What multiplayer shooter is everyone playing...

What multiplayer shooter is everyone playing? I'm been having fun with Day of Infamy but I'm looking for more games to play. I don't really like Overwatch...I prefer the older school shooters, realistic shooters are fine too.

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Is black ops 2 still alive? What about World at War?

Get into squad user it's the shit if you have a mic. Community isn't too bad frankly.

I heard it's still very broken?

I'm playing dirty bomb for fps and dota 2/chivalry medieval for comfy gameplay. I want battlefield but my pc is a potato

Bf4 severs are still full.

I'm on ps4

Squad, red orchestra 2/rising storm, and titanfall are the only MP shooters I play besides overwatch

I haven't played any multiplayer in a long time, but check out Urban Terror.

Arma 3.

I'm playing BRINK

Just kidding, no one plays Brink

Community is absolute trash though, but it's been like that for 17 years

>check out Urban Terror.
I want my 30 seconds back.

Rainbow Six: Siege

It's pretty fun. Worth it.
Netcode could use some work.


Last time I played that most of the servers were infested with retards and people just ran around staring at the floor doing overheads.

It was a lot better before when people just fought eachother.

Halo 5 custom games. You should see some of the shit they have


Well because doing the latter is the best thing unfortunately.

If you can't ballerina you get rekt.

Natural Selection 2 it is a dope ass game but it only has 100-200 players at once.

Like it's an alpha but for an alpha it's fucking incredible. Well worth the money and time. Every game feels different and you never play each round the same. Very immersive and tactical.

everyone was crashing constantly after last update. they released a hotfix today and I only crashed once in 5 hours of gameplay.

Otherwise the game plays fun and is a blast.

Play duels if you want a pure 1v1 skill based battle

It's where the pros hang

Your loss.

OP here I just got squad, will try out today.

Rainbow six siege is pretty fun but sometimes there's some serious bullshit

1v1s are still filled with people spinning and shit.

Anyone wanna play with me add me:


From europe though. Have a mic.

It'll take a while before you get the flow of things with other players listen to to your squad leader as much as possible and communicate within your squad. You'll have a good time.

Anyone trying out Goldeneye Source?

Git gud faggot

Spinning is more of a trick than an advantage

dirty bomb

Great game, just not having enough playerbase and devs are too busy on Gears of War 4

im waiting for this game to get a playerbase going.

fps is fucking dead

Squad sure is crashing a lot

Angels fall first is pretty fun these days, it's improved a lot.

TF2 and Overbotch.

as far as recent ones go the only one i've gotten in to is squad, still waiting for that to reach a more finished state though.

BF4 until BF1 comes out.