Why are mermaids the best monstergirls in games?

Why are mermaids the best monstergirls in games?

Probably some repressed feeling from watching the little mermaid when you were young.

Starfy is good.

Are there any in the series that stand out as being especially good?

excuse me that's not slimegirls

Because there's a lack of games that feature them prominently



Ugh. If you're going to post this at least do a translation for the other Starfy games. I'm pretty annoyed that we only ever got one and then the series straight up fucking died.

>wanting the water bed equivalent of a dakimura

>tfw mermaids don't get a lot of appearances in games because water levels suck
Instead we're stuck with crap like elves and sneks and other normie garbage.

My guess is that normally they wear only bras and they show off their tummy. Same with snake girls really.

Slimes are about as entry-level as you can get.
Well, except for snakes, obviously.

>not normie
Literally old as dirt and universally known. Also sneks rarely get done due to not wanting to make a "walking" animation for them.

Because they're wildly known and usually very cute. Shame Hans revealed that they are soulless monsters.

>monstergirls pre-2010
>transition line is straight horizontal or just slightly curved

>monstergirls 2010-present
>transition line is a shamelessly steep V shape, reaching far below the waistline, and ensuring there's room for boring human genitalia to satisfy the hordes of normalfags; others keep a horizontal line, but move it down to knee-level for the same purpose

Kenkou Cross was a mistake

Exactly. If I'm fucking a snake girl, my cock should be in a snake snatch.

>not a centaur girl
>not wanting to ride on your centaur monster girl
>wanting a monster girl who always smells like fish

That's pretty bad taste there, user.

>usually huge tits
>cute girl on top
>soft floppy tail
>softest vagina in existance
>use tridents
>can breath underwater and on land
>can move around on land although limited
>cute while trying to get around on land
>lays eggs instead of birth
Literally perfect.

Centaurs are great, but they don't really exist in vidya outside of Shining Force.

>others keep a horizontal line, but move it down to knee-level for the same purpose
There is plenty of artwork from centuries ago of the same thing user.

But dragon girls are

I'd rather a waifu that can traverse land without external assistance

Especially fluffy dragons.

>not wanting to carry her like a princess as she's wags her tail

But what about moths?

>Carry a giant fish
>A giant fish that is definitely slippery and weighs a fuckton

What about 'em?

I said mermaid not whale

You think fish of that size weighs nothing?

Definitely not a fuckton. 150 to 200 at most

If that's in kgs, it's 3 times my weight

Fucking step up

I want to fertalized her eggs

>has a tail
>Isn't fluffy
What's the point?

I have allergies

is that from a game, why is she being carried by a B man

They have magic, that can be fixed

>B man
That's P-chan user. It's just drawn with monstergirls because whenever idolmaster CG crosses over with a fantasy series some characters are made into monstergirls

>Why are mermaids the worst monstergirls

Fixed that for you. Harpies are the best, because:

>cute human butt
>fluffy wings with soft feathers
>light as fuck and can be easily carried in your arms
>can fly
>lays delicious eggs regularly

The only thing worse than a mermaid fag is a horsefucker.

They're your duty

>best monstergirl
>no dullahan


>wanting an overgrown fairy

>ywn shove your dick down a dullahan's neck

This is some next level perversion right here.

What are some good games with mermaids in them?

I'd like to fall asleep in a vampire's leathery wings.

How can they be idols if they don't have legs?

>liking retarded chicken women


>ywn fuck a girl with floor length prehensile hair

More like true love really.

Rune, factory 3, Harvest moon DS, Starfy,

They have to work really hard.

Is that best girl?

Ahem, succubi?

So when you say they "cross over with a fantasy series," is this an official thing that happens where they'll get depicted as monster girls in noncanon spin-off material, or is it purely just fan art?

>literally humans with wings

Reminder that monstergirls are what closet furries use to stay in denial.


Is it really?

Rachnee best girl

That might as well be casual trash, nigga

I like my soul and essence where it is right now, thank you very much.

Because they rely exclusively on titfucking to reproduce

Yeah when manifested in none official stuff some are monstergirls. Others get put in dressed as Various RPG classes.

Wrong. The two have distinctly different appeals.

besides, isn't non-human body structure and genitals actually MORE degenerate than what are ultimately just discolored humans?

Only furries believe this.

Oh, card game art. Should have figured.

waggy is good, post more.

Probably wasn't clear, but yes this is official crossover stuff that is pretty non-canon as far as CG is concerned.

waggysaggy is pure and innocent

There are in game sprites but they are hard as hell to find

>Good Western Monster girls

There should be more

Most of them I remember are succubus, tho

Fairies in general are pretty western, but most people tend to overlook them for basically being tiny people.

Pick two, chum.