Kingsglaive FF XV

Why are film critics reviewing a literal video game tie-in as a regular movie if they don't know shit about video games or what purpose this kind of movie is supposed to serve (to get you hyped for the actual video game)?

This is just embarrassing. It's not a 9% film. It's a fun little flick with cool action scenes and some likeable characters.

Really pisses me off

Found the problem.

Same shit happened with the wow movie.

Imagine being some japanese guy working on FF13vs for 10 years. Every day you come in and have to model another hair on Sasuke's head. Then when you get it right, the higher ups demand you change it and you have to start again.

Just look at the screenshots, anyone who wanted to make vs13then15 stopped giving a shit years ago because they just figured their work would be overwritten and changed again anyway

Because it's a movie critics job to criticize a movie on its merits as a movie.

The only thing I find surprising is that japanese reviews seemed to haven been pretty positive. Did Square pay them?

if it can't stand up on its own then it sucks. That's why the "if you didn't read the 400 page book before this 2 hour movie your opinion doesn't matter" argument fucking sucks.

You could say that of a lot of video game movies

They're usually okay movies for the fans but for anyone who just watches movies in a general sense I would have to agree they are quite terrible

If you shit in a Final Fantasy branded bucket it's still a bucket of shit.

Japanese people have dogshit taste.

wow, really surprising, SE has had such a great track record with previous films before.

the game is going to get similar reviews too

They've made some genuinely great movies, though...

I would say the movie for the average viewers will be 3.5/5 at best. The audience score properly reflects this.

There's 11 reviews only though, and they don't include gaming websites which almost all of them rated the movie highly. But then I don't know how Rotten Tomato scored a movie anyway.

From what I saw only white normals and old women watched it.

>OP gets upset that movie gets reviewed like a movie

Back before the majority of people here were even born, maybe.

>if they don't know shit about video games or what purpose this kind of movie is supposed to serve (to get you hyped for the actual video game)?
why the fuck would i pay for the privilege to see an ad for another product i'll have to pay for
you really are a good goy
leave it to sonyfans to find a new low

Mind showing us one of the worst review?

Critics are fucking retarded.

They're literally corrupt paint sniffing film dropouts who can't think for themselves and have no useful opinions.

That being said, 9% is probably accurate. It's probably the worst movie ever create and I spit on your grave for even suggesting that I ready the summary - Film criic

>japanese reviews
Have you ever seen a japanese magazine? They are completely paid by the publishers and it's impossible to distinguish between and a review and an ad. The whole concept of independent criticism is a western invention

shit looks hype as fuck

At first I was going to mock you for caring about what film critics think, then I thought about it and now I too wonder why they are reviewing a long commercial.

>im impressed by flashy graphics faggots zipping around like fairy ballerinas.

I bet you thought Batmsn v Superman was amazing too.

Not even that long ago.

>I bet you thought Batmsn v Superman was amazing too.
Fuck no, that shit was garbage

Not him but why not? I really liked it when Doomsday cast Ultima

"It must stand on it's own" argument works for book or videogame adaptations, not literal tie-ins that are meant to connect to the game.

wait what

The only legit japanese reviewers are blogs and amazon reviews. Not even kidding. The reason for their shit taste goes deeper than you'd think.

Why didn't you like the cinematic experience of the year? Come on, Doomsday's turd ain't gonna eat itself.

Rip in piss Jay

1974 - 2016 Culturally Enriched

Preview of the FFXV scores

Japanese like pretty men who dance around like ballerinas. Also there is no such thing as a Sup Forums-style critic (i.e. people who review movies and shit on everything that isn't deep and meaningful) in Japan. All the reviewers are working for corporations who are paid to promote other corporations' works.

>Because it's a movie critics job to criticize a movie on its merits as a movie.
>positive reviews
>for a dogshit excuse of a movie

Film critics' credibility died with Roger Ebert

One website (can't remember which one) published two reviews for WoW movie - one by a universe fan and another by a regular critic. First one got 7/10, the second 4/10. I think this is the best approach for reviewing fandom-oriented content

Wait did Jay turn to the darkside?


I honestly don't give a fuck.

I saw it in Tokyo a couple of weeks ago and enjoyed it immensily.

I just want to see it in English in Europe, before the game is out.

He got dindu'd during the global warming riots in Milwaukee.

Who is to say what the merits of a movie are? What if I think androgynous 20 year olds with swords that are also guns flying around attacking each other and making stuff blow up is the highest calling of a movie?

I just wanted a good FF again.
They made an anime, a movie, several side games, all that for a sorry excuse of a game.
A FUCKING CAR, they made a fucking car.
Does Ito still work at SE? He's my only hope now.

Then you are free to voice that opinion and post your own review on one of the countless sites on the internet that let you do that.

in other words you cant trust main stream anything
not anymore

i mean look what happened to ebert
nigga "got" cancer, preventing him from talking, which was his primary way of making monies

There's some much shit coming out before the actual fucking game that I already got lost on everything. What's the timeline here? Anime, movie then the game?

I wasn't defending Kingsglaive. I'm saying that movie critics shouldn't be the ones who determine what is a good movie.

>It's a fun little flick with cool action scenes and some likeable characters.
This is what FF15 fanboys think a film is supposed to be. They don't care about a narrative, editing, character development, acting, dialogue, cinematography, pacing,etc.

FF15 movie is TV movie straight to DVD garbage. Why are you expecting it to be treated any better than a Steven Seagal movie?

>Why are film critics reviewing a literal video game tie-in as a regular movie if they don't know shit about video games or what purpose this kind of movie is supposed to serve (to get you hyped for the actual video game)?
Because it's their job

their job is to criticize things
the only person who decides whether they agree with the critic or not is the reader

why does it matter so much to you if someone doesnt like something you do? validation

deprogram that shit nigga

Are movie reviewers even relevant anymore? Jesus christ 9% is a fucking half finished choppy movie with monotone acting by one guy in two different costumes playing seven different character.
There is no conceivable way the movie is that bad.
Movie reviewers make video game reviewers look unbiased by comparison

Then who does? It's all subjective anyway. Plenty of people like B movies


You don't understand what Rotten Tomatoes is. Each reviewer is either an up or down vote. That means 9% of reviewers liked it and the rest didn't. Since reviewers are generally a hivemind it's impossible to put any value in an extremely low or extremely high %

>Sean Bean

what the fug

Tell me he's in more than one scene and I'll consider watching this.

>taking the opinions of Rotten Tomatoes seriously
>After Sausage Party got 82%
>After Fiegbusters got 72%

Because they view it as a movie not a tie in to a video game

Review is not a concept in Japan.
It only sorta exists for products no longer in current commercial phase.

It's a shit film with a retarded premise.

Just because it belongs to a video game doesn't mean it should confuse the average film goer.

You can watch the Kenshin live action movies and have no clue about Kenshin and still enjoy it.

Kingsglaive is pointlessly flashy shit, like all of Square's movies.

The percentage is how many people gave it a fresh rating, which means the majority thought it was less than a 6/10.

And if you check underneath the percentage you can see that the average total score was 4.7/10.

>mfw I googled the movie and it turns out Sean Bean voices the main character's father

It will probably be worth a watch based on this alone.

Tabata's shilling is working I see. Shame the actual game and movie is shit.

>OP is so retarded he thinks the movie got rated 0.9/10
He also very likely thinks Advent Children is good

Already felt that it was going to be ripped by American reviewers. The movie just felt awkward. Pacing felt well off. Characters lack depth, and plot wasn't explained well. It felt like a CGI anime. I like it as a fan, but you can't but help to agree with the reviewers here.

Shitastic-sequel aside, him officially being live-action Harry Mason is still amusing to me.

>Aaron Paul, Lena Headey, Sean Bean
Someone post how do you do, fellow kids.jpg

He has a couple of scenes involving politics. A bit of fighting too.

I wonder if Sean Bean voices the same character in the game. That would be quite the selling point. I guess that's what they were going for when they casted him.

Its still 8.4 on IMDB.

It's your fault for finding entertainment value in watching a 90 minute long advertisement


The game got different voice actors due to budget and time constraints.

>I wonder if Sean Bean voices the same character in the game

No he doesn't.


It was already confirmed the game has a different voice cast from the movie.


Meanwhile DisneyMarvel movies get 90s despite being actually worse in many aspects

Userscores, i.e. people who like video games


Probably not. I can't find the in-game voice actors, but Nyx and King Regis die in the movie.

>Why are film critics reviewing a literal video game tie-in as a regular movie

Because it's a fucking movie. They are reviewing like they would any other fucking film. Stop projecting so fucking hard

>I-It's not really a "movie" you see, it's actually really good when you move-well rather demolish the goalposts

Why is Square Enix so _______?

This is false, they were never intended to be used in nthe game.

>people who like video games
I trust them more about Kingsglaive, can't wait to watch it. But apparently i have to wait until digital release.

People pulled the same excuse when Batman vs Superman got bad reviews.

>that retarded Luna walk
>she looks like rubber
>she fucking floats at the end

My sides.

I watched the 12 min preview, it felt like another spirits within, i don't give a single fuck about these characters, its transformers ADHD tier action with shit everywhere.

i give it a 0/10 smegma covered dicks because this trash isn't worth watching at all.

I do however recommend everyone check out the new 3d Gantz movie, the CG is way better.


It's kind of hard to walk down a slope on high-heels, in a falling, exploding building.


why would game critics reviewing a literal movie tie-in as a video game if they don't know shit about movie or what purpose this kind of game is supposed to server (to get you hyped for the actual movie)?

Ghostbusters (2016) GOTY?

How's the jap dub? I know they lip sync'd for english but some voices sound awful from the clips.


It was pretty gud, but the lip off-sync kind of bothered me through out the movie. Especially in the close up scenes with lots of talking.

I personally like all the english voice acting I've heard so far in trailers.

>Jessie Pinkman is the main character

I don't know how to feel about this


is there a camrip yet?

Roger Ebert gave 3.5/4 to Revenge of the Sith.

Also context, motherfucker. It's obvious why people would judge Ghostbusters more favorably, so bringing it up as an argument for movie reviews in general doesn't work.

imdb scores are dominated by people rating shit before they've even seen it.

Majority of films like these start off in the high 8s to low 9s before they dip when normal(not cunts) people start to watch it and actually rate it on merit.

Was it really reviewed positively? I thought it was bashed by everyone

bullshit, the warcraft movie had a much lower rating before release because everyone hated the trailers then ended up 8/10

OP listen here buddy

The rotten tomatoe is manipulating you. they give bad reviews on purpose on really popular or hot movies

you know why? because they want your clicks... even bad publicity is still publicity

stop being autistic and going to rotting tomatoes

Please stop QTE