccupied winning even if that means stomping the opponent in a boring as fuck match?

because I refuse to accept my defeat

>play duel with player who got literally one kill on me and hid the entire match next to portals
>10 minutes of nothing but chasing an illusive cocksucker who runs every time they hear your footsteps
>thinking im not going to call him a faggot before i leave

>Have a match where you just do bad all around
>Probably negative ten or something
>Proceed to crack jokes about how you carried the team and they'd be nothing without you
>Some guy's salt levels are too high and he takes it seriously.

>Really? All I experienced on the same games was banter.
I usually avoided instagib and mutater ridden custom maps servers, or played private. Might be it.

I'm a sore loser. But I keep it to myself and I don't flame my teammates.

>crack jokes
sure thing shitter, do you insult peoples mothers with pm's too?

Exactly - but nobody gave a shit - as long as it wasn't any of this edgy death-wishing or cancer shit there was no issues.

One match I'd be on top and edging on the enemy team, then I'd fuck up and they'd be calling me a faggot - I'd be smiling, not getting pissy in my pants like kids today.

because I'm not a teenager and I actually know GG etiquette which has been around since I was playing Doom multi on a shitty modem.

The losing team says gg first. If they don't say it, the winning team doesn't say it.

Sarcasm is so easy to detect on the internet and there aren't idiots who actually think they carry when they fail miserably, so you're totally justified in your actions and response.

Oh wait...

>GG etiquette

Not the guy you are replying to but stop. Everyone is cringing. Its just a video game.

>Everyone is cringing. Its just a video game.

Not him but your newfag is showing - I'm guessing you didn't play vidya in the 90s.

>user used a word with more than two syllables! What a faggot!
become an hero

That's kind of the point though?
You're projecting your own dickhole attitude if a simple gesture of sympathy makes you angry.

Congrats, user, you managed to look even dumber than that guy.

You don't have to read the whole thread but at least bother to read the reply chain