I just bought the steam version of this

I just bought the steam version of this.
I had previously owned the ps3 version for about a day before returning it because the resolution was awful and the game itself was laggy.
After Installing this, and pumping up the settings to max at 144hz, it's safe to say that this game is a diamond, previously hidden by hardware limitations.

Now that I've finally gotten the definitive version of this game, I can tell I'll love it.

What am I in for Sup Forums? What's your favorite things to do in this game?

>What's your favorite things to do in this game?
Godsbaning before a chest in BBI for half an hour until I get lvl 3 cursed armor. Then praying to the RNGods it's the piece I need with good enchantments.

slaughtering swarms of enemies at the black abbey or duskmoon tower

BBI runs with /vg/ characters since I'm level 200 already with all the best gear

OP here,
so I love devil may cry, Ninja Gaiden and general fantasy rpg's...
plus the bosses that I've seen for this game look great..
are there a lot of bosses?
Are any of them comparable to DMC or NG bosses in terms of epicness?


>are there a lot of bosses?
Not really, honestly. The game has severe case of cut content.
There's a handful of "big" monster types, and a one buffed recolor of each in the post-game.
The DD DLC (included in PC version) has some new enemies and has denser content, i.e. more combat, than the base game.

For some fucking reason this game cracks me up.

It's fun, sure, but my baby faced warrior backed by pawns in wedding gowns picking up random trash in the wilderness completely changes the mood.

Also the banter from the pawns is meme-tier


>wedding gowns
stop putting this shit on your pawns dammit

its not their fault. the stats on it are fucking absurd for the early game.

on your final battle with the big bad dragon take off all your armor and one sword no bow assassin the hell out of it with, i believe the move you'll need for this is dire gouge

>take off all your armor and one sword no bow
>missing out on guaranteed dragonforging


Sorry about that i was meant to say light armor
the armor i was wearing at the time was bare minimum senpai

>not dragonforging your thong


>What's your favorite things to do in this game?
getting rekt by 3 living armors, 3 elimiators and a thunderwyvern

the game has its moments, it's capcom, capcom is always silly
wait til you get to the duke's demesne

Prepare yourself for an epic taste of Cut Content and Missed Potential: The Game.

We basically got a tech demo/ pilot version of what an actual game could have been. Still pretty fun, and you'll sink a lot of hours into it, but aside from the combat and dicking around with classes, it's still just barely good. Dark Arisen expansion doesn't fix existing problems, rather it simply extends the gameplay by a bit. Not a bad thing, it's just that adding more of something when the foundation is just okay doesn't make it better, just makes it last longer.

>9.5/10 gameplay
>2/10 story
>Even had to save and have sex with the fat merchant bc I do a lot of quest for him to raise his affinity and buy his stuffs

Best thing about it probally BBI,havent put so much time in any offline end game's content for such a long time

I can't decide which class to go for, they all look really cool. Is swapping over at any point in the game viable, or do you really need to stick with one?

Look forward to marrying a loli.

>Dark Arisen expansion doesn't fix existing problems, rather it simply extends the gameplay by a bit
by a really fucking delicious bit that turns the entire game's atmosphere on its head

It's viable, gear matters more in the end. Assassin has the highest strength increase, and ranger has the highest stamina increase, and sorcerer has highest magic increase. You keep your class progress so feel free to switch around and play with them all.

one of the coolest classes to date in an action RPG. Magick Archer makes this game it's bitch

you can play what you want

there are stat growths per class but the benefits from those are miniscule, weapons and weapon upgrades are far more impactful

example, some endgame swords go over 2200+ physical damage while your puny level 120 fighter or warrior has 400 physical damage

If you swap around regularly, it shouldn't be a problem; stat gains are based on whatever class you are at the time of leveling up.
Once you get around Level 75 or so, you should have a basic idea where to go. Otherwise, you'll find yourself gimped when trying to become a wizard after spending most of your time as a Warrior.

Of course, once you hit BBI, gear becomes more important.

>What's your favorite things to do in this game?

Closing it after 10 minutes of play because its boring as fuck

>Sorcerer: The JRPG-Meteor-Cast-Animation-But-In-Real-Time Class

Still, your pawns breaking 3k attack threshold make the more attractive for potential renter, than a pawn with 2.6k attack.

Thanks guys, that's what I like to hear

A pretty fun game, but if you are like me and hate to check Wikis while playing a single player game, you might end up tearing your hair out at some points.

All in all its better to wiki all the shit in this game because it really works like an mmo in the endgame.

The stupidly obvious shit the pawns spout persistantly IS the de facto DD meme.
And it's great.

sure but why would you care about that

if your pawn gets rented it gets rented, you'll have enough rift crystals by the time you need them anyway

What the fuck wrong with this game? In the end I supposed to kill that tentacle thing inside endless hole or what? Really weird.

>trying to play sorcerer in BBI
I know what rape feels like now

>Dark Arisen expansion doesn't fix existing problems
That's not actually true. It solves the fast-travel problem by quite a bit.

Still cracks me the fuck up


>They hold the advantage!

god damn mother fucking escort missions. are they even possible without portcrystal scumming?

It's not about RC, it's about fame and glory.

you're supposed to get 20 wakestones and give it to the chick near the start of the everfall

Yeah, for real. BBI becomes a fucking cinch, and Ur is ezgame ezlife.

>Oh, is that a pack of mobs that will absolutely RAPE my ass if I engage them head on?
>Ricochet down the hallway
>One billion EXP gained

You really need the cast-time reduction augment and ring. It's only 21% off altogether, but every little helps there.
At least Sorcerer still gets the offensive Mage spells, so you have the option to use something relatively fast-casting.

I finished the game like a month after release - is my pawn still up for renting or did finishing the game remove her from being available?

IE - if I go back in now will I check out 4 months of renting or nothing?

yeah that's the point where the game goes nuts

you gotta kill that eye to proceed, you can get good gear in the everfall, kill some more evil eyes and the ur-dragon, selling his materials and the 20 wakestones you get from him will lent you 1 million+ gold

don't give the NPC 20 wakestones if you're not ready to be forced into NG+ yet though, be sure to finish BBI aswell

Fighting the end boss of BBI as Sorcerer is some shit.

Don't actually do that, though. You need to finish the game at least once to "get" the story of BBI, but it's so fucking tedious to get back to endgame again, you might just want to keep Everfall around to farm endless wakestones. You could also do Ur-Dragon over and over for 20 Wakestones a pop, but that feels a lot more tedious.

>wrecking my aught

this is hilarious


>all those buffs
>flies away

>wait what's that?
>you want to play sorcerer in BBI?
>here have 3 living armors right before daimon

I have no idea what you all are saying, but still thanks.

>What am I in for Sup Forums?
One of the best mediocre games out there. Just don't expect it to be anything special

It sucks to be a peasant, PS4/Xbone port when?

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Are Living Armor Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From Them Like Nigga Touch The Door Haha

>tfw i literally had never used focused bolt for anything before the last two sections in BBI
>tfw reaching them and having to always have Holy Affinity on me for anything ever
>tfw multiple times you accidentally bring some random hired bitch that keeps supperceeding your Holy Affinity with some other garbage affinity
>proceed to throw that bitch down a cliff

>Farm wakestones in big hole
>Give them to a pawn that wants them
>Progress to the ending
>Or don't and keep farming your ass out, wakestones sell for pretty good cash and big hole never runs out of them. Just sleep, go back and everything's respawned including chests.

Its not rocket science.

Man I loved the Everfall as a concept, big end game dungeon just opening up in city like that, one of the coolest things I've seen in vidya, would've made for an amazing event in an MMO.

The amount of time I spent raging over my and others pawns not giving me the fucking buffs when I need them man....

How the fuck is it so hard to get my pawn to just fucking spam it on me, I couldnt manage even with wiki+potions and even mimicking.

Is where any story events after that?

My experience with this game was very up and down at first. The first time I played it I was heavily unimpressed as I played warrior (I know.) solely, and my pawns just spouting shit all the time made me want to jump down a cliff. I expected Dark Souls and wound up getting PSO mixed with it.

I then played Dark Arisen version later on, with no expectations but to see the game on its own, switched to playing mage/sorc/assassin and took it more chill.
And you know what? This shit actually rocks. Specially the DLC. I actually felt like the DLC was closer to Dark Souls than many areas of Dark Souls 3 were, funnily enough. The vibe and the music and the design all felt very awesome.

Take the game on its own merit and you'll have a blast.

Protips: You can grab NPCs and fling them around. This includes throwing annoying people down a cliff. Will get you jailed if not careful... but worth it.

There is an NPC that can make copies of items. There are many quests that ask you to bring items back to the NPCs.
Now what would happen if you brought a fake copy?
You can.

Addendum: Make sure to troll the NPC that asks you for a particular magic book and watch it blow on your face later on.
>mfw the game actually remembered me doing that

Once you hand the 20 Wakestones, you'll cross the point of no return.

Just remember, when all seems hopeless and locked, kill yourself.

No. It boots you to NG+. Be sure to do the DLC BEFORE you turn in 20 mcguffins.

If you give the wakestones to slut pawn you automatically enter the ending sequence which is mostly on rails. You can lose to the "last" boss if you just stand there pressing nothing for a good 2hours I guess, you're supposed to win it.

After that, well, you'll figure it out by yourself. Check your inventory carefully.

>So let me just not use Holy Affinity on you.
>Proceeds to stand in corner casting Anodyne

Thanks Mage AI.

Wait, wait, wait.

What DLC? Where?

Head back to Cassardis at night and talk to the chick at the pier.

So, Sup Forums

How did you like your deep makeout session with the armorsmith beardy midget?
Just like you always wanted.
I am sure that's what you meant to get when you gave that ring to the wandering vendor slut after all.
Anime sparkles and all.

Thanks, bro :ะท

Every fucking time.
And ranger damage is night and day without or with the buff.

I've literally went mage and did like 30 battles with my reseted/defaulted pawn and did nothing in each just affinity spells.
Still not much has improved - or when it has they unlearn it in an hour of gameplay.

>tfw when theres no brine close enough

Dark Arisen is the DLC. Well, technically it's not a DLC. It's an expansion pack bundled with the game, because they couldn't fit the DLC into the base game without disassembling it first.
It's included in DDDA by default. Purple circle on the map. It's endgame content though. And it also has its own post-game mode after you beat it once, with some extra story bits.

It doesn't really get good until post-game.

Did you never think to investigate that purple mark on your map that's always been there?

Let's not forget the times where the AI gets like three different affinities and there's multiple monsters with different weaknesses on the same battle so it just casts a random one and assumes you'll be fine.
Specially hellish in the area right before Daimon when the cursed dragon randomly shows up and starts fighting the other pawns in the area.


press right or left on your d-pad

That's very misleading user.

What level did you guys do BBI at?
Even after beating the game and farming everfall just a bit it wrecks my butthole around lvl 50-60

This vermin is allowed in sports now? Fucking revolting.

The commands are the worst fucking thing user - yes I can force her to buff me, but it'll INSTANTLY fuck up their role or affinity or whatever the fuck the name for those were.

The more you use the commands the more retarded they start acting in mid-combat, trying to help you and shit

>Specially the DLC. I actually felt like the DLC was closer to Dark Souls than many areas of Dark Souls 3 were, funnily enough. The vibe and the music and the design all felt very awesome.
tfw entering midnight helix for the first time

>playing Sorcerer in BBI
>see this
>what do?

I don't care what I'm playing. I'm not dealing with that shit.

I think I might replay it. Last time around, I focused almost entirely on Strider, Ranger, and Mystic Knight.

What should I aim for this time? Physical (Fighter, Warrior, Assassin) or magical (Mage, Sorceror, Magic Archer)?

Also can't remember what the deal was with height/weight. Like, you ran faster the taller you were, and carried more the heavier you are, but your stamina would burn through faster and recover slower if you were heavier too? No clue what's good there.


Assassin is the most fun I've personally had.

Warrior and do nothing but spam jump attacks and the charge up attack.

>the moment one of your pawns casts an AOE when the mages start shooting down at you and it hits the giant once and you die internally and freeze on the spot unknowing of your fate

>To arms Arisen! Gorecyclops!
>It broke free of its chains!
>*jungle drums kick in*

What's the problem? As warrior you can't even harm their second form you pussy.

You can actually lure them up to where you are and they'll fall off trying to get to you. Like 6 lifebars in fall damage every time, the absolute mad men.

>What's the problem? As sorcerer you can't even harm their first form you pussycat.

Played the original on 360, then bought DA as well.

I gotta admit it's one of the best experiences I've had last gen, performance aside it was totally still amazing.

It being on PC now with nicer graphics just sweetens the deal.

Also, wolves hunt in packs.

Sorcerers actually have a few spells that deal partial physical damage. Gicel shattering does, for example, and can even rip up golems that are completely immune to magic.

>that room with two chained GC
>if one of them happens to break free, his retarded flailing can actually hurt the other chained one enough to make him break free
>nope the fuck out and never come back

Guys I'm new to this game, where do I get better weapons? I'm lvl50 and I've been using the magic bow I've bought from Gran Soren for the last 25 levels, I only find maces and bashing weapons in chests. I'm just wandering about most of the time doing side quests, also where do I spend a lot of money? I have 1m+ and only found an arrow thing that was 300k everything else is ~10k

Defeat the dragon to get the dragon bow, then go to BBI. Money you need to enhance your gear.

>not going on to kill it anyway and use 15 wakestones, a pawn, and several stat boosters in the process

soulflayer canyon usually has the next "upgrade" for you