Was this Mass Effect 3 levels of bad?

Was this Mass Effect 3 levels of bad?

Worse maybe. At least ME3 kinda felt like a ME game.

I've been seeing a lot of hate for this lately. As someone who has never played metal gear but knows the story from reviews and game play videos I was going to get this after I pirated ground zeroes and had fun with that. Should I really just avoid it all together?

Yes. Just don't do it. It was a massive let down. Probably due to the hype in part but I still maintain that it is a fundamentally flawed piece of wank.

No. At least Mg's had gameplay

If by "bad" you mean the best controlling, most fluid and most fun stealth game ever released then sure, I guess you could say that.

Literally every thread on Sup Forums admits that MGSV is a fantastic game albiet huge letdown due to no fault of their own, unrealistic hype.

If you liked Ground Zeroes you will love MGSV. Don't listen to this fag who keeps samefagging.

It's the most fun i've had with a game in years.

No, it is a great Game but the metal gear on the name and the ending brought a lot of shitstorm from the fans, and apparently you aren't one, so get it and enjoy it

Not by a long shot

She blinded me with science

>same fagging

I replied to different posts. But if that is same fagging then...MOMS GONNA FREAK

>literally the best TPS stealth game ever
The only people bitching about MGSV are uneducated faggots who think video game stories are good/important

No. Faggots can't handle MGS because it doesn't hand hold them.

You didn't play the other MGS games did you?

>literally ubisoft-tier open world that feels dead as fuck, only exists to pad gameplay hours so people don't trade it in after beating the story in a single sitting
>repeating the same 4 mission types over and over with slight variation

The AI and core mechanics of just sneaking around are great, too bad they forgot to build an actual structured videogame around it. In that regard ME3 is a hell of a lot better at, you know, actually being a videogame.

So youre just baiting with this ME3 shit then. Got it.

Fuck off child.

You didn't play the other mgs games did you?

>claims story isn't important
>in a fucking MGS game

The only child here is you, friendo. Now go take your Ritalin and let the adults finish talking. :^)

Hell no, Mass Effect 3 was a good game, MGSV was too. It just annoys me on how none of my decisions mattered, and if MGSV was actually finished it could've been best in the series. Either way I had my fun with them.

>>repeating the same 4 mission types over and over with slight variation

I never understand this argument. What fucking stealth games offer "varied missions"? It's literally sneaking into an area undetected every fucking time?

>Metal Gear
>Stealth game

>What fucking stealth games offer "varied missions"?

Metal Gear Solid used to.

Well meme'd

Because what I played was nothing but sneaking from cutscene to cutscene to boss fight.

No, it was actually playable

>sneak into this tanker
>now sneak into an oil rig
>now sneak around as you try to defuse a bunch of bombs
>did that? oh cool now utilize a completely new outfit mechanic to trick people into thinking you're a guard
>oh shit now you have to navigate an underwater labyrinth

>sneak into an outpost in the desert and extract this thing
>now go blow up that convoy in the middle of nowhere
>now extract this guy who's standing kind of near an identical outpost
>blow up this slightly different convoy while sneaking into an outpost

No, Both games are great..

>sneak down this linear hallway
>watch cutscene
>sneak down this linear hallway
>watch cutscene
>sneak down this linear hallway
>Boss fight

>Sneak into this outpost and rescue this guy (or go in guns blazing). Choose your drop point, method of infilitration (i.e by chopper, by the right side or left side) and method of extraction
>Sneak into this outpost and assassinate this high priority subjective or kill him (or go in guns blazing). Choose your drop point, method of infilitration (i.e by chopper, by the right side or left side) and method of extraction
>Intercept this convoy route by whatever means necessary. Choose your drop point, method of infilitration (i.e by chopper, by the right side or left side) and method of extraction
>Destroy these satalite dishes. Choose your drop point, method of infilitration (i.e by chopper, by the right side or left side) and method of extraction

Only the end of Bleach is Mass Effect 3 levels of bad.

MGSV was great though, it just wasn't was some fans wanted.

People wanted a game like the into, a rollercoaster, but MGSV was a bouncy castle.

GZ felt like an MGS game though, whereas a lot of TPP did not. Why choose the last game in a series to completely change the formula? The open world meme, the time gating, the crafting, basically no bosses, no interior exploration, an episodic story, etc. These are all things that simply aren't Metal Gear. Not even that all these are always bad things to have in a game, it's just not the tightly designed, high detail, story focused MGS that the rest of the series was known for. I liked TPP, it was a good game, but it would have been a lot better broken down into smaller areas like Camp Omega.

>hy choose the last game in a series to completely change the formula?

Peace Walker already significantly changed the formula. The fuck you talking about?

A true sign that Sup Forums is irredeemable. A year later, and people unironically praise MGS V despite the fact it fails at everything it was meant to be. It fails as an open world game, it fails as a MGS game, the plot was more divisive than that of 4, and as the last MGS entry in the franchise it failed to meet even the most basic expectations. Our expectations were subverted in the worst sort of ways.

nobody played peace walker because it was a Bad Game, with a capital B.

MGS2 was
>Fight with control scheme
>sneak down this linear hallway
>watch 30 min cutscene
>sneak down this linear hallway
>watch cutscene
>sneak down this linear hallway
>New mechanic
>Boss fight
>Watch cutscene after cutscene
>credits (cannot skip)

was pretty good senpai desu

>Sneak into this outpost and rescue this guy (or go in guns blazing). Choose your drop point, method of infilitration (i.e by chopper, by the right side or left side) and method of extraction
>Sneak into this outpost and assassinate this high priority subjective or kill him (or go in guns blazing). Choose your drop point, method of infilitration (i.e by chopper, by the right side or left side) and method of extraction
>Intercept this convoy route by whatever means necessary. Choose your drop point, method of infilitration (i.e by chopper, by the right side or left side) and method of extraction
>Destroy these satalite dishes. Choose your drop point, method of infilitration (i.e by chopper, by the right side or left side) and method of extraction

quite enjoyed it senpai though quite lacking in the plot, i still wait for dlc

Because previous MGS games were just the one mission they had a tighter framework - but even then still offered more varied scenarios - for example MGS4 opens with you sneaking your way through areas that are under control of a PMC, but then as the mission progresses you begin to move through contested areas with two sets of hostiles for you to avoid. You can assist the insurgents and they will become friendly to you. Despite having the perfect setting for that MGSV does not do this.

The second mission has you doing much the same thing, as well as giving you the ability to assist them and ingite a conflict to help you sneak, but then progresses onto a more solo one that involves you following tracks to find a hostage - with some of the tracks leading you into traps.

The next mission has you trailing a guy through a city, and you have to covertly take out PMCs in his way.

I can't be bothered typing anymore so I'm just going to stop here.

tl;dr MGSV had too many generic missions and not even set piece sections.

Worse, it was MGS4 level of bad

people have praised it since its release and people have cried about it. Fuck off

>On Sup Forums 8-9 months ago
>Everyone loves MGSV
>don't come on Sup Forums for those 8-9 months
>Come back two days ago
>Suddenly everyone hates MGSV

What the actual fuck is wrong with Sup Forums

People were mad at ME3 because of the ending.

People are mad at MGSV for pretty much everything.

So, it's actually worse.

To be fair, Kojima was right about one thing: I was indeed ashamed of my deeds after playing this fucking garbage excuse for a Metal Gear game.

First, PW is not a main line game. Next you're going to bring up Ac!d like half the early series is a card game. Second, it was severely limited by the platform it was on. What the fuck are you talking about?

MGSV was by far the most fun MGS game to play. The story lacked, but it's a game not a movie. If you want a movie go fuck off and play MGS4. Protip: that game is dogshit. Enjoy 30 minute cutscenes where nothing happens with 5 minute gameplay breaks where you've forgotten all the buttons.

People enjoyed the start of the game and the game they spent 60euro on couldnt possibly be bad, but then they realized how unfinished it is and the money spent is in the past so they can say "yeah it sucks" without lost cost fallacy kicking in.

ME3's ending wouldn't have even been that bad if it were a standalone game, it was only terrible in the context of them hyping up the "your choices matter!" angle for half a decade.

>Because previous MGS games were just the one mission they had a tighter framework - but even then still offered more varied scenarios

Except they fucking didn't? Tighter framework in what regard? That every segmented level plays out nearly identically in that you sneak through it to the next cutscene?

MGSV also introduces no gameplay mechanics in its boss fights (though rare), buddy systems and the sheer absurd ways you can tackle each mission.

MGSV shits on every MGS game before it in terms of variety, there is simply no argument to be made for the contrary.

Play the game and find out.

But honestly, god no. Mass effect 3 was a shitshow in nearly every way, V delivered on gameplay at least.

>Why choose the last game in a series to completely change the formula?

Because NEWSFLASH: Kojima didn't want to make Metal Gear anymore. So he made it into something different.

>PW is not a main line game
>slotted in canon series chronology
>GZ picks up where it leaves off
>not a mainline title
What in the fuck

"Oh, but it doesn't have a number!"
That doesn't mean shit when the content of the game says otherwise.

Plus, it was MGS5 during production.

>comparing MGSV to fucking Mass Effect 3

Oh Sup Forums

>Come back two days ago
>Suddenly everyone hates MGSV

What? If anything the hate has downed down compared to how bad it was 8-9 months ago. Sup Forums unanimously likes MGSV, they're just salty over how disappointing it was.

It was still a great game

>First, PW is not a main line game

Yes it fucking was you retard, holy shit.

V isn't either. It's a fanservicing spin off that loosely ties MG and MGS

He even stated it's not 5, it's V for venom in a tweet

>MGSV is a fantastic game
>letdown due to no fault of their own
>another ubisoft-tier sandbox is a fantastic game
Not really. It has some good gameplay elements but it's a fucking mess.

literally no

>literally ubisoft-tier open world
That's not fair. Ubisoft games have unexpected events happening in the open world. There is actual gameplay occuring inbetween outposts. In MGSV, 100% of the NPCs in the game are just standing in a base waiting for you to come along and fulton them.

>GZ felt like an MGS game though, whereas a lot of TPP did not
This. It had that intense action movie "behind enemy lines" feeling. TPP doesn't, because you can just call Kaz and get whatever gun or vehicle dropped wherever you want, or have your magic sniper kill everyone for you. It's like playing GTA3 with all the cheat codes memorized.

He's right. Kojima has even said it's the unofficial MGS5.

PW is mainline MGS.

Haha and so is Revengeance haha

I'm laughing off my ads

you should try it. gameplay is solid and i even enjoyed pvp, both mgso and base invasions.
but don't excpect anyting from the story. It's not as bad as people make it out to be, but try not to compare it to other mgs.

If you're not a fan of the MGS series you'll probably love it.

People constantly talk about how great the gameplay is when the level design is so poor that it doesn't even matter since you can just run around and complete every mission in less than five minutes with ease. Most of your mission time is waiting for your helicopter. Why give me a bunch of tools when I don't have anywhere I can use them? Open world meme honestly needs to die.

>most fun to play game in the series that botched the story in a series where a lot of the players only care about the story
sounds about right

Are you retarded? People were shitting all over it since it's release. You guys love to make situations that don't exist to support your shitty arguments. The hate has died down a lot if anything.

> is when the level design is so poor that it doesn't even matter since you can just run around and complete every mission in less than five minutes with ease.

So like every MGS game or stealth game for that matter?

GZ is TPP with even less content and in a smaller map.
Also, if I remember correctly, the missions are broken down in small areas.

Don't worry Sup Forums, you'll automatically love it when TPP2 comes out.
You are all nothing if not predictable.

People who liked it moved on, and manchildren are still rolling in a puddle of their own tears.

Everything about the game was perfect, except for the ending/lack of.

TPP didn't even bother adding the surveillance cameras that were in GZ. Not to mention that there isn't really many places in MGSV with a similar level design to GZ.

By ME3 bad you mean 9/10 until the very end? If so yeah I suppose.

He says while opening a thread to defend his beloved shit game.

Virgins like this are the reason why Sup Forumseddit's opinions will never be relevant, and rightfully so.

The fact that people praise the filthy, 5 minute long scam that the paid demo was is absolutely pathetic.

Peace Walker is the 5th title. It's as mainline as MGS3 and TPP.

Hell, it's story is far greater and more important to the series than TPP's. All of the significant developments from TPP were outright rethreads of plot points from PW, right down to Strangelove creating the Patriot AIs

the ending was shit but it was not same with with different light filters shit

You mean boring, generic military bases? There's quite a few of them in TPP.
Not to mention that cameras are in FOBs, the actual challenging mode.

He says as he has spent an entire year repeating the same points over and over again.
People liked it, and it was a massive success, thats what matters.

absolutely not

it seems like there was no discussion about this game for about 6 months and then suddenly over the past month there has been tons of threads shitting on it.

it's a brilliant game, very easy to find yourself losing over 100 hours to it, but that doesn't mean it's perfect.

there is a middle ground between being a pile of garbage and being a 10/10 masterpiece that defines the ages, you know.

because shit like swimming levels and escort missions in MGS2 was so exciting and entertaining

The one super annoying thing was having to wait for IRL hours to let your weapon upgrades research

That's what people get when they never stop asking for MGS games. The story was raped to shit so badly in MGS4 it's honestly a miracle any game could be made after it. By making them prequels Kojima put himself in a corner since there's only so much he can show us about the cold war/Big Boss era. I was impressed by how different MGSV felt in this sense, we already knew Big Boss' story ten times over and seeing a "missing link" with well presented themes and an emotional story was better than "Metal Gear Solid: Revenge of the Sith"

Not at all.
It was still a fun game and in the end it didnt affect much the other games.
Mass Effect 3 failed at being an RPG, at being a shooter, and it destroyes everything the other two games built up.

Peace Walker was a better MGS5 in everything but gameplay,

>More secrets and extras
>Much better and cheesier plotline
>Chapter 4 ending blows everything in TPP out of the water
>Hundreds of hours of optional lore filled conversations about zany shit that happens inside motherbase
>A Motherbase that managed to feel much more alive even though it was a glorified spreadsheet
>Monster Hunter, ghost photography, banana hold-up, Pooyan missions,
>Date with Kaz
>Customizable Metal Gear
>Big Boss actually enlisting a child soldier
>Kaz being an absolute madman
>Crazy endgame with tons of shit to unlock like the Patriot, Rail Gun, Human Slingshot, Tanegashima, etc
>Love box
>Cassete tapes that added to game instead of being boring shit
>Amanda, Cécile and Strangelove>>>>>Quiet
>Strangelove's bikini
>Strangelove putting lotion on Paz

Why did you want those upgrades?

Peace Walker was trash, MGSVs shit tier bosses at least had 3 decent ones. The Skull Sniper fight, Sala and Quiet.

MGSPW was complete trash and i'm just glad this forced meme that "PW was better than TPP" isn't catching on.

Because I have autism and all my Rock Bucks were burning a hole in my pocket

ME3 was finished, TPP wasn't. On the other hand, MGS TPP gameplay is absolutely perfect.

So, i guess it's a tie

>We need to see how Big Boss turned evil!
>PW literally ends with him shoving a hydrogen bomb into his own Metal Gear and saying he'll use it to hold up the entire world if they come after his paramilitary force that is bound to no rules except their own

>liking handheld kusoge

I haven't talked about MGSV in like 9 months. I've accepted that Kojima is a hack. At least I'm not pretending that I'm above people whining over how bad the game was whilst ironically constantly whining about said people and pretending I've moved on. Accept that people can have different opinions to you, you autist.

>just ignore all criticsim
>literally everyone says it's good

Looks like you didn't quite understand MGSV, user. The good times are over. Almost everyone from Peace Walker is dead. Comparing Peace Walker to MGSV is like saying anime is the same as TV shows and movies.

PW had horrible controls, you were requiered to grind to beat the co-op designed bosses, absolute cringe everytime I had to endure Hayter's horrible acting, the entire plot was a horrible retread of "muh boss", building ZEKE was pointless, absolutely horrible characters like Chico, Amanda and thw blonde, Kaz has literally no personality or emotions.

Also, I cringed at the half of the trash you consider positives.

Peace Walker was a horrible piece of shit with no identity of its own.

>More content, better characters, better writing, better cast, more variety than TPP

but there are anime tv shows and movies

>half of these reasons
Why do I feel like you are a 30 year old who still lives with his mother?

No it isn't. Camp Omega is larger than all but maybe two bases in the whole of TPP, and it's more detailed than all of them. The guard placement and patrol routes are carefully designed. There are security cameras. There are some set pieces. The side ops are mostly not generic 'Fulton this guy' missions.

TPP had no business even being open world. It didn't utilize anything outside of a base or outpost, and both the gameplay and story suffered for it. It's not 0/10 or anything but it wasn't a good MGS. I can't be fucked to type it anymore. We've been over this for almost a year.

>Mass Effect 3 was finished
>they literally had to release a montage of concept art pics as a "free DLC" because of how unfinished the ending was

Chico Amanda and Cecille were better than every single character from TPP.

The gameplay is fantastic if you completely ignore the open world aspect of it and stick to the missions. To be completely honest, I don't understand why people complain about the open world being empty. Playing the game makes it abundantly obvious that it's not open-world for the purpose of exploration and adventure. It's open world purely to try and create an organic system of patrols/security/etc.

Not at all.
Kaz and Emmerich's characters are already better written than the infantilized crap that Piss Walker was.

>french blonde
>PW Kaz
Absolutely horrible.

It was worse. A fucking demo (Ground Zeroes) is better than the actual game.

MGSV having great gameplay is a meme. Yes, the controls are nice, but you never really act your options out anyway.

DDog makes absolutely anything trivial by showing you guards through walls, the same happens when you scout them all.

It never makes sense to kill anyone, unless you shit on motherbase.

It never makes sense to go close combat, you can literally just snipe the whole area with tranquilizers and fulton off people as you proceed.

I would like to go nuclear, but it always just feels like a waste of time and resources. I would love to go on an actual sneaking mission, but you can fulton a whole base without any serious retaliation attempts.

The game is too fucking easy and hands you easy mode from almost the very start. Your companions trivialize almost any challenge.

I tried to go in naked, but with nothing available - and nothing to be found like in the old games - that's just restricting gameplay to a bland shooter.

CQC is nice, but the game is almost always in the open field, and either you're instantly spotted or get any immersion broken by people LOOKING at you, but not SEEING you, despite they clearly should spot you in a heartbeat.

It's easy mode in the open, the game.