No Man’s Sky, in its current state, reminds me of vanilla Destiny in many ways. The world is there...

> No Man’s Sky, in its current state, reminds me of vanilla Destiny in many ways. The world is there, as are the game’s basic mechanics and gameplay loop. We know what it is, but what we don’t know is what it could be. No Man’s Sky has plenty of room for additional mechanics and interactions with the vast galaxy itself, not to mention the controversial topic of interacting with other players. It doesn’t sound like it will be long until new content is released for the game.

He's right, lads. People were poo-pooing Destiny when it first came out as being barebones. Now after some expansions, it's widely loved. The same will be true for No Man's Sky. Give it a year and it will be a fully fleshed out game that will go down as a classic. So cool your jets and chill out.

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I thought NMS was the new Dark Souls.

The MASSIVE difference is that Destiny is a MMO while NMS is a single player game. Legit legal concern, what happens to the people that bought the game for the "free DLC" updates?

>who the fuck wrote this shit?
>google the article
>by Ben Kuchera

That fucker has written 5 articles defending NMS in a week. What the fuck is going on? All the vidya sites were spouting the NMS press releases to hype up the game. Now that the lies have been exposed, they're saying "it's a small studio, give them time, they didn't really lie they were just a bit ambitious" and other shit to defend the game.

Other than Sup Forums, it's pretty much just reddit and some youtubers taking NMS to task for their bullshit. Fucking redditors are doing better vidya journalism than actual paid vidya journalists. What the fuck?

>yes yes sean lied
>but in 365 days it'll be fun, so chill out!

You're retarded

>sean lied

No, he didn't.

Prove to me sean lied?

Multiplayer not working still? Or has it been removed.

Sean get back to work on fixing your piece of shit game.

Welcome to the wonderful world of journalism. If you call something an opinion piece you can blatantly shill whatever you want.

Say that to my face ben

he said "interact with other players" in multiple interviews
the box even says its an online game

They covered that with a sticker so it doesnt count

And now you understand why Gamergate started.

>Now after some expansions, it's widely loved.
By what metric?
It hasn't generated any big buzz in ages, its new youtube videos have a fraction of the views the older ones had, to my knowledge the player base continues to shrink, or am I wrong?

>a redditor takes the time to research and list out every promised feature in NMS that isn't in the game
>no vidya journalist did this
>no vidya journalist even bothers to corroborate the list to see how accurate it is
>instead they write defense pieces

Why are we cursed with the worst journalist/media corps in any industry? Fucking sex toys have better journalists and blog sites.

>16 players at once

Why? Because games journalism is easy to get into, and two of the biggest sites are owned by Gawker and Vox.

Nah, you're right.

Turns out most people don't like an FPS controlled by MMO logic that almost always invalidates the shit you worked your ass off not even three months after release.

Also you can't entice players with a barebones framework of a game and expect them to stick around as you add new features unless they were fanatics to begin with.

Destiny actually had gameplay though.

>Give it a year
But... It's already out.
Why is this allowed?

Sup Forums told me it's the new TORtanic

TORtanic bled money initially.

I'm pretty sure meme man's sky turned quite a profit.

In terms of how much it sucks compared to how hyped it was, I guess it's just about tortanic levels.

>All the vidya sites were spouting the NMS press releases to hype up the game. Now that the lies have been exposed, they're saying "it's a small studio, give them time, they didn't really lie they were just a bit ambitious" and other shit to defend the game.

The only gaming journalist i like thinks gaming journalism is a turd, shit profession and fucked up once again with NMS
I don't know how much of a cuck you have to be to both like being a gaming journalist and suck indie/publisher cock 24/7.
Those people have no fucking balls.

Destiny on launch
- tight gunplay
- bad story
- not much to do

Destiny now
- tight gunplay
- some stuff to do
- some better story bits

- "okay" looking stuff
- bad mechanics (inv, systems, etc)
- boring procedural

At least Destiny had good base gameplay right from the start

>He's right, lads.
no Ben you are not you pathetic autist
try harder with clickbait you worthless retard

16 players at once is a a massive multiplayer online.... compared to 1 player offline.
Fucking tard.

NMS the new Destiny kek.

This is my biggest issue, NMS has no solid core. There's nothing to keep you going. Even with more content there's nothing to keep you going.