Would you be okay with it if a character based on you and/or your looks was really sexualized?
Would you be okay with it if a character based on you and/or your looks was really sexualized?
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>implying she's not a product of Monarch programming
if I'm shown as straight in a videogame then yes
if I actually looked good and it wasn't mocking me, sure. Infact I'd be pretty damn pumped.
Sure. Not sure why anyone would want to sexualize my ugly self though.
Sure, why not? As long as I'm not a faggot or shitter I'd be fine.
Holy shit, then i could fap to R34 of me...
who do i kill?
Yes. I think it's exciting to think that people are getting aroused because of me, or even masturbating to me.
I can understand why some people would consider it degrading but I'd be flattered if anything. So long as said sexualisation wasn't done for comedic effect.
No because I look like a chubby retard, I don't want anyone to have to endure this.
I'm sure you're beautiful to someone user, :3
i wouldn't care, i'm fucking beautiful
I'd be worried by the sick fucks who thought that would be a good idea
You don't think people might go HNNNG THICC to a sexualised version of yourself?
If I was attractive, yeah
No, that would be like going HNNNG THICC to a tumblr lardass.
She was so down with it. That's fucking great.
Yes because it's a fucking video game - who gives a shit; it should be flattering.
So what Sup Forums does on the reg?
why do people get so fucking mad about this girl, there's an entire cottage industry of Youtube dedicated to making videos about her with ominous thumbnails, but yet what she says is tame and boring
what's exactly so threatening about her again?
My weight is 375 lb, so yeah
I bet she loves to used and abused in the bedroom
Did that bitch ever talk shit about based joosten?
Yes, especially if I was a Dutch week girl
i only post her because im one of very very few here that thinks shes cute
If I was getting paid royalties for my likeness, sure. Go nuts.
Probably. I have a strange fetish, I get naked and mount a dildo I've strapped onto a mirror so I can watch myself get fucked. I'm really into twins and shit.
Kojima successfully mindbrakes immigrants?
no just how she had to be almost naked because muh parasites
I'd rather fuck a dog than this fugly kike.
Already is one.
I'm okay with it
She's okay
I hope they make the gayest character possible based on your appearance.
I wouldn't care. I'd be concerned for my family though. That would be awkward.
>If there were ever a character based on someone in my family that was highly sexualized
I'm so sorry
Yes. Actually I would be ok if a character based on my daughter was sexualized. Because it's not real, so there's nothing wrong with it.
You look like a colossal faggot
She's a huge feminist and thinks women are over sexualized in popular culture and makes videos about it and how she wishes they wouldn't do it. I can understand people being annoyed by this but a lot of people hate her to death. I think she's kind of cute.
I would get hard and masturbate over other anons getting hard and masturbating over me.
kojima is fucking gay
Because her and her kind are making unnecessary ripples across the globe.
Sure, why not? As long as I'm a faggot or shitter I'd be fine.
Not if the devs modelled me a lightning tier ass like that
gross. H-harness is where it's at.
>implying the excessive /fa/ isn't part of the sexualization
marry me
There are cuter feminist and crazies out there.
that's not strange, you're just a narcissist
I'd be flattered
dam grrl nice ring u must be loaded *sucks u*
define sexualized
and that's all women really are good for. they LITTERALLY could not do anything without men. the only ONLY thing other than child bearing that women have going for them is their aesthetic features
Fuck yeah, I'd love the attention.
>this strategic use of caps so you know exactly where his voice starts cracking
A+ top troll
Hell yeah. That would fill my fetishes actually.
I've worked out hard as fuck just to get a body I can use to drive girls crazy on chattoulette and the like. I want them to sexualize me. And to fantasize about me.
She has cute eyes and lips. Cute nose, too. Her face is a trifecta of cute.
Autists here do that already
No idea who this is but I think I already know what this is getting at. Sort of brilliant. How dare you call her crazy
yes I like sex
i've got you bro. she's my secret waifu
>you will never snuggle and fight patriarchy with her ;_;
ohh yis
i bet she's a good submissive puppy in bed
Laci Green
She gets thick and un thick back and forth and still looks cute, regardless, while spreading misinformation in the echochamber that is sjw
I'd want to get more aesthetic first.
it's more like I'm emphasizing importent bits. but keep assuming and staying mad roastie
Well I can't speak for her specifically obviously
But just know that one of the problems with SJWs is that there are two different schools of feminism and one of them is being willfully suppressed so people have a better excuse to scream about things
Feminism's not bad, the way we have it now is though
Look, She's enjoying
what a slut
I want to kiss her
oh god, that's just sad. here I was giving you credit you don't deserve. my condolences to your family's loss, Mr. Aspie.
I wish. I want everyone to see my penis or at least my bulge
No because I have a proper and respectable job, unlike those japanese models
you think anita likes anal?
What did he mean by this?
the sight of dick is actually really anti climactic to women unless it's like, there for them to do something with. and even then it's not like dicks themselves are ever really sexy
source: my actual mom
Sure, its not like it would sell well due to it either way.
Shes fucking great. Leads the whole industry by the balls and makes mad dosh with it because people are desperate as fuck for drama
I would have done the same and con people out of their money over twitter drama if I could. All she does is act retarded and there are still people flocking to her defense
Got fat as fuck though, thats unfortunate
>it's not like dicks themselves are ever really sexy
>source: my actual mom
Your mom is a faggot and she probably likes seeing your dad take it up the ass.
Everyone loves dick user.
you're welcome
She looks like a dirty lying cheating kike
If I'm made attractive, then sure. Especially if I get fanart.
Sexy/beautiful people like showing off, if they had a problem with it they wouldn't do it in the first place.
Sexualizing a fat, ugly neckbeard isn't something anyone wants to see though. I thought this was basic common sense.
Hell yeah. I'd like if they made me a little sexier but if people are enjoying all natural me I guess that's pretty cool.
My girlfriend would disagree, she likes seeing my dick.
You don't know the people here very well.
It's not me, who cares.
I saw a gif once and the girl looked just like anita, shame I can't find it
>Cute nose
I guess there'd be a bunch of Sup Forums bara threads
for them to even do that others would have to be comftorable with seeing you ugly virgins sexualized which would never happen
I will never understand why she triggers some many people.
Sure, she does say lots of retarded things and contradicts herself every other sentence, but such a stupidity should only trigger people on their first day on the internet.
wait a sec, did Glaci made into a porn? That background looks suspicious.
brb channeling your spiritual aura so I know to recognize you in the 1/1,000,000 chance we pass by and I can beat the everloving shit out of you
the fuck is a roastie *googles* OHHH I get it, roast beef sub. That's fucking disgusting.
Well no shit tardo it's your girlfriend. Yours isn't just ANY dick. It's not like when a guy sees tits.
>would you be okay with it if a character based on you and/or your looks was really sexualized?
Fuck, I would be so flattered. It would be the nicest thing anyone has done for me.
>I will never understand why she triggers some many people.
'Cause people who really should know better act like she's some sort of an authority when she doesn't even have average layman's knowledge on the things she talks about.