Don't mind me, Sup Forums. I'm just posting the best mecha in vidya history.
Don't mind me, Sup Forums. I'm just posting the best mecha in vidya history
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I liked this game a lot as a kid but I can't deny that it didn't have its flaws. Trying to avoid a single civilian casualty is really friggen hard. If you or an enemy misses a single shot, you could be completely fucked.
What's the definitive way to play these games? PS2, PCSX2, or PS3 HD collection?
Stealing a Jehuty for yourself
>tfw love it to death but not a huge fan of the robot dick
oh well
>gotcha force
m-m-my nigga.
He's a sentient robot. The kids were more or less cheerleaders.
I just noticed it, god damn you.
> tfw I just realized that the Jehuty was stolen in both games
> Mech is one of the most powerful weapons existing, and a litteral kid can steal and use it.
Just put a lock on the damn thing already.
>Sentient robots aren't robots
It's just a cock-pit
>Just put a lock on the damn thing already.
But then how can the plot be a Gundam rip-off?
I consider mechs to be pilot-able machines.
Military vehicles don't have locks blame the shit tier security around it.
Well good thing OP said "mecha".
Everyday until TGS.
Just posting best OG mech here
>Destroy mode
Gundam UC for the PS3 is stellar.
Yeah, tanks, aircrafts and humvees are just free for anyone to use.
>red psycoframe
They are?
>full armor
base unicorn is best unicorn
Fuck Unicorn.
Fuck everybody else.
You're not welcome here, zeek.
Worst thing is, it doesn't even look bad but because of the placement, giant robo dick is the first thing you think about.
Stop posting this.
Stop posting Exteel.
Stop posting TSF Forefront.
What Ching Chong TV set activity is this?
But that's not REX.
I played ZoE when it released. I was really young, so I apologize in advance for my foolishness, but Anubis was unbeatable right? IIRC I couldn't land a single hit on him.
Anubis is unbeatable in ZoE1, yeah.
Thanks, friend.
PS3 HD collection is the best way to play ZoE2, but I guess anything is fine for ZoE1.
PATCHED PS3 HD collection for ZoE2. Otherwise don't bother.
ZoE1 is absolute dogshit in HD collection so either emulate it if you have a good PC or just play it on the PS2.
your supposed to attempt to fight him but its up to the player to realize that hes too powerful so after getting out of range and dodging his shit for about a minute ADA will then say its no use and then flee.
Its one of those "we thought it would be cool not to hold your hand" kind of moments
same thing happens in the first hour or the 2nd game aswell when you face him again
Yeah but you can harm him in the second one and the game just gives you the same cutscene after beating his health down too much. I was disappointed.
Excellent taste OP.
none of the other overdesigned anime bullshit in this thread can even compare.
>feet on a mech that spends most of its time in space combat
What are you? Too poor to afford fuel to maintain orbit?
reaffirming superior taste
>spin-off tv show of the game OP's mech is from
Would have been the correct assumption.
shit, really?
i tried my best but i didnt think it was possible
I played ZoE1 on PS3 and it seemed fine. Never played the PS2 version, though, so maybe I just didn't notice the difference.
ZoE2 seemed fine as well, though I got bored of it before finishing.
I tested it in the ps2 days, I'm too bad at action games nowadays and can't even beat the segment shortly before zero-shift on hard. Feels bad.
You fucked up user. 2 was waaaay better than one. Except for the english voice acting.
Oh boy was it bad.
I got sick of 2 after having to save the bitch from the exploding silo place after one of the most annoying boss fights in any video game I've played.
>English voice acting
When's the last time you actually played ZoE1?
ZoE2 has better voice acting, it's just that nobody knows what the fuck they're saying because the translation is complete gibberish with awkward sentence structure.
First post best post
Refresh my memory. You talking about the part where you delete the Viola AI? cause that part did suck.
This, ZoE1 voice acting was cringe worthy at best.
At least you get cool tiddies with the second one.
>Why are you doing these horrible things!?
I don't remember exactly, but the pink mech is infected with a virus of the woman from the first game and you have to try and kill her without hurting here or something.
Then there's a fucking awful sequence where you have to carry the mech up through an exploding silo while fighting off enemies.
After that I was done with the game. Might go back someday, but probably not soon.
Having been playing A Portable for the last week or so, I can safely say that Soulgain is a piece of shit and Vysaga is the real deal.
"Damn Bahram, kiss my butt" - Dingo when Ken Dies
"You use wierd things" - Dingo being retarded.
I remember ZOE1. It wasn't good, just less bad.
I remember that shit, I just ignored those buffoons and got her up there as fast as possible.
The real shitty part in this game is when that war breaks out and you have to heal all those LEVs and also fight off the enemy at the same time. Fuck this shit.
Was there a point to that mission? When I played it I followed her instructions for a minute then just decided to fly over the fucking mines and there were zero consequences.
What was the point of the directions and landmines if you could just fly over them?
Yeah, that's the one. Worst boss fight in the game. Woulf skip if possible.
I also remember some other moments absolutely sucking, like in the start where you're looking for a shipping crate and it keeps moving and the game gives no indication of where it is.
Then the fight with Vic Viper I think it was called, which was so fucking annoying.
On harder difficluties they would kill you. That part was dumb.
They made Vic Viper such a fucking damage sponge for some reason.
Way to entirely miss the point of that post and what acting is.
Here i am trying to defend the game, and now i remember every part that sucked major dick.
I wont lie, the game is flawed. Without its cutscenes, it's kinda short too. Still one of my all time favorite games though. The worst part after that is the minefield.
On the bright side, if you drag Ken to the lava and hold her just above it, she'll take off some of her outer layer for a slightly more revealing outfit in the next dialogue.
Game has got some shit segments, but moments like the fleet battle, and the warzone made up for it.
Probably because he is the MC from the first game. I think it was just a tat little worse than the zero-shift only fight against anubis.
I understood. The acting in ZOE1 still sounded better regardless of what they said.
The actors for at least Dingo and Ken sounded bad and delivered some terribad lines.
>The acting in ZOE1 still sounded better regardless of what they said.
So you haven't played it recently.
As recently as ZOE2. As a pair they are both my favorite games. With ZOE2 being a little on top.
You can argue it to me all day if you want. If you can show me some cherrypicked lines as bad as Dingo's "kiss my butt" line, i might even agree with you.
>work on my own mech game
>see this for the first time
>almost heart attack
>hear it was cancelled
Nier is better than you
Target Bravo
>Sup Forums mech thread
>posting Sup Forums shounen shit
get a load of this fag
Don't talk shit about my waifu.
PS3 Collection is good. Just wish it included the OVA or the anime.
Also don't forget Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars
Fun fact: If you hold thr Ardjet (pink robot) close to the lava enough, Ken (qt girl pilot) will complain that youre trying to roast her. If you did it, then in the next cutscene she will remove the upper half of her suit when hopping in Jehuty's cockpit for some nice midriff action
welp in playing it tomorrow now.
i wondered why there was all that fanart of her like that when i havent seen it in any of my playthoughs
I find it amusing that the voice actor who showed the most character, personality, and effort was the one who played an AI.
We mech posting now.
The anime was real neat for world building
Indeed. Made me understand and appreciate the events of ZoE2 more.
>Sup Forumsidya mechs
>No one has posted THE mech game.
For shame, all of you.
Why's nobody showing some love for anubis?
because he's a overcompensating manlet
How do they emulate? I'm nearly finishing the .hack GU trilogy and want to play a mech game. I tried getting into Armored Core with Veredict Day but couldnt handle it because got bored with the autist 20 minutes of trial and error getting the right set up just to finish a sortie in under 2 mins. It's actually the first time I felt casual as fuck.