Prove me wrong.
Teamfortress 2 is better than overwatch
Its new.
Means literally nothing
The designs are all in contrast to the latest mind sets.
Means everything.
The idea that new = better is not nuanced at all and is frankly retarded.
>'I'm too young for tf2'
BTW i am in agreement.
This means TF2 has all the potential in the world to intelligently be fun again.
The Debs just cba.
Then all the stupid hats/weapons took out its charm.
I have 3500 hours in tf2, and you are full of shit. tf2 is a stagnant unbalanced mess
Pubs are cancer, comp is a joke. I'll always be down to stomp a pub with some bros but overwatch is just more varied and fun.
But that's like, my opinion man.
But I will thank tf2 for making me better at overwatch than the majority of players at launch, and during comp. Thanks for the 3 gold weapons scrubs.
you were exactly what I was looking for, thank you.
Post Engineer Update Pre Everything Else TF2 > Classic MNC > Overwatch
But who knows, I might just have shit taste.
Blizzard cares about Overwatch.
Valve doesn't give a shit about TF2.
TF2 has the edge of chillness to it and i liked it for that back in the day but that chillness has turned to death.
Annoying really.
I don't know Tf2 has been around for pretty much a decade and is still getting some updates.
Let's see how much Overwatch will do.
>You will never hangout with regulars in your favorite server.
Was fun.
Imagine if every 5th game you solo-qued in overwatch seagull was on the other team, and he was being a huge faggot about how good he is. That is tf2 now.
New hats and community maps are barely updates.
They only pushed out that abortion of a patch with Comp because Overwatch was close to releasing. And in the end it fucking sucked.
The game is stale yeah.
Flamethrower-ing (not a word ok) a 14 year old kid who lives in spain.
>stopped playing tf2 when they fucked up matchmaking
>had a dream last night about playing tf2 again
>mfw I had fun in that dream
TF2 is past it's prime
Same fagging here.
But that is what the game is.
The game industry is like this now.
Something is up.
It will come to a time where i will have to wack a random teenager's game avatar with a dildo or sex toys to elicit a reaction from me.
>rip Aids pool
>rip The Sup Forumsidya
>rip Fortress of Faptitude
>rip Classic Headset,Spengboobs, and fuck, even rip Classic weeabootique
tf2 is dead
Honestly I think Overwatch will last a long time
So long as they keep adding new maps, skins and game modes, and not too many new heroes.
I don't know about the last one, they seem to be pushing the idea of new heroes too violently for a game that already launched with a fuckton
My heart...
>This cool epik brony tier shit is awesome
>By the way you're an 8 year old if you don't like these
It's like, find a rope and hang yourself.
I can't prove you wrong.
TF2 has far more content than Overwatch. 170+ weapon unlocks, 100+ stock maps, 15 game modes, 1000s of cosmetic items, a varied OST, and oceans of community-created content.
Overwatch has worse designed maps than TF2, filled with spammy chokes and excessive sightlines/environmental hazards (even the players themselves frequently agree with me on this).
Most importantly, TF2 has a higher skill ceiling than Overwatch. Overwatch gates abilities behind cooldowns, has severely reduced air control, all classes move more slowly. In TF2, a derivative of the Quake engine, 8/9 classes have advanced movement techniques, plus every class can exercise air control. There's a higher overall focus on tracking, prediction and aiming skill in TF2.
TF2 has a reasonably clean visual design, attempting to minimize the amount of shit going on in the screen so players can see what they're doing. Overwatch clutters it up with lightning bolts and all sorts of shit. Pic related.
On a side note, TF2 also has better writing than Overwatch. Compare
TF2 can have up to 32 players in a game; Overwatch can only hold 12.
Also inb4 "ded" meme. TF2 is the third most played game on Steam, and I can get a full pub game at any time of day within 30 seconds of beginning a search.
>tf2 is a stagnant unbalanced mess
Are you seriously claiming OW is balanced? Enjoy your McCree, Lucio, Widowmaker balance lmao
We just got yet another update yesterday with bugfixes, and Pyro's class pack (with a new weapon, rebalances, cosmetics and bugfixes) is on the way
God I love the TF2 domination lines. Favorites are probably from Engineer.
Hey good for you pal. I hope you keep enjoying tf2.
Gotta admire that guy on a sinking ship who won't leave.
>they won't bring back quick-play
>they're just going to keep improving an inherently worse system
>the new system at it's best will never be as good as quick-play at its worse
Dont forget that overwatch went bag to the extremly retarde giant hitboxes and buffed projectile speeds.
Its really really casual. but loads of fun still.
If i want to play a real competetive shooter i load up q3 arena and thats it.
Yeah but a magic kingdom of mermaids is at the bottom of the ocean who suck your cock all day and night.
TF2 isn't unplayable, but after 1000+ hours I could see why no one would want to return to it. It's never been balanced or made to be a comp game and
MNC was super underrated. The assault guy was OP though.
TF2 was always exceedingly relaxed compared to any other online game, you would rarely see people rage out over minor things. Still, one of the times I found a map recently and there was just people doing that conga line dance and discouraging anyone from actually capturing the intel, shit was dumb.
ur mum is a ugly cunt
Got ya bitch
True. I remember seeing the first weapon sets (force-a-nature, flare gun, etc) and being super excited.
It was promoted for weeks, and every weapon seemed like it made a unique playstyle.
Now tf2 feels bloated with weapons that lack meaningful distinctions and, failing that, stupid ass mechanics (phlogistinator)
>Q3 is the only comp shooter
>no one played Quake Live
Why is Sup Forums so casual and full of liars?
I don't want to!
Fuck off Gabe
>I have 3500 hours in tf2, and you are full of shit. tf2 is a stagnant unbalanced mess
>Pubs are cancer, comp is a joke. I'll always be down to stomp a pub with some bros but overwatch is just more varied and fun.
Why did you play 3500 hours of a game that you believe is cancer and shit?
> played TF2 for a few hours; never touched it
> played OW in beta ; ended up putting almost 200 hours in it so far
it might be more casual but I don't care, it's more fun for me
it is but people got tired of it
I didn't think it was shit the whole time.
I had fun. But gradually and subtly the game became a chore to play, and no fun was had.
prove yourself right
Do you think you could play overwatch for over 3500 hours?
Because I think not.
Currently the only thing that TF2 has over Overwatch is custom servers.
Granted that is a BIG thing in my book.
But everything else? TF2 has been ruined by Valve.
TF2 (around the Engineer update)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Overwatch>TF2 (Manconimy and after)
Depends on if Blizz keeps adding actual content instead of just cosmetics.Which they have been really aggressive in doing.
Also I am already up to 200 hours since launch.
>170+ weapon unlocks,
But thats part of the problem, its a cluster fuck
TF2 anymore is just a mess of wildly varying quality for maps, weapons, cosmetics, etc.
So much so that it harms the base game irrecoverably.
Many maps were just not designed around what some weapons allow now and it just furthers that cluster fuck.
Yeah probably
Do you have friends user?
I got bored of overwatch after 40 hours and only could think of how much better everything was done in TF2, I just hate the "make everyone OP" mentality overwatch has and how it's not even remotely balanced.
You complain about balance in TF2 but I have yet to come across a single multiplayer game with better balance. The stock weapons from every single class are incredibly well balanced while at the same time you can't even make teams of 6v6 where any 1 on 1 battle would be balanced.
Both are pretty goddamn casual, the only thing TF2 has is rocket and grenade jumps, beyond that it's pretty goddamn samey in terms of depth.
Team Fortress Classic actually had strafe jumping and grenade jumping that was drastically faster than TF2, same with Fortress Forever. Sup Forums just dickrides TF2 because it was the first Fortress game they played,
>grenade jumps
Every game is more fun with friends user.
I'd rather play tf2 with friends than overwatch as we would actually be working a bit together instead of all running off doing our own bullshit cause of the horrible balance.
Bingo. I have ~2500 hours, have played since '09, played a bit of comp. It's one of my favorite games ever and easily my favorite multiplayer game and shooter of all time. But TF2 is honestly a shell of its former self and there's no reason to play it anymore. Anyone who thinks it's better than Overwatch on any level whatsoever beyond basic mechanics is full of shit.
Exhibit A: person who is full of shit.
>but I have yet to come across a single multiplayer game with better balance
Quake 3, UT, CS, Tribes. You haven't played a ton of shooters haven't you?
That guy is right about everything.
t. that guy that I quoted.
If you want to argue just let me know up front, you don't need to samefag.
what did he mean by this?
Sorry, which part of my post do you disagree with?
Do you think Overwatch has better writing than TF2? if so, give me some examples.
Do you think Overwatch has a higher skill ceiling than TF2? Give me some examples.
Do you think Overwatch's maps are better than what TF2 has to offer? Give me some examples.
Do you think Overwatch's writing is better than what TF2 has to offer? Give me some examples.
Do you think Overwatch has more content than TF2? Because if you do, you're factually wrong.
My post was not full of shit; my post was full of FACTS.
But I'm not him.
Maybe try to deny his points and let's see where we can go from there?
>Cancer theory
Medics frequently topscore and are highly rewarded for their job, so he's wrong on that.
He says rocket jumping is too hard to learn, then comes to the conclusion Overwatch is more skillful than TF2 because it's easier to do advanced movement.
Cbf watching it all.
It's a clickbait video, if it wasn't already obvious as fuck from the thumbnail.
What the fuck. Who puts "there all white males" as a legitimate argument?
You put down writing twice, idiot, but gimmi a sec to write a post to blow you the fuck out.
>Do you think Overwatch has better writing than TF2?
The animated cinematics are better but that isn't part of the game so it's a moot point. Quality of writing ingame is largely subjective; both games have great and hilarious voice lines. Blizz especially deserves commendation for character-specific interactions which tie in with out-of-game lore unlike TF2.
>Do you think Overwatch has a higher skill ceiling than TF2? Give me some examples.
"beyond basic mechanics"
Way to read my post, retard.
>Do you think Overwatch's maps are better than what TF2 has to offer? Give me some examples.
Again this is largely subjective, but I want to point out that if you're trying to say TF2 is better purely in terms of amount of content, I should point out that comparing a game that's been receiving updates for 9 years to a game that came out 3 months ago is beyond stupid.
Overwatch has 12 maps at launch (more than TF2 had at launch) and another on the way currently. Of those maps, I would say maybe two are annoying to play on but not unbearable. Meanwhile I literally only enjoy payload on TF2 and of the payload maps I only like badwater and upward. Barnblitz is trash, frontier is trash, borneo is trash. Koth is an okay game mode but is effectively glorified dm and doesn't have any good maps. Pretty much every a/d map is garbage. 5cp has some good maps that aren't good for pubs because the last points are easily turtled when you have 12v12.
I've played this game for literally thousands of hours and have tried every map, most of them are bad.
>Do you think Overwatch's writing...
Wrote this twice.
>Do you think Overwatch has more content than TF2? Because if you do, you're factually wrong.
Again, comparing content in a 9 year old game to content in a brand new one is ass backwards. Even still, Overwatch has over 1000 unlockables currently (b-but voice lines don't count!) and over twice as many characters. And a functioning comp mode.
Overwatch has unlockable voice lines and you count this as content? Lmao
>Writing in games doesn't matter because if it did I'd have no argument
>I don't have an argument again so I'm calling you a retard
>The maps don't matter cause tf2 has been out for longer and got updated more.
Fuck you all TF2 launch maps were better than any overwatch launch map. Overwatch maps are filled with chokepoints and are just randomly drawn environments that they connected.
I guess the last point makes sense.
>Do you think Overwatch has better writing than TF2? if so, give me some examples.
And actual established story, not to be added in later through 3rd part comic books and updates YEARS after release.
>Do you think Overwatch's maps are better than what TF2 has to offer? Give me some examples.
3 types of maps from the start, a new gamemode within 2 months of release
>Do you think Overwatch's writing is better than what TF2 has to offer? Give me some examples
You saisd that twice moron, stop getting so excited with shitposting
>Do you think Overwatch has more content than TF2? Because if you do, you're factually wrong.
Looking at the launch of both games, YOU are factually wrong.
Your post was full of fanboy bullshit, MY post is FACTS.
>Blizz especially deserves commendation for character-specific interactions which tie in with out-of-game lore unlike TF2
Just from the top of my head, spy and scout.
Yeah, you can be a shit medic and still topscore easily.
Also Overwatch doesn't have a scoreboard because Blizzard is carebear as fuck, not because including a scoreboard would hurt teamplay somehow.
They don't want people blaming other people for their teams loss, but considering it's a game with a focus on teamplay that harms going off solo you're pretty much fucked. Really, all the depth OW has is in coordinating teamwork, which just makes it harder to carry and much more likely to result in a team blaming other members.
Done and done.
Overwatch is basically a console game? That's all you need to know really.
>even when tf2 go full meme is better than overshit
>one person responded to my post
>two people claim "I'm not him"
Fucking lol.
Stop pretending to be me lad.
Also is that literally an O RLY picture? You think TF2 is still good AND you use dead memes, you must be lost in 2009.
Way to literally
1) use the response I predicted
2) ignore the rest of my post
Even if you refuse to accept that, each character has 10-12 skins, 4-6 taunts, and 3 PotG intros. That's still about 418 "meaningful" unlocks.
>>Writing in games doesn't matter because if it did I'd have no argument
But you're talking about the writing OUTSIDE of the game. The animated cinematics. Blizz's look great but the writing is pretty boring compared to TF2's. The INGAME writing is at least equal.
>>I don't have an argument again so I'm calling you a retard
I'm calling you a retard because I literally acknowledged that TF2 is better on a mechanical level which includes having a higher skill ceiling.
>>The maps don't matter cause tf2 has been out for longer and got updated more.
No shit. It's fucking retarded to say "lol this game has more maps ;)" when it's had 9 years of updates when Overwatch JUST came out.
>Fuck you all TF2 launch maps were better than any overwatch launch map.
Hot opinions. You're right though, good old dustbowl and hydro were pretty dope.
>Just from the top of my head, spy and scout.
They don't interact as far as speaking lines back and forth to each other goes. They're just vaguely connected because of the scout's mom meme.
>shit on consoles
>a console game
You're reddit as fuck if you think the balloonicorn shit wasn't utter trash.
>1) use the response I predicted
>2) ignore the rest of my post
I ignored the rest of your post since I'm not the other guy. Whatever you write is read by other people here. And preemptively saying "don't you dare call that stupid thing I said stupid" doesn't make it less stupid.
This is ADVANCED autism.
you are so totally right OP
TF2 seems pretty balanced to me. Atleast for the first few years I've played it.
Not sure about now though.
Also, as a quick note
>Also inb4 "ded" meme. TF2 is the third most played game on Steam
It's not dead, but it is dying, and pretty rapidly. It's a sinking ship.
Good one.
>Enjoy your McCree, Lucio, Widowmaker balance lmao
what year is this?
> (You)
>>one person responded to my post
>>two people claim "I'm not him"
The one guy clearly claimed HE IS HIM and that I, the person who said HE WAS NOT HIM WAS NOT HIM
I was the one that wasn't him.
Fuck you're retarded.
Also writing inside tf2 is fun, overwatch makes me cringe. I literally couldn't stop laughing when playing mr edgelord cause it was so bad.
For the rest of you post you're basically saying I'm right but in a way that your opinions are always superior to that of others.
wew lad.
I spent 3 good years on that partyvan server
>Thinking unicorns helping destroy the visuals of a game is a good thing.
>Valvedrones and TFags are so deluded they'll even defend the unicorn cancer
>Being this much of a MLP ponyfag
>>shit on consoles
>>a console game
I don't have anything against consoles but multiplayer FPS can't be taken seriously on that platform.
I loved tf2, but I live in NZ so I struggle to enjoy it these days.
>30 of waiting for a comp game that only lasts 3 minutes because the teams are so unbalanced
>5 minutes of waiting for a casual game, and then having to wait again each time the game is over
>no good servers in my region
Fuck 24/7 highertower instaspawn randomizer zombie bullshit.
You know things are dire when Hitlers Jewfort starts looking like a reasonable option. Fuck.
How is this supposed to be better than Overwatch?
>b-b-but my air control
Nah get fucked. It doesn't matter if TF2 has a higher skill ceiling if half your team is congaing, or if somebody's using an aimbot and you can't kick them because the server has disabled voting for some bullshit reason.
Anybody that defends TF2 at this point is a fucking retard.
>Fails the (You)
MAXIMUM AUTISM! least you dream about happy things.
I dream about Bastion and Mei being deleted from the game.
Why don't you untick the maps you don't want to play on?
Despite not being touched more than once or twice a year it manages to be more balanced than Overwatch.
>I literally couldn't stop laughing when playing mr edgelord cause it was so bad.
You realize that's literally the point, right?
Do you think Blizzard's designing characters for the past, like, 20 years, has amounted simply to pandering to edgy teenagers?
He's literally supposed to be over the top edgelord. That's the joke. TF2's cast is rife with over the top stereotypes too. That's the fun of both games' character designs.
>For the rest of you post you're basically saying I'm right but in a way that your opinions are always superior to that of others.
wew lad.
That's actually not what I did at all.
Enjoy your sinking ship though. I know when a game is washed up. I don't even play Overwatch that much, but TF2 is done. t. one of the biggest ex TF2 fanboys who ate valve's shit for years before giving up.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. How is Overwatch "basically a console game" when its average skill level is still so hilariously low compared to PC?
They had to nerf Torb's turret on console because people were having trouble out-aiming its autoaim mechanics for fuck's sake.
Both games have their pros and cons.
Team Fortress 2 biggest con is Valve's total lack of care for the game anymore (this is where Blizzard excels), which probably has to do with how old the game is.
Overwatch's biggest weakness on the other hand is the low skill ceiling which leads to the game becoming stale very quickly since the movement is very restricted (compared to Team Fortress 2, where control and movement is its biggest strength).
If you ask me both have a lot to learn from each other, and hopefully they will influence each other. Or even better; TF3 (which we know will never happen because Valve is allergic to the number 3).
> (You)
>>Fails the (You)
>He doesn't know you can highlight text and it automatically puts it in the reply screen when you click reply
In case you don't understand that, it also copies the (You)
Fuck off newfag
>It's supposed to be bad writing
He's not a joke, he's to be taken seriously and you should know that cause all characters are to be taken seriously.
>I wasted 150 days on something I didn't enjoy and I think my opinion is relevant
Your opinion is shit.
Nowadays I find hard to enjoy TF2 as much as I did.
However I tried some OW on the public beta before release and it was really unimpressive. The visuals reminded me of a generic dota clone, only in 3D (perhaps because it's done by blizzard). Many characters were samey and really forgettable. It really didn't seem better than tf2, let alone justify the price of release. I'm not even going to talk about the community, as the tf2 one sure turned into shit, but this one was a failure even before release.