People actually think this looks acceptable

>People actually think this looks acceptable

Graphics are important. They certainly don't have to be some powerful juggernaut, but your game has to be somewhat visually appealing, even if it's "bad, but so bad it's good". Anything. This game looks like fucking dog shit, it runs like dog shit and it still going fucking delayed so it'll look even WORSE when it releases

Other urls found in this thread:

Post the town pop in


Gameplay is more important than graphics though

This also looks fine.

The gameplay looks trash though. And it was shown to be a good looking game up until now.


That's some Xenoblade shit right here

This looks worse then RE5.

You're a retard. Everything is important. If you go out and make a really fun game but it looks like absolutely shit (I don't mean it's graphically weak, I mean visually is just plain unappealing) then you fucked up royally. You say "this looks fine". No, it doesn't. The game is not appealing, it's not colorful like it used to be and the game can't even render shit that's 2 feet infront of the main protagonist.

I see colourful and nice looking game right there, what are you even talking about? The gameplay is really good right now with the amount of weapons and spells you can use.

>The gameplay is really good right now with the amount of weapons and spells you can use.
Not really

>All those washed out colors
>What is contrast?
Go shill somewhere else.

When did XBX get a ps4 release


It's also the fact that so much of the game world looks incredibly bland. They tried to pump up the graphics and forgot the artstyle.

If you just showed me screenshots without telling me what game it was I'd literally never guess it was a FF title.

That looks alright to me. What am I supposed to be noticing?


nps pop in from 3 feet away

I want... that hat.


Honest questions, what is the problem with this? I only have a PS2 and my opinion is biased.

>Honest question*

>Xbox prompts


Capcoms engine for last gen was crazy for its time. The things they could do, and port performance with minimal effort were incredible.

>Xbox button prompts

maximum bait image


/fa/ here, it should be easy to find one online googling 'leather brim baseball cap'

Just bought it, thank you so much.

PS2 games will be more visually appealing than this game because developers had to put effort into artistically styling their games. XV was suppose to be on some in-house built engine which they significantly downgraded to function on consoles and now makes the game looks rancid. You have to keep up with the technology and when you don't, it sticks out like a sore thumb.

I don't really care for Noctis, but this is awesome.

It's funny because the best way to bag a woman is to act like this. This is all I did in college, and girls crushed on me hard core. The sad part is that I wasn't really joking because I didn't want a girlfriend back then.

If they can smell your desperation, you've already lost your chance.

>t-the ps4 will be great looking! hahaha....

so... this is... the power... of the wii...u


Thank you very much.

FFXV is really going to be a mess isn't it? A fucking titanic earthshaker of a blunder.

I mean holy fuck, this is shaping into a fucking textbook example of "Too many cooks spoil the broth.". Shit seems to be collapsing under its own massive weight.

It will take a fucking miracle for this game to be good.

legitemately regretting not getting a wii u for xXblade Xickles Xx this generation. it's the most visually appealing game i've this entire fucking rancid gen. but i reaaallly don't wanna shill out my hard earned sheckles on some dead console because of one good looking game


order a wii u on amazon, beat xcx, and send it right back

pee U has a couple of decent stuff on top of xeno x and backwards compatibility. Also pretty cheap.

I'm getting one for black friday, certainly fucking better than a PS4 at the very moment

I'd get it

ITT: People who don't know anything about game development think that you can have great graphics in an open world game because hardware limitations and disk space apparently don't exist anymore

>put all the effort into the main characters
>everything else looks like shit
>the inconsistency makes it look even worse

Good job lads.

It was pretty bland throughout but the fishing part really made it obvious how awful the environments look. The water is horrible. The fishing looks like shit too, they should've ripped off Yakuza's fishing.

But at least the combat looks significantly improved compared to the garbage platinum demo.

ITT defense drones going doopin' mental

what is witcher 3

It look like a bigger blunder than No Man's Sky.

>console exclusive
>acceptable graphics

yeah ok bud

RDR 360 has better graphics though, and not only are they perfectly acceptable they were fucking great for the time and platform and still hold up aside from the 720p thing which xbone might fix

>i'll pretend i know about something i don't know about

How well you can make an "open world" game look is all up to the competency of the programmers. You know they don't have to load the entire world at once, nor do they have to keep something for long after it is out of sight. It's just that most developers have no idea on memory management so they cop out.

Well, it's a bigger project-- bigger team, budget, time, franchise-- but No Man's Sky had massive advertising and hype. At worse FFXV will be yet another mediocre open world game that ocassionally drifts into cinematic KH oddness. It's not making frandiose promises about its content like NMS did, so I don't think it can be a bigger blunder given the scales of the different projects and whatnot.

and the gameplay is the one thing that looks even worse than the graphics.

i literally got sleepy watching that new gameplay video. the combat system is a boring piece of shit

Except the whole spell crafting system looks like an absolute chore.

Witcher 3 has less content than any final fantasy game silly.

>Implying defense drone
it's literally just the way it is. I won't get this game because I don't have a ps4 anyways, but all GTA games, RDR, etc all have graphics that are dated, same with fallout or other games that have an open world and enough content where some of the graphical details have to be sacrificed to make room for other shit.

Deny it all you want but it's literally how things work That's why an 8 bit game is like 80 mb where as a modern game is 40+ GB

Top: RPG

Bottlm: DMC for retards

the combat system LOOKS great, the problem is the controls and feedback didn't feel that great in the demo. to say it looks boring in the videos is disingenuous.

i heard the dude running ff15 basically admits that the ps4 is a shitbox in terms of performance and has held back development of the game and stripped it of assets.

It's true man I've been there too.

Acted like I didn't care hitches fell for it. Got closer with some and when I cared shit went down and they became degenerates

Sup defense force!

First readAnd now consider that GTA5 360 also has better graphics, on top of the 8th gen/PC port which is even better (you can remove 99% of the popin on the PC version while FF15 has popin 5 meters away!!!!)

And finally, there is no excuse, Witcher 3 is big, and isn't a HORRIBLE abomination graphically, not even on consoles, and it even got downgraded, but it still didn't end up as bad as this piece of insulting shit

I'm talking about mechanics. The entire combat system is on-rails and has very little rpg OR action mechanics.


Different time of town!

At first I was confused why SE would create all these crappy spin offs. Then it clicked.

>oh shit we forgot to write a story but we can't afford another year of delay
>no problem we'll shove all the story into movies and anime tie-ins so you can finally finish this fucking game
>won't our customers hate this?
>they'll be satisfied with MMO fetch quests and monster hunts

I hate it, it's going to be like the second half of FFXII where you're wandering with no real purpose for hours.

Please understand.

no one I know can fully maximize the settings of witcher 3 even after the downgrade so I don't know what people are complaining about.

Why do you only own a PS2, user?

I have a PC too, but I can't stand new games. I even tried to play Batman: Arkham Asylum and Fallout: New Vegas, but Batman was so easy and Fallout was so boring that I only played 30 minutes and went back to the PS2.

probably poor.

Really makes you think...

now this is just fucking depressing.
what happened to final fantasy versus XIII bros?
we deserved better right? fucking right??

>what is GTA V

Don't insult Xenoblade, please. And this game runs on a fucking upped GameCube.

It's a shame, but the biggest shame is how in denial these FF faggots are. They'll it this crap up and love every minute of it. I can only hope the majority of people shit on this game and the drones can go cry in some corner somewhere before blowing their own brains out.

What are those animations?

fantasy based on reality

It's like they wasted all the resources on the character models.

I guess there's a glimmer of hope left considering they pushed back release because they too thought Master Disc version looked like crap.

It can't be that hard to at least get the Episode Duscae graphics level in the final release, right?

i just really don't fucking care anymore.. i'm tired of this gen. i'm seriously considering devoting the rest of my days to being a retro faggot snob and playing all pc 98 weeb games and replaying the original monster hunter on the ps2 until i eventually just neck myself or something. i want off this ride. vidya isn't fun anymore.

They really didn't. The resources are there, we've seen them in previous trailers and the demos themselves. Console hardware just can't cut it at stable enough framerates, or at the very least they just haven't had enough time for optimization yet.

I hope those two extra months will suffice to get this stuff optimized to an acceptable level.

Are you retarded? Your screenshots are all photoshopped to improve colour, and the Wii U is more powerful than the PS3.

>shitty compressed yt screencap vs direct capture
every fucking time

That looks like a PS2 Neo title, fuck you tabata

yeah exactly + it feels slugish as fuck and not responsive at all

More clarity would only make the terrible lighting and shading more obvious, user.

The actual problem with the comparison is that the RDR one cherrypicked a sunset. But even so there's no doubt that FF15 looks pretty bad at this time.

That's literally an official screenshot from the official square enix press site. You can find it under the screenshots tab.


>Console hardware

When will this meme stop? It's pretty clearly the lack of talent from the devs that's the issue here, not the console.

Final Fanatasy 15? More like Anal Fantasy 15. Amirite guise? PogChamp BibleThump

There are other factors, but to deny it's a factor, while it's a major one, is just plain stupid.

>xbone buttons

I hope they give you a pair of glasses with the game, it's the blurriest mess i've seen in a while

A game that's PS4 version looks worse than XV on PS4.

Nomura-kun samefagging again.

>People actually think this looks acceptable

wow rude

Why does it look so...matte? It's like they deactivated 90% of the lighting and shadows.

Legitimately don't give a flying fuck about rock formations in the distance. Looks amazing in Uncharted 4 yet my focus is never on the horizon unless I'm stationary and looking right at it.

Graphics are important and have always been for a FF game. The reason is looks like shit it because they're no longer only showing corridors and fixed camera angles.

The game still looks like dogshit, even if it had the best graphics in the world.

let me guess you know all about that?

No it's shitty consoles.

the way how she moves is uncanny valley as fuck to be honest

ITT: people that dont own PS4's

Did he leave you a voice message or some shit?

This too.