Meet qt 3.14 in some online game I rarely play

>Meet qt 3.14 in some online game I rarely play
>"Hey I gotta go but can I have your facebook so I can still message you from my phone?"
>"Sorry I don't give out my personal stuff :)"

The conversation hadn't been awkward up until then, god what did I do wrong? Why have you forsaken me, Lord?

Other urls found in this thread:

That was the correct thing to do, don't worry.

>tfwngf to play video games with

>asks for fb in an online game
all you had to do was register as a friend in game and go on from there

Already done. I had to work but I didn't want to stop talking to her.

This is not a steam game.

You were just not meant to meet thos chick.



She's not a gurl


>Asking for personal info of someone you just met online

Way too quick, you sounded desperate, girls dont like desperate faggots senpai

But he only asked once he had to go

>having a facebook in 2016


Your first mistake was not using Steam for games.

if you fucking losers could just stop asking for personal information just because we're being nice to you in a game (which you for some weird reason think we're into you), that would be great
we just want to play video games, not deal with stage 5 clingers

>we just want to play video games


Let's pretend she was actually a real girl.

Getting along is great. But as a real girl, guys are fucking psychos. The most psychotic aren't normies. No it's neets and gamers with no lives and nothing to lose.

Also, if she is a she. She might not be comfortable giving out her fb because she's ugly and fat and you can't get attention and free stuff if you're an ugly fat girl.

Lastly. Girls who aren't real have a tough time setting up a fb.

Rule #1:
Tits or GTFO.


Too pushy, too quick.

Plus I'm sure she gets bombarded by assholes all the time asking for her FB and shit.


It's a blue board fuck stick. Now maybe if you catch me on Sup Forums later that's a different story.

you fucked up by giving a shit about women to begin with, especially one on the internet you've never seen

>"Hey I gotta go but can I have your facebook so I can still message you from my phone because I have literally nothing better than desperately message a girl I met in a video game?"
>"Sorry I don't give out to people who are obviously losers :)"

Guys stop... I just wanted a friend...

She was fun to talk to, unlike you.
>you can't get attention and free stuff if you're an ugly fat girl
Stop projecting.


Fuck you.


If you want friends you should stop being a loser.

I've gotten tons of nudes from women I met in games.
Some reject you, some don't. Stop worrying about it and try again with a new girl next time.

But yeah maybe next time make sure you play with her regularly before asking for FB or anything.

>Just stop being a loser by getting friends
>Just get friends by sopping being a loser

Wouldn't give my facebook to some rando either.

You're a faggot that's what wrong

>some girl on my team in multiplayer game
>have a great time
>girl tries to add me to friends list
>ignore request, never even play the game again


Proto-chad reporting. It's not all online mediums that will make girls hesitate to give out personal info, with Tinder being the obvious exception. Of course on Tinder every girl is looking for dick though. If you're playing a game online girls will never give out their info to someone because one, they don't want to date nerds (they do think like this), and two they don't know what you look like. If there is a certain level of physical attraction then it doesn't really matter what you say. Long online conversations are no fun because there is no humanity in them.

But you're right, she was probably ugly and fat too.

>barely know someone
>expect them to willingly give out private information about themselves
Yeah no

>try to get friend to play rez because its bloody great
>she keeps talking about the fucking vibrator thing

Wow you're such a badass, user. Good thing you posted this, it changed my way of life.


>Long online conversations are no fun because there is no animality in them.

>Long online conversations are no fun because there is no humanity in them
>He has never spent a night talking to a girl online

Remember those times when you had something too look forward to in life?

glad i could help bro we're all gonna make it

But it's not talking face to face like humans are meant to do. All online interaction should be as short as possible with the goal of setting up a date. Otherwise there is no point.

Why did you have to remind me?

>All online interaction should be as short as possible with the goal of setting up a date. Otherwise there is no point
>A house's only purpose is to cover you from the rain, furniture is completely unnecessary

You seem like a guy who doesn't enjoy anything for the sake of being """efficient""".
Watch this video and re-evaluate your life afterwards.

What the fuck.

Fuck off with your Reddit-as-fuck thread.

Nah bro you fucked up, Facebook has pictures, friends, location and everything it's too personal

The correct approach would have been to ask her to join you on teamspeak/skype/discord and then talk to her there for a bit until you were comfortable

Then you might be able to ask for Facebook and snapchat

This is the heirarchy of social platforms

Online games < chat programs on your pc (discord/teamspeak) < chat programs on your phone (whatsapp/kik)< snapchat < video calls < phone # < facebook


No. I'm a person who finds actual relationships with human beings rewarding. You can't really communicate over the Internet, you can only chatter. Talking with a girl face to face is better than reducing the both of you to black and white text. How are you going to have fun on a date online? How are you going to touch a girl online? How are you going to have sex with a girl online? Build a relationship? Etc. Talking online with someone is not a relationship.

Should have asked if she had Skype or some other IM client.

>qt 3.14 in some online game
It's a dude.

So you found a guy pretending to be a girl. Well done.

I don't like voice talk.

My house is very poorly designed so you can hear a person talking from the literal other side. I live with my parents.

Also I'm shy.

Probably should have offered discord first as a way to talk outside game. Then offered your Facebook at a later stage

You sound like you're a faggot.

She didn't know how to reject you while chatting, you gave her the perfect opportunity to do so when you asked for a facebook.


Dude, like, nudes bro.

Your balls have to drop some time mang

Unless that's not what you really want and you just like the idea of having a girlfriend because you're probably in your mid-20s living with your parents and you just want to make them proud of something for once

>Sorry I don't give out my personal stuff
The correct thing to do

lets start again
>Meet qt 3.14 in some online game I rarely play
>"Hey I gotta go but can I have your facebook so I can still message you from my phone?"
>"I give out my personal stuff :)"
>get facebook spammed with thai ladyboy porn
>get doxxed
>find out qt is a 41yo man named jeremy
>jeremy stalks you
>one night walking home from power ranger fan fiction club
>jeremy jumps out the bushes and grabs user
>user gets raped
>user loses his virginity
>user finally gets the butt secs he wanted

I just did that a few weeks ago. Met a girl and we talked almost for a week straight.

Got bored since we pretty much discussed everything possible and would just become the standard "Hey" "Hi" "How are you?" fare soon.

>demanding the facebook of someone you literally just met
>in an online game of all things

Full retard. Facebook is *the* social gate - once someone adds you on Facebook, they are officially a part of your life - they have access to your family photos, your friends and your interactions with everyone else in your life, a timeline of all the intimate and inane little things you've posted over the years. For some rando in a videogame to ask to be a part of that is just weird, nobody does that.

Shit, I've had sex with people and never added them on FB because it never came up and it was clear through context that they weren't really interested in the possibility of being in contact at all hours of the day.

It was the """girl""" saying that she doesn't give out personal info, OP is the Jeremy.

Maybe you should take it at face value and let it go, user?

Some people keep that shit strictly between actual friends, not "teehee friends but we don't know shit about eachother really other than this five minute conversation but we're totes gonna be friends 4evah until the sudden dramaplosion that unfriends us and never talk again"

>Meet qt 3.14 online
>Ask for facebook
>She says yes
>Ask her to send a voice message/video call

>a) She does
Enjoy your 3D waifu.
>b) She refuses
Red flag. Block right away.

Problem solved.

It's alright, user. It was probably a scammer anyway.

>too shy to have a fucking phone conversation
>lives in a paper house with his parents

Even if she did give you her Facebook, what are you expecting to happen? She drives to your cardboard box of a house, sits your room half a foot away from your parents and sucks you off right there and then?

Use your head, nigger. Sort your life out before worrying about relationships.


>implying girls aren't fucking psychos

She had told me she lives in the north side of the country and I'm from the middle/south.

I never expected to meet her in person. I just wanted to have someone to talk to. I'm so lonely.

I have no friends.

Did you have her as in your ingame friends atleast first? Or was that first time playing with her and you went full creep?

Two things wrong

Yes to both.

I'll be your friend user :3

I'm never clicking a webm again.

>Unless that's not what you really want and you just like the idea of having a girlfriend because you're probably in your mid-20s living with your parents and you just want to make them proud of something for once

You should get a real job, then you'll never want to talk to anyone outside of work hours ever again

Fuck off.

that was the gayest of gayness

same exact thing happened to me OP. but I was the one being asked.

>talking to someone in a game for an hour or two
>ask them for their real name, a photo album of theirs, how old they are, who their friends are and where they live

This is what you just did user.

Next time ask for Skype nigger.

What happened? Why did you refuse the qt 3.14?


Girls get this shit daily m8
She liked talking to you but not to the extent you you did, It was a fun one time conversation but that's it.

Don't bother trying to meet girls in games, They have a choice of 90% of the people they play with.

Except her username had her name, she told me her age and the state she lived in before rejecting me.

I feel so defeated.

Fucking gay nigga

I got a boner from this and im not gay. Also what's with that strange message at the very end of the webm?


You honestly did it to yourself.

>I feel so defeated.

Every single normie out there you see with an 11/10 girlfriend, every nerdy cosplay couple, every autistic streamer with a gf way out of their league has been through this exact defeat hundreds, if not thousands, of times. That's the way of the world man, not everyone will like you (even if they're nice to you) and that's fine.

Fucking cheer up, you'll be fine.

same reason girl didn't in OPs post. anyone asking for people's personal info like that in a vidya whether it's a girl wanting a relationship or a guy just being a bro is a red flag. online friends should stay just that.

you gay as hell

>anyone asking for people's personal info like that in a vidya whether it's a girl wanting a relationship or a guy just being a bro is a red flag
Word, hate this idea these days people have that if they don't know the bank pin, address, dob, etc. of their online friends, that they aren't ~truly~ friends
what ever happened to just being gaming friends online and being content with that

>Not posting the superior version

>This entire webm

Fucking kek what the fuck

Please leave and never post again.

what did he mean by this

I've had some really great interactions with complete strangers and those memories wouldn't be nearly as magical if I had to listen to them whine about the election or post Harambe memes on a regular basis

I still remember this one girl I met at a party back in highschool. We talked for a bit and I thought nothing of it, then I ran into her again at another friends' party 3+ years later and she recognized me. Called me Fry Guy because apparently the last time we met, after I passed out on the floor her and her friends played a game of "how many french fries can we shove into this dude's mouth before he wakes up?" We talked again and had a good time, but I never even thought to ask for her details or anything.

The transience of just fucking sharing a moment with another human being seems to be totally lost these days, and that's a bummer.