Jaina is a bitch

>deserts the Alliance before the confrontation with Gul'dan
>cries like a bitch about the Horde having to retreat (they are still bitches though)
>doesn't seem to realise that the Legion is a much bigger threat than the Horde.
>is still alive

Tell me how Blizzard can't just fix her shit

Imagine if [cultural group] killed your father, bombed your hometown, then put the entire world in danger for two expansions; because that is what the Horde/Garrosh did.

Seriously, where was the bronze flight during all of this madness?

she's a dreadlord

>>doesn't seem to realise that the Legion is a much bigger threat than the Horde.

hella hot, second best girl after Sylvanas


That's a funny way of spelling Alexstrasza.

>all that photoshop

I want to give her life

>ywn hold Jaina by her exposed midsection and cuddle her back to being happy

>vanilla wow comes out
>everybody's talking about pandaren and naga, people genuinely want these races and love chen from wc3
>mists of pandaria comes out
>everybody collectively shits on pandaren and wants them gone
>azshara expansion is probably after legion
>people are already dreading it

>loses council vote
>bitches and leaves
>demons start invading
She's involved. Has to be.

Pandas were the worst thing about MoP ironically.
Lore was fine, Sha, Mogu, Klaxxi and all the other shit was decent but Pandas were all dude food and drinks lmao who cares about demons invading our farms and stealing our jobs.
Honk also looked a lot more ripped, similiar to Tauren, instead of being fat fucks
Atleast monk is nice

Blame Kung Pao Panda for the MoP hate.

but kung fu panda was good.

used goods

>Imagine if [cultural group] killed your father
Jaina killed her own father.
I mean she's correct in wanting the Horde to answer for it's crimes and not be trusted with anything anymore, but back then she was a stupid girl that thought siding with orcs and killing her own father was the right thing to do.

I want her to bind the life out of my dick.

She let rexxar kill her father and helped him
Literally a cuckservative girl

She got a taste of the BOC.

>>azshara expansion is probably after legion
Nope. Legion is the last WoW expansion, more likely Azhara will be added in one of addons.


She's a dreadlord.

Jaina died in Theramore

I'm from New York, so I can relate.

>Rexxar was largely irrelevant for most of WoW
Kind of sad, really.

>Legion is the last WoW expansion
I fucking wish.

Actually, the moment Jaina started going down hill mentally is when Thrall hooked up with that literally who orc chick.

So actually, it was getting cucked out of the BGC that fucked her up

Jaina has pretty much lost everything at this point. She was in love with Arthas, and couldn't stop him from going off the deep end, and had to confront that over and over again in Northrend. Not to mention her own father died due to her actions (which she justified by thinking more would die if she didn't stop him) and ultimately the peace Thrall promised her way ultimately a lie, since he can't keep his own savage people in check.

Her last bastion of hope, Theramore, all the people from Lordaeron she had saved got wiped out, and if she hadn't have been so naive, she could have stopped it. She realized her father was right about everything, and that she should have listened.

But she still has the Kirin Tor to handle now that Rhonin is gone, and she's not the type to shirk her duty, so she takes up that mantle. And then she sees Dalaran infested with the same bastards who destroyed Theramore.

Coming to the conclusion of "Gas the Orcs, race war now!" Is a completely valid idea considering what Jaina has been through.

That fucking wedding shit pissed me off so much.

God damn Cata really was a disaster.

How is Blizzard going to make money?
Only overwatch? And...., memestone?
All other games are literally dead / dying

Not to mention we just had an entire expansion proving that the Orcs' claim of being noble savages was complete bullshit and they were a bunch of genocidal idiots even without the Legion's influence.

Jaina's right
She's the only leader of the alliance that wants to wage war with the horde

The bitch just needs to learn that there's a time and a place for everything.

Meant for

You only hate Jaina because she's white & hot. Fuck you and your subhuman orc scum.
P.S. The Wall just got 10 feet higher, deal with elf faggot.

>doesn't seem to realise that the Legion is a much bigger threat than the Horde
What? Legion and Horde are both equally shit.

Cry me a river faggot, we will make silvermoon great again

She was captured and replaced during the broken shore events

Yeah right, keep sucking orc cock you dirty elf fag.

If greened.com was real
Who /pol is going to blame
The (((goblins))) ?
And who is /pol equivalent?

Silvermoon will never be fixed or allow flying.

They've been working on the expansion after Legion since before Legion was even announced.

Even if subs are dropping, they are still making tens of millions of dollars a month. They aren't going to turn that faucet off.

Stay jelly of our superior magic and superior women human

If you want to go down that route, my sad little dindu, then we should eradicate all night elves and humans first because they spawned Illidan, who nearly destroyed azeroth himself, and outland to boot, and Arthas, the OG dindu.

I want none of your orc-cock-suck magic subhuman scum.

>all the motherfucking Windrunner sisters went for human dick

Just be quiet degenerate elf

>superior women
Shit taste made for omega nu-males

Genuine question, why do people like Sylvanas? I don't get it. She has literally no redeeming qualities. She's a self obsessed megalomaniac who has openly admitted that she hates the horde and only tolerates the other races because she has a place of power among them. She doesn't care about her people, openly referring to them as "arrows in her quiver" and "her bulwark against death". She knows she's got an eternity of damnation for her in the afterlife and doesn't think twice about sending her loyal servants to take her place in hell. She thinks of them as a life counter, not actual beings.

I don't understand how anyone could like her in any capacity.

Literally the Reddit of theories.

So is she turning into her dead faggot boyfriend?

Fingers crossed she gets corrupted by the Legion and we get to murder her in a raid at some point.

>inb4 defeating her brings her back to her senses and we're stuck with her for another fucking expansion

Used goods are better than goods past their sell by date.

Jaina is the hero the Alliance needs but not the one it deserves.

Because it's a meme, just like how everyone joked about Thrall and Jaina being a couple before Thrall became green jesus and got married to some nigger orc.


jaina finally took the red pill


because she was cute before she turned into an evil slut

>mysteriously vanishes halfway through the broken shore event
>coudve actually teleported everyone to safety
>gets her pussy kicked out of dalaran
>seconds later demons attack the place

Yeah, she sure seems innocent.
if shes not a dreadlord, she atleast sold herself to the legion in order for her to "muh dismantle" the horde

imo her being a sellout is a plausible theory

>hand letter to anduin
>anduin: shut the fuck up jaina we need to be united if we want to survive
>suddenly demons

Seems innocent

But in warcraft three she was the character of the compromise..


i don't get why certain alliance members keep acting like the horde bailing when they were literally getting overrun (plot-wise) is some sort of terrible crime

what the fuck were they supposed to do when vol'jin got rekt, thrall was getting rekt, and a billion demons were bearing down on them? sit there and lose most of their best warriors for an extra minute or two? this isn't garrosh's horde, sylvannas made the right move and even enemies should be able to see that

Preparations before making her a raid boss.

Wont happen

Sylvanis v Jaina v Azshara

WoW: The Burning Queensade coming soon™

>They all hatefuck eachother in a glorious harem in undercity

Because they couldnt see what happened up there for epic plot reasons such as "i told you they were evul"

Even though Genn is ultimately responsible for Varians death, and he fucking knows it, which is why he wont even hand over that letter in person.

Genn was ordered to relay battlefield info to and from sylvanas during the fight.
He was too assblasted and neglected his job, resulting in their ignorance of the horde situation, culminating in the alliance's chance to safely retreat being wasted.

Oh, and lets not mention that the horde was fighting 4 times as many demons, and for some reason also ahd to clear to clear the skies for the babby alliance?

Indeed, but she shouldn't have all of this baggage and still be allowed to have all the power she does in the Alliance and the Kirin Tor, especially when following her mindset of "Fuck the Horde" would lead to the Legion taking over the world.
The other 5 members of the council should have voted her out as soon as she started going off the deep end after Theramore was destroyed.
They've left it so late that if they try to kick her out now she'll go full batshit and force them to kill her or chuck her in the Violet Hold for the rest of her life.

Nobody could see anything that was going on up there, and chances are there hasn't been any communication between the leaders since the time of the scenario because the plot hasn't actually advanced since that point at all.
There'll be a point where Sylvanas and Anduin get together for a big old shouting match that ends with "oh wait there was a backdoor portal fucking you all over turns out you aren't evil after all, our bad" and they team up to kill the Legion with the power of midriffs and friendship.

I never played WoW but it hurts to see what they have done to my poor little Jaina who only wanted to study

>everyone claims Jaina throws a huge temper tantrum in the Dalaran quest
>do it, excited to see some shit
>all she does is say "Never" and when out voted just says "Whatever" and leaves

You dumb faggots don't know what a tantrum is, fuck off you misleading cunts.

>Hi Genn, the one leader who hates the forsaken probably as much as the legion
>You should be the one responsible for communication with fucking Sylvanas!
Yes great plan, thank you Varian, Mr Super Tactician who teaches literally thousands of years old elves from a military culture how to make a trap.

Because Horde faggots will latch onto anything that is in the Horde spotlight and will spew massive memes in defending their precious rotten waifu.

I think her tantrum is sending demons to attack Dalaran because the Dreadlord can't interlope now?

>sending demons to attack Dalaran
u wot m8, those demons came by themselves or did I miss something?

To be fair, Sylvanas is probably the only competent and important female character left in warcraft. Obviously waifufags are gonna latch onto her.

You missed the fact that Jaina is a dreadlord or she sold herself to the Legion. Either one.

>i only like simple 2d cut-outs that never make mistakes or do anything i consider wrong

what a world of enjoyment fiction must be for you

Because the Horde and their fanboys constantly go around shouting "HONOR OR DEATH" or some shit like this, painting this picture of the battlehardened badasses since vanilla that would never surrender, never retreat and always fight to the last. Now Blizzard shows us the complete opposite, so Alliance are biating Hordies now who are in full defence, speaking of 'tactical retreat' although they would have shit talked endlessly if the Alliance would ever do something like this.

tl;dr Horde faggots got btfo and Allies are relishing that they, for once, are able to shit talk them.

This Dreadlord meme needs to stop.

Jaina is fully justified in her viewpoint. There is nothing stopping the Horde from repeating the Wrathgate at the worst possible fucking time, just like the stupid cunts did in Ashran (By the fucking way, Ashran is fucking canon, and the war resumed before the Legion slapped everyone in the face), for no god damned reason.

To her, they're going to do something fucking stupid YET AGAIN and nearly cost the entire fucking planet its life because KILL ALL ALLIANCE DOGS LOKTAR OGAR like they've fucking done FOUR FUCKING TIMES IN A ROW now.

I'm actually a Horde player and even I'm getting fucking sick of the retards in power who keep doing this stupid shit and everyone fucking follows them without question.

Vol'jin was a cuck and I'm glad he's dead.

>Being this made for your waifu
She is bad and you must feel bad

Lovely what Blizzard writing did with Tyrande and Maiev, isn't it?

>t. My waifu is pyre and can't do anything wrong
No shut up faggot Jaina is dead and gone and a Dreadlord is puppeting her corpse.

>World of Warcraft -lore
Fuken lol. And I thought elder scrolls was already lame

Truly a sad day. This is the one thing I'll never forgive Metzen for.

At this point I'd rather have them not touch old female characters. Don't revisit them, don't have them do anything.

It's better than seeing them become Jaina or Yrel.

Jaina is the final boss of Legion.

We'll be rid of her bitching forever.

Mark my words.

Thanks, Metzen

Theramore didn du nuffin

please just ignore the war highway lined with tanks and dead Taurens traveling through the barrens to Orgrimmar that only stopped because deathwing broke the barrens in half

There's not justification to going spastic in the middle of a demonic invasion.

Put your quibbles on the back-berner till this shit is over or get the fuck out of the war room.

I hate Jaina. I was genuinely hoping for her to throw a fucking shitfit like everyone claimed. She's justified, and I wanted to see this grown as woman screaming at people like a child like everyone claimed she did.

And she didn't. She instead pulled a fucking Squall. This would be like telling me Garrosh finally dies horribly and suffers for being such a shit character, and finding he gets punk'd by Thrall literally going "no u". Or finding out Thrall loses his fucking Doomhammer because he feels "bad" because he made everything go horribly wrong. It's even more than disappointing.

Uh, the things that stop Wrathgate from happening a second time is that everyone involved in that betrayal of both the Horde and Alliance is, well, dead?

And the "Sylvanas knew about it" thing, while it makes perfect sense, isn't canon. It's just a theory. The truth is Blizzard probably failed to take into account how retarded the idea of Putress making the plague under their noses was.

Aside from Ashran, what other stupid shit have they done. And I'll stop you, the HORDE, not GARROSH.

>they are still bitches though
Give me one single reason why the horde should care about a single alliance again?

>Answer for it's crimes

They did. In fact Garrosh was literally put on trial until they fucking shoehorned "that dragon was EBIL the entire time!" shit into the book and Garrosh just shanked the guy.

Everyone else involved is dead. Nobody else realised what G-man was going to do.

I.. I actually liked Yrel. Yes she was a Mary Sue, but helping her along during questing in Shadow Moon was pretty neat and she grew on me.

Did they somehow fuck her up down the line?

I can already see it, Sylvanas is going to do some stupid shit related to her plague and Jaina will intervene while being all "I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO"


>Assist the Horde on numerous occasions, protect them from near annihilation during her Father's campaign, be the only thing that the Horde had to an actual ally, get your city bombed by them without a second thought.

Hi Genn, you're my most trusted friend, I can only ask this of you, I know you hate this, but when the legion comes to evaporate your world, you have to set aside your grudges.

>nah fuck that