Anyone else have this reaction?

Anyone else have this reaction?

Nope. The series imrpoved towards the end with huge steps, and I already enjoyed the first one.

I was happier with the second game, but I certainly was not smiling.

Wow I was the exact opposite.

XIII made me gleeful, XIII-2 made me sad, and Lightning Returns made me want to die.

FFXIII - crying/angry

FFXIII-2 - meh


LR was fun, even though it wasn't a real final fantasy game.

i never liked lightning
she always felt shoehorned so i stopped playing final fantasy for a good while

Final Fantasy XIII caused me to drop the entire franchise after enjoying it for nearly 2 decades

>all of those games

The only good game in the entire trilogy was Lightning Returns, and that was just an action game labeled as a JRPG.

I've never played any of them

Shut up and post more Goddess




I got ~16 hours into XIII, and in two years now, I haven't had the interest or motivation to go back and continue playing.

I never played XIII-2, and I've only played the demo for LR.


my unpopular opinion
best story/fun jrpg gimmick combat that starts incredibly slow, building until open world becomes available, most replayable. I really enjoyed playing this game with Vanille, Sazh and lightning, even though that was considered a weak setup for main game. I wouldn't recommend going for the trophies though, it's very tedious

better combat with a degree of random change based on party creature, worst story. Uninteresting, and rehashed from XIII. The ability to jump is pointless and using the moogle was stupid.

this is no longer ffXiii and is just lightning
combat is broken and awful
Story is entirely uninspired


Those sequels were more pointless than X-2

No. After the shitshow that was XIII I skipped the sequels.


XIII was bad, though it was at least concise and blossomed into something neat before it was over.

XIII-2 was worse. Convoluted time-traveling pile of dog shit.

LR I didn't even bother playing due to the tapering quality.

Stop making bad episodic games.


XIII - This is dumb and boring, but I might as well finish it.
XIII-2 and LR - First game was dumb and boring, so I'll just not play these.
Every other FF game with a Lightning cameo or dlc - Please stop.

Yeah this was me but I didn't hate 13 probably because I got through the 30 hour tutorial while sick. (pressing X and holding up is easy when sick)
Hoping that Noel gets into Dissidia.

>body of a twelve year old girl

> he dislikes loli

Do you have the one where he nukes himself from orbit?

>XIII-3 story was uninspired

What was the story again? Lighting defeats God and recreates a world to meet Sarah again?




Never played past XIII. Ruined FF and made SE waste nearly a decade on a shitty character/world.

You're welcome

Dom't be like that man, I mean the real one.


First post, best post.

>read "dismembering.webm"
Kinda disapointed desudesudesudesu

I'm an adult so no. All 3 games were different levels of trash.

no because im not a lewoejack posting faggot

kill yourself